Friday, May 10, 2013

Blind Item #3

This former almost A list mostly movie actor who does not really do anything now because his franchise has ended and his career has been a flop post-franchise has been seeing someone new. What started out as an hourly relationship has turned into our actor buying his new man a condo and trying to visit a few times a week without getting caught. I don't know why he won't come out already. He would clear up about 10 blind items if he did.


  1. Anakin Skywalker. Dude found a magic lightsaber I guess. He must love feeling the Force flow through his mouth and down his chin. To each there own.

  2. So, you heard about this one? Hayden Chrispenson loves playing with light sabers.. ya know what I mean? He was in that Star Fights movies. Anyway, he likes hanging out with Boys II Men. They have good music!

  3. Taylor Lautner? I have no idea.
    I don't think it's Matt Damon. He's been working pretty steady.

  4. Count got it. IMO.

    1. Hi Libby! I was going to stay out of this mess of trolls but that's what they want. So as a long time reader and recent poster I want to thank you for all of your fun contributions.

    2. Ditto. We have your (virtual) back, Libby.

    3. Me too Libby!

      On a side note where has VIP been all morning??

    4. VIP has been gone for a while. I used to look for her at the top of every blind, she always got them. I made a joke the other day about her being with Agent**It and Shelley (was it Agent**It who always said "where's Shelley?"). I think the CoS bought out CDAN and the posters are disappearing. (CoS, I love you and always will. Please let me stay! Please!)

      Is anyone on the forum? I thought that's where everyone went but it's like the dead zone.

    5. What's the CoS?

    6. Seriously, I don't recognize these names! Libby, Lotta, Count, Katydid, anna nonymous, this is freaking me out! New people and trolls I understand but where is everybody else!?

    7. Me too Libby! These people are ruining my day hahaha

    8. Just wanted to chime in! I haven't been here for long but I love CDAN has kind of ruined it for me too haha. What have you done to deserve this Libby?!

      It's kinda scary too, I'd much rather prefer it to be several assholes than just one - THAT would be fucked up. So much effort for something so stupid!

    9. D'oh! *This!

  5. Isn't Matt Damon an A, though?

  6. Taylor Lautner for the win

    1. Agree as a longtime lurker and occasional poster I just want to thank enty and the regular commenters (is that even a word) but you guys crack me up every morning and keep me awake :-)

  7. Okay, I love the entyonamobile troll. I know who his blind is about!

  8. Doesn't he say explicitly that it's not Hayden?

  9. Rachel Bilson's boyfriend

  10. Taylor L.

    Lololololol @ entyonamobile! That's really funny.

  11. Ladies, I'm leaving for awhile! Never surrender.

    1. Never will. Thanks Libby!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Don't let them chase you off girl. Fuck theses lames. We all know who the real community of cdaners are. I might be fairly new to posting but I've been reading for awhile. I got your back ninja :-)

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Anonymous9:45 AM

      But I need the pit

    7. There u are! Don't go away Libby! Your comments are always so funny. These trolls are just idiots who want to ruin it for everyone. I, for one will not allow them to affect me. And u shouldn't either! ;-)

  12. LOL I guess they probably do.

  13. Amber - I agree about Damon. And post-Bourne films include Ocean's Thirteen, Invictus, True Grit and The Informant!

    The Liberace flick, while for HBO, should be a hit critically.

    Lautner for sure.

    Have a good afternoon Libby, hopefully this will be cleaned up soon.

  14. I remember when Matt Damon was voted People's Sexiest Man Alive-drove some people crazy. He is perfect as Jason Bourne.

  15. Lautner and Hayden would both fit, but I'm liking Hayden more for this one.

  16. I think it's Taylor Lautner too

  17. Toss up between lautner and Anakin. Neither has had a career lately.

  18. Anyone else find themselves not even reading the posts and skipping straight to the comments?

    1. Lol @ Karrots! I'm kind of amazed.

    2. They're so organized! Like a planned massive attack!

    3. @Karrots - Sadly, I am.

    4. @Karrots, I feel a little guilty that I'm kinda amused. I guess someone really doesn't want to work this Friday.

    5. Meeeeeeeeeee! And finding myself compelled to comment more than I usually do

    6. Anonymous2:06 PM

      Ive found it a blast personally, but I have a sick twisted sense of humour.

  19. It be all crazy up in this bitch today!

  20. Um... burrito. idk, I guess the Hayden Christensen guess is good right?

    Someone was supposed to come out of the closet from the Twilight set, but I don't know why that hasn't happened yet. (got someone in the know from the movies)

  21. tired of pseudo-hip sex porn talk. not the place for it.

