Thursday, April 18, 2013

Random Photos Part Three

Two Doctors return for the anniversary episode of Dr. Who. It is going to be interesting to see how they write this.
Brandon Routh looks depressed because he has a tough time finding any work now, but had a gorgeous child. So smile.
Britney Spears at the Dodgers game with her sons.
Charlize Theron practices her backhand any chance she gets.
Diane Kruger with the most casual look I have ever seen on her body.
Anne Hathaway is late for her sailing class. Gilligan's Island reunion show?
Well, if there is one person who would like to see Jon Hamm's Hammbone, I'm guessing it is Elmo. Well, the voice of Elmo. Former voice of Elmo.
Jennifer Lopez walking the tough streets of Beverly Hills.
John Travolta with Kelly Preston looking like a Meg Ryan movie retrospective.


  1. Elmo shows what happens to you if you stare straight at the Hammaconda. Avert your eyes, lest you be turned to stone!

  2. Any fellow Whovians?!! I absolutely love this pic of Britney with her boys!

    1. Right here! David <333

    2. *raising hand* I say they're going to the alternate dimension where Rose and her Doctor live. I hope there are babies!!

    3. Right here! Love me some Who! Are you guys watching the new season? How do you like Clara so far?

    4. So excited about David tennant and Mat Smith together!! If they bring back Rose as well I'll probably explode

    5. Eeek!!! David Tennant ♥♥♥ so excited!!! I can't wait for this episode!

    6. Words cannot convey how much I adore the Tenth Doctor.

    7. LOVE IT!!! Saturday night is Who night in my house :) I think it'll be more to do with getting the doctor back in the history books since he was erased from it at the end of the last series (season for the US brethren :p hehe)

    8. Plus, not to nix the alter-ten & rose idea but he's wearing the suit!!! surely he would be wearing something else if he's the human doc, unless rose is into some kinky shit lol

  3. Did jlo decide to pull her curtains out of the windows and wear them as a dress and who is Brandon Roth.

  4. And there's Kelly...

    (but where's Shelly?)

  5. ...and I said to myself "Self...if there is a photo today of Kelly and John T...then that is the answer to the BV.

  6. The little one looks exactly like KFed when he was trying to be a rapper.

  7. multiple doctors... does that make it "Doctor Whom"?

  8. Yes, @Cassandra Kelly, Whovian here. Can't wait to see David Tennant again! I hear Rose is also making an appearance for the big celebration. Can't wait!

    1. It's going to be pretty awesome!

  9. Just started watching Dr Who and I love it!

    Hmm Charlize's caption seems like a reveal to me!

  10. David Tennant!!!!!!
    He should be featured in daily pics FAR more often!

    Britney looks very happy lately.

  11. Wouldn't Jon Hamm be a little too old and hairy for Elmo?

  12. Anonymous12:55 PM

    so many reveals, so little time. Kelly Preston, Charlize Theron... fancy seeing you here!

  13. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Indeed... Where is Shelly?

  14. Fellow whovians, all I can ask is Where's Eccleston?!

    1. @Megan. Not that I didn't love Eccleston, but where's Baker? You never fall out of love with your first Doctor. Jelly baby?

    2. Eccleston declined being a part of the reunion show.

  15. Haha Crila16. Pictured you saying in Bill Cosby's voice.

    The Travolta daughter is all grown up!

  16. Is that their daughter Ella Blue (or Bleu, whichever) with them? She's gotten so much older!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Not to split hairs here but it's Doctor Who, not Dr. Just sayin...

  19. Sorry need to clarify my comment. @Rejectedcarebare. It sounds like this is a reveal for the abusive adoption mom...

    1. I was thinking the AList actress who is into kink and her new bf doesn't mind.

  20. Oh, and Happy Birthday to David Tennant while we're at it. And yay they're finally do a little interview with Tom Baker for the airing of the Tom Baker episode. Yes, Jelly Babies all around. I wrote him a couple of years ago and he hand wrote me the nicest card back.

