Thursday, April 18, 2013

Rihanna Likes You Thinking She Is Pregnant

As much as the rest of the world probably hates the idea of Chris Brown having any children, especially a child with the woman he almost beat to death, Rihanna thinks it is a great idea for people to think she is pregnant. After taking a lot of flack for missing concerts and being hours late to the ones she does show up to and missing other events, what better way to make the world suddenly do a 180 and be your friend, then by telling the world you are pregnant. Rihanna has not said she is pregnant. She just has her people start spreading rumors about Rihanna being pregnant. Do that for a few weeks and it gets people to stop talking rehab and start talking about baby showers and getting you tabloid covers even if it is not true.


  1. Somebody tie her tubes. Stat!!!

  2. Apparently she overdosed on drugs yesterday. Her crew are trying to cover it up. She hasnt been on twitter too

  3. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Ooh! Dish it Karen! Where did you hear that? The overdose thing? Not that I'm happy she did, just haven't seen anything anywhere about it yet. I thought the same thing that she's trying to start baby rumors, when that pic was posted with her walking out of a doctors office, and she's covering her tummy. Pretty smart to stop the rehab rumors with a pregnancy rumor.

    1. Anonymous10:00 AM

      I think she heard it from blind gossip

  4. she is such a slag...sorry, but she is. I wish there was another planet we could rocket these two off to

  5. What drugs is she using? I thought she was just a big pothead and now she's overdosing? Yikes!

  6. Is she smoking while holding her tummy in this pic?

  7. She's a bigger POS than Chris Brown IMO.

  8. Her, Chris Brown and Justin Beiber are perfect examples of why I will never allow my children to be in show business. Douchebags all around.

  9. she supposedly OD'd on like saturday or sunday mediatakeout has the blind item on it.

  10. "Timothy Leary, dearie"

  11. @Erika - Seeing your comment makes me realize why internet access isn't for everyone. Just because you read stuff about certain people, it doesn't make it true.

  12. She has a sucker in her mouth. People were speculating that it was an anti-nausea sucker for pregnant women. More likely it's a weed sucker.

  13. Or maybe, just maybe it's a good ole fashioned lollipop.

  14. @Mildred. You might be in the wrong place sweetie. This is a GOSSIP website. By it's very nature it is speculation and innuendo. It's not meant to be taken as factual reportage, it's just a bunch of people having some fun - well, trying to anyway.

    I know that life isn't a bag of Skittles for you, what with your brat daughter killing your no-good husband, but lighten up sweetie :-)

  15. Yeah yeah it's GOSSIP site but some are not just speculating but stating things as if they are FACTS. So I guess it's NOT just me taking this so seriously, Sweetie.

    Anyway read elsewhere that Rihanna seems to be cancelling the shows that haven't sold well. Don't know how true that is though. So, she loves some weed, loves a drink, has appalling time keeping and has cancelled some shows (Some facts. Imagine that). None of that tells me this is a woman who necessarily has addiction issues and needs rehabilitation. So with regards to Enty's hysterical reporting we will have to wait and see how it pans out for the girl. Oh and I surely hope she is not carrying a mini Chris Brown. Goodness, no. Lol.