  22. @Dewie - I'd watch a Liberace movie. Although Matt Damon is one of those celebs I irrationally dislike.

  23. wtf.... these trolls. lol

    this blind: it seems too soon to be lautner. breaking dawn 2 premiered less than a year ago.

    maybe shia?

  24. The trolls aren't even funny which is sad. I've read some hilarious trolls before.

  25. No Karrots, because that is a waste of CDaN. The readers are what make this place, but where would we be without Enty? Celebitchy? Fuck those hausfraus. DListed? Hale no. ONTD? More like STFU.

    WE LOVE YOU, ENTY!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Dlisted is funny though

    2. Dlisted is my #1, then Cdan for the juice. That's my daily routine when surfing the interwebs... I've never laughed out loud (literally) more than when I'm reading something by Michael K... some true gems have been written there!

    3. I agree! I read Michael K for the laughs, and CDAN for the scoop and random photos

    4. I have same routine when I wake up. Delisted makes me laugh.

  26. And don't go to TMZ. If you're not in the "In crowd" they will bash on you til you wish you never joined.

    Some of the posters there posted up some of my personal information. It was effing scary.

  27. trolls aren't on the cdan forum though. lets chat there.

  28. I'm leaning toward Lautner for this one.

  29. This is totally Martin Lawrence. When I worked with him on Big Mommas house 2 he was a complete homo. That franchise is over now (serves them right for not having me in BMH3) this is totally him.


  31. It's a big world out there and 98% of us do our best to live in it. Sure, we enjoy our gossip and Internet surfing, but eventually...we turn off our computers and go out. Phones get left in purses, pockets, or facedown on the dinner table as we talk to real life people.

    Life is short. I hope everyone who is wasting time trolling here goes out and experiences the actual world.

  32. Blind Item #3

    A troll is a troll. Not the kind of troll you find under a bridge or the kind of troll you stick on the end of your pencil and spin between your hands to make his hair stick out all crazy like. This is a different kind of troll. The one that won’t go away no matter how much you ignore it. He makes many claims about how he really feels about certain races, genders and sexual preferences. What nobody knows is that he is gay himself. Oh did I mention he likes his play rough? Lindsay or Hayden have nothing on this troll. His curiosity runs rampant. His favorite type of plain and pleasure? Let’s just say it involves a double ended dildo. Yep, you heard it hear first. This gay bashing troll secretly enjoys Ass to Ass. This will be revealed.

  33. @f281561: Yeah, cops are really going to bother with it. Saying you are going to "break" someone, is so vague and if it is a one time thing, they will probably not even bother w/ the paperwork involved in filing a complaint.

    "Officer, 2 armpits are warring via a gossip blogs comment section. One threatened to break the other. I fear for the friendly armpit's life."

    I'd put my money on the complainant being held on a 5150, rather than the evil armpit being having their door kicked in and being arrested.

    1. Armpit abuse is never ok. I think there's a hotline to be called :)

    2. Are you in CAHOOTS with the trolls??

    3. Me?? No! I just got ticked off at them and spouted my virtual mouth off. I love this site and have never seen an attack like this. It was weird. Don't get the hate. When I don't like a site I just don't read it.this is the only site I comment on.

    4. Anonymous9:48 AM

      I want to see a armpit wrestling match. Pitt 2 pitt. That's hot

  34. @Amber, I used to irrationally dislike Damon but he's kind of grown on me. I'm looking forward to that movie - even if it is terrible, it should at least be a fantastic campfest.

    Cecilia, I agree with you as well. It never fails, whether it is CNN, Huffington, Gawker or here, people who are severely challenged to find something constructive to do with their lives spend their time creating sock puppet accounts and posting non-sequiters ad infinitum just because.

  35. @Dewie - I honestly think it's because his character in Good Will Hunting is such a dick (obviously I understand why). That, and The Talented Mr. Ripley. He just always has this kind of annoying, jerky smirk! He could be the greatest guy in the world tho LOL

  36. @f281561, I think the Enties removed some of the posts. Otherwise wouldn't it have a "deleted by author" message?

    1. I dunno. I was just getting ticked. Shouldn't have let it but it was getting annoying.

    2. You are right, when you delete it says deleted by poster. My bad.

  37. Holy cow. Went back and read the "tv host" blind and I see the 'trolls'. Geez.

    Libby - hang tough!