    1. Really Shopgirl? That's awesome. He seems like a sweet man.

  21. Okay, the Hammbone thing was funny.

    Brandon Routh was Superman. It was a huge deal, esp. because he looks a lot like Christopher Reeve. But the movie sucked and that was the end of that.

  22. Hmmm .. The first two travolta children look exactly alike .. This baby looks nothing like his siblings. Probably nothing to my speculation, but it struck me as curious.

    Diane , put some pants on. Your legs are nauseatingly thin.

    Charlize a baby beater? I don't buy it.

    Annie, you're not fooling anyone in that hat. Perhaps if you wore a different one form time to time you could play off the incognito thing.

  23. Ok, we officially need a Doctor Who thread! Yes, Ashlea, Tom Baker is incredibly sweet and kind to his fans (did any of you ever see the video he and his wife made for the fans where he interviews himself? Too funny. It's named after his not-so-great autobiography, Who On Earth is Tom Baker).

    As for new episodes... I like Clara (loved her as souffle girl) but the stories, so far, I thought were kind of boring. This week's looks good, though.

  24. Is Ella pregnant?

    I love Anne's dress.

  25. Fellow Whovian here! I like Clara, she seems sweet and feisty. Her first episode with the Doctor made me cry. I'm such a sentimental person, and I don't know if I could have given up those things.

    Also in her first episode, I must have missed that the book she held up was written by Amy Pond. Did anyone catch that?

  26. That doesn't look like Britney

  27. That doesn't look like Britney

  28. Diane looks like she could use a square meal.
    Britney looks cute with her boys,there.

  29. Ok, I'll say it: what the hell is that on Travolta's chin?

    1. Doo-doo-feces from his last victim

  30. Shopgirl - I'm so jealous! He's my favorite Doctor, followed by David Tennant.

    I loved David Tennant in the remake of Fright Night btw. I hope he gets more work, he's really awesome jawsome.

  31. Britney looks good. I want to slap that stupid bit of hair off Travoltas face!
    Off to have my morning coffee.....

  32. Yay, I love some Doctor Who to start my Friday! I am excited to see where we are taken this season. I'm warming to Clara but I think it's because it's so endearing to see the Doctor getting a bit flustered and shy. David Tennant is so talented, he's the reason Doctor Who has made it's way back to e bigger and better than before. I wasn't impressed by Ecclestone's Doctor.

  33. Excited about Dr Who also, but I was bummed that they aren't bringing Captain Jack Harkness(Hotness) back. I miss him an Torchwood so much. The real Torchwood, not that crap they played on Starz.

    1. @Bobbi. No Captain Jack = Major bummer. I will take Jack anyway I can get him, even that crap on Starz. *g* Now that I know he's on Arrow occasionally, I'm going to have to squeeze the kids out of the living room one night a week(or get them hooked on the DC Universe.)

  34. I hope that Sarah Jane (Elizabeth Sladen) gets a name check on the anniversary show - of the past companions (pre-reboot) she was always the one I loved, and I was sorry to hear she died.
    But I really want a Donna moment - gotta love Donna Noble...
    The Doctor: ...With Martha, like I said, it got... complicated. And that was all my fault. I just want a mate.
    Donna: You just want to mate?!
    The Doctor: I just want a mate!
    Donna: You're not mating with me, sunshine!
    The Doctor: A mate! I want a mate!
    Donna: Well, just as well, cos I'm not having any of that nonsense! You're just a long streak of nothing!

  35. I think it's a Charlize reveal but not about the adoptive mom - I read it as a reveal from yesterday (the day before) about Charlize and Seth MacFarlane and kinky sex.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. OK, I give up! I want to dive into Who. Where should I start though?? I remeber it usewwd to be on PBS when I was a kid and I just couldn't follow.

  38. There's Kelly! Dr. Who fans: should I start watching this on Netflix? Why?

  39. start watching Dr. Who on Netflix. Start with the Tom Baker version. Get hooked. Go from there.

  40. Travolta's landing strip. Oh my Lord. It's heinous.

  41. Eccleston's The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances was a brilliant Doctor Who episode but, yeah, Tennant was brilliant. Molto Bene

  42. I say for a younger newbie, start with Tennant, go back to Eccleston and then to Matt Smith...THEN the classics. The classics are very short on special effects it's hard to get past the hokiness of it all unless you grew up watching it or are a die hard fan.

