Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Sean Lowe's Girlfriend Spends Her Time Getting Wasted In Bars

So far this Wednesday morning it has been a slow week for the tabloids. In case you are not familiar with the tabloid system, Wednesday is when they release the good stuff. It is the day when they release a little bit of a story to get you excited to buy it Friday when it hits the newsstands. You know it is going to be a boring cover week when the biggest thing Star has been able to muster this far is a story about Sean Lowe. Well, not even him, his fiancee. It is not even all that juicy. Apparently while Sean is out practicing for Dancing With The Stars every night, his girlfriend Catherine Giudici has been touring all of the Hollywood bars and has managed to get falling down drunk in most of them. Hey, at least she sobers up for the tapings on Monday and Tuesday afternoons.


  1. I don't watch the bachelor or dwts, but from everything i've read about him (on this website), i'm guessing the booze are the only thing making it tolerable to be with him.

  2. Have you seen the state of Hollywood bar bathrooms at night? You need to be falling-down drunk in order to brave going in there!

    1. @VIP
      LOL. It's the only place in the world, where I am just nonchalant about all the drunk girls who bust into the men's room while you're peeing - because they can't be bothered to wait for the ladies room. It is such a normal occurrence I don't even blink anymore. Nightclub/Bar bathroom in Hollywoodland = at least one group of ladies will bust in on you while you pee.
      Oh, I amend that it happens late night in Manhattan also...

    2. @Xander I will only go to Saddleranch for brunch. I went there once at night and I'm still scarred by what I saw in the bathroom (and none of it involved drugs)!! You couldn't pay me to go into those restrooms at night, even with a hazmat suit on!

    3. @feraltart said "Xander, in Australia there are always women going into the men's toilets. Concerts, pubs, sporting events. My husband has lost count, doesn't mind either."
      I haven't been to Australia yet, so now I know that's normal there. ;-)
      But in the Hollywood bathrooms, sometimes it feels like the ladies are doing THIS (clicky link here)

  3. Poor thing, she totally bought into the fairy tale, but reality has really smacked her around. Heck having to deal with mr wonderful would make me drink like a fish too.

  4. I feel like drinking (more) just having to watch him on DWTS.

  5. If we know, Sean knows. They'll never make it to the altar, not that the odds are ever good for any final match to get that far.

  6. She looks like she'd be fun to party with! :)

  7. As others said, she probably needs the alcohol to put up with him!

  8. Anonymous7:51 AM

    I swear she reminds me of Demi Lovato. Being with a closeted homosexual egomaniac attention/fame whore would make any girl want to drink.

  9. I feel like Mike Fleiss the creator of the Bachelor is holding a gun to these people heads to not break up until their 15 minutes of intrest is up.

    These two look miserable together.

  10. Is she related to gorilla head?

    We have actually watched DWTS recently due to there being a pledge drive on PBS. (Opster just wants to see the hot girls in skimpy costumes.) Can't believe
    how far Andy Dick has made it. He seems like he's really trying very hard to prove something to himself. I really pray this is a come back of sorts for him. He's funny when he's sober.

    Uhm, Sean who?

  11. Uh if it's salacious gossip to stumble out of bars drunk I hereby place myself in the blind gossip hall of fame.

  12. "Nope spends her time getting wasted in bars" too!

  13. Good for her...she's not getting any and he's focused on his "career", if she needs to kill time then amen

  14. Xander, in Australia there are always women going into the men's toilets. Concerts, pubs, sporting events. My husband has lost count, doesn't mind either.

  15. Who the fuck is Sean Lowe?

  16. Meh. She has good hair, though!

  17. Oh god, who cares? She doesn't have to work, is in Hollywood for awhile, and has nothing else to do so she parties. Big freaking deal, is this seriously news??!!
