Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Two Months After being Fired - Khloe Kardashian Is Officially Fired From X Factor

Apparently yesterday, FOX announced they were not renewing the contract of Khloe Kardashian. Considering this was already talked about and written about over two months ago, this seems to be a waste of time. Khloe even Tweeted that she was gone way back in February. Maybe FOX wanted to sink the knife in just a little deeper. I think what really got their goats so to speak is that Kris Jenner was apparently making some last minute push for FOX to drop Mario Lopez and add another Kardashian sister to the lineup so there would be two bad co-hosts. So far, it is just going to be Mario. I also heard that Alec Baldwin's wife has a shot at the job which is why she is running around doing so much reporting.


  1. Hiiillaarrriiiiaaa!

  2. Hiiiillllaaarrrriiiaaa!!!!!

  3. This must be the post where we talk about the Steubenville coach having his contract renewed?? The two players received one and two year sentences for rape and spreading it all over the internet. Gross miscarriage of justice. Petition to have him fired now on change.org.

    1. Good god. They say the extension was for his "administrative duties", not football coaching, as he's in yr 3 of 5 of that contract. How absolutely disgusting! Nice to see they've learned nothing, and still value a sport over morals, ethics, and someone's life. Thank you for mentioning this, I hadn't heard about it otherwise.

  4. Ugh. PMK is so friggin delusional. Khloe is the only interesting child she has. The rest of them have 0 personality. Mario is the worst. It was awesome when he would try to do math on live TV, though.

  5. I can't believe Kris Jenner's nerve. May her upcoming talk show get cancelled in record time. It would serve her right.

  6. I was all for giving Khloe a chance but she was glaringly bad last season--she had trouble working in synch with Mario and could barely read the teleprompter.

    I don't think this is her talent--she needs to get some experience on something smaller and improve her skills. It is probably hard to start on a major show and to not have the ability to do it well.

  7. she never should have been hired...

  8. She's just not good. When she was on fashion police she would spend half the time laughing very loudly at everyone else's comments. It was really distracting.

  9. She is still a pioneer for the transexual community regardless.

  10. GOOD. Fuck her, and all the Kardashian/Jenner/Odoms. May the all DISAPPEAR.

  11. How is she or ANY of the Kardashians qualified to host a show ??

    Except for Kim being a porn star, what have any of them really done ?? Just because your infamous does that make you talented ??

    The day that we no longer hear about the Kardashians, the Hiltons, the Simpsons, and most importantly the Lohans will be a wonderful one.

    1. +1 Here here Jimmy. Well said

  12. I don't care about Khloe, however, I'm totally sick of these women who marry wealthy and powerful men suddenly becoming celebrities with TV shows/publishing deals/record contracts:

    Hello, Mrs. Seinfeld?

    Hello, former Mrs. Billy Joel? (Not Christie--the one after her.)

    Hello, Desi Arnez?

  13. poor khloe. i remember that first day as 'host' w/ mario...mega sheer blouse showing all the goods, and screech and screamy enunciation. it was so sad. the poor girl's delivery was a literal scream during the first 45 min of the show. incredibly painful to watch, plus i think mario was embarrassed that she made him look fun-size.

    well, onward, khloe. you're the only likeable one of your klan. go do something w/ that.

  14. pookie- all those women need speech and eloqution lessons. other than that, hey she tried it, didnt work, shes still loaded, no harm, no foul.

  15. Well, not a fan of nepotism so I'm not sure that Hilaria should be getting jobs just for being married to a Baldwin. That being said... AT LEAST she is trying to get a bunch of experience now before trying to host a national show. It's not much, but it's at the very least better than anything Khloe did to get ready for that job.