    I hope we see Donna (my favorite companion) and Martha (my second fav) and if we see Martha, we likely get to see Mickey too. :)

    It's not that they didn't want Cap'n Jack, John Barrowman declined to be in the special.

  43. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Fellow Whovian here! So excited to see that Rose and Tennant (or as I call him, Converse) are coming back for the special. Rose is my absolute favorite, followed by Donna. I loved the episode at Pompeii!

  44. Anonymous6:22 PM

    @Disco, if I were Rose, I'd be into some kinky shit too.

    Does anyone else find it slightly odd that Tennant is married to Baker's daughter...and that *SPOILER* she played his daughter on the show? THAT seems like some kinky shit to me.

    1. Georgia Moffet is actually Peter ( Moffet) Davison's daughter. He is the fifth Doctor with the celery boutinier. I think it's kinda cute since David Tennant always wanted to be Doctor Who and now he's inextricably linked to it in more than one way.

  45. Brandon Routh reveal anyone?? Almost A list guy not getting any work????

  46. My heart still breaks for the Travoltas losing Jett.

  47. Routh would do better as model instead of an actor. He’s like a mannequin on screen. Dude is thick and slow moving, his eyes are lifeless and it’s tiresome to watch him trying to emote. Is he not blowing the right people? He should have recovered from Superman years ago and moved on to something else. There are plenty of no-talent hacks in big budget movies every day. It’s a shame because he’s in the same category as Julianne Hough. Pretty people who couldn’t carry a movie if their lives depended on it. Oh well, there are worse things in life than having a flat delivery and zero screen presence.

  48. Another Whovian here! Tom Baker was my first Doctor and I met him here in the US at a Con before Peter Davidson took over. Nicest guy ever! I always thought he'd be my favorite Doctor forever, but David Tennant edged him out with his complexity & intensity! Love what Matt Smith brings to the role, tho! Still not sure what I think of Clara.
    I'd have to go with @Lola's advice for newbies though. Unless you grew up on the meandering serial episodes with low budget and production values? Pre-Eccleston is almost like a different show entirely. But no one should miss the Master, K-9, Sarah Jane... And the days when the Tardis was far more temperamental than invincible!

  49. Another Whovian here! Tom Baker was my first Doctor and I met him here in the US at a Con before Peter Davidson took over. Nicest guy ever! I always thought he'd be my favorite Doctor forever, but David Tennant edged him out with his complexity & intensity! Love what Matt Smith brings to the role, tho! Still not sure what I think of Clara.
    I'd have to go with @Lola's advice for newbies though. Unless you grew up on the meandering serial episodes with low budget and production values? Pre-Eccleston is almost like a different show entirely. But no one should miss the Master, K-9, Sarah Jane... And the days when the Tardis was far more temperamental than invincible!

  50. for newbies, i'd say start with the eccleston version (FYI 900 year old guy, time traveller, a number of mortal enemies out there in the universe - thats about 40 years of catch up there), then tenant followed by smith.... if you enjoy go back and check out the old Doctor Who.

  51. Love David Tennant, can't wait for this episode!

  52. I love David Tennant!! For anyone starting the series, start with Tom Baker.

  53. I cannot believe I missed out on a semi Doctor Who thread!!! I am totally obsessed. Matt Smith makes my loins quiver (which is saying a lot, because 99% of the time I have absolutely no attraction to white men - after very traumatic experiences with my ex-husband). I have a total girl crush on River Song. When I think of Amy and Rory all I can think is POOOOONDS!

    ENTY CAN WE HAVE A WHOLE DOCTOR WHO THREAD???? Yes, I am yelling that from the roof tops!

    I have been so obsessed with the Jodi Arias trial that I've hardly been on any other sites. Is anyone else watching it? I'd love to have a thread for that too, if anyone is.

  54. Routh just looks sleep deprived to me.

  55. Tom Baker was also my first Doctor Who when I watched as a little kid. Bless PBS.