  38. Karen, I think you're right.

  39. @Amber, GWH definitely affected how I felt about him early on - the Oscar, the massive Boston obsession with him and Affleck was just unbearable. They've both carved out quite impressive careers since then, and I think that's why I actually like and root for them now. Damon also lives a fairly low-key life, which makes him seem grounded in spite of all the celebrity.

    Of course, Team America wouldn't have been the same without him either *g*

    (But the Boston Media Boner for them is still annoying!)

  40. I picture 3 pimply-faced 13 year old boys hanging out with their i-pads getting off on all the times they type "ass to ass" and link to who knows what. They'll eventually get tired or bored or one of their mom's will make come to the table for grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup. Thanks for the laughs, kiddos!

  41. I'm liking the Lautner and Hayden C guesses. Martin Lawrence might fit too, that's an interesting guess.
    Not Damon, his career is fine, and I'm pretty sure he's straight.

  42. Or they're a couple of stoner frat boys still partying from last night. They'll pass out eventually.

  43. Anonymous9:21 AM

    I like the Hayden C guess, he was photographed going in to and later coming out of an Asian massage parlor? Could be Lautner too, but I doubt he has condo and hooker money from Twilight still.

  44. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Luke... come to my dark side...

  45. Anonymous9:23 AM

    What happened to the Entyonamobile blind?? Did it get deleted? I guess that blows my theory that it was Enty out of the water! I wonder why they would do that? Just Curious is usually a lot more offensive than that pseudo blind was.

  46. @Dewie - LOL Every time I have to say "Matt Damon" I say it like in Team America! My BF rolls his eyes at me because he really likes Damon. Hahahaha

  47. I think "hourly relationship" is a clue for Hayden's habit of going to massage parlors.

  48. Best day ever!!! Finally the sun comes out! Can I get on this party bus?

  49. MOOOOOOOOOshki (aka Mary) will save you! Just as soon as she's done licking Enty's boots clean.

  50. @f28, I think some comments might be removed by a site admin. On the newer posts, the first few comments I saw (definitely trolls) are now totally erased.

  51. VIP is still here, she/he comments regularly. and the trolls.....annoying but they will get bored and go away if we ignore them.

  52. Ms. Snarky! And after you let me sniff your armpit! I'm shocked... Please don't ignore me--I might cry...My probate lawyer ignores me.

  53. @Boxes, it was Agent **it who always asked about me. I really appreciate it, too, Agent! I was afraid that people would forget about me after I disappeared.

    1. We will never stop searching for you Shelly.

      Where are you???

  54. Have sales gone up yet? I'm working my ass2ass off reading TMZ, People Magazine, and watching Entertainment Tonight for all of you! It's hard setting my blog to post story after story every 15 minutes. Sometimes I don't even have time to read them! 20,000 Twits yet??? I need moar moar moar

  55. Taylor still lives with his parents. I highly doubt he's buying "his man" a condo when he hasn't even gotten himself one.

  56. The CoS is the Church of Scientology. My husband David is the leader--don't get that guy angry, though! You redecorate one fucking office and suddenly you're sent to Nevada and have to live in a 50sq.ft. room.

  57. I am just getting to reading the comments and I haven't seen and Entyonamoble posts but people have referred to them. I feel cheated!!!Enty never deleted the most heinous comments before and now he is? That sort of pisses me off. Either make a policy and stick with it or let the posts stand.

    I want my Entyonamobile!

  58. How come no one guessed Harry Potter?

  59. Enty deleted the truth. He can do it. He works in probate. He has a signed Amber Tamblyn book, for crying out loud!

    1. Canopener, what is with your love for Amber Tamblyn? It's funny I guess but seems random. I'm just curious. :-)

  60. Not mine. It's not even a good gossip day. I'm outta here.......

  61. Sigh - between all the juvenile inside jokes and porn conversations, I had already dropped this site from a first thing in the morning read to a check when I have already read other sites. After this today, I don't know.... I really want to like this site, but it has been very, very hard lately.

    1. Hold on SeaChica, this too will pass.

    2. @cleodocat, Seachika isn't just saying today has been different, she's saying that this comment board has gone downhill recently. And I agree. The stupid non-jokes are making this comment board boring, and what's the point of reading blind items without then discussing (or just reading) the possible answers? Having a comment board full of boring makes reading the blinds pointless. Which is why I'm not reading CDaN as much any longer.

  62. maybe Lautner...why is Matt Damon's name even coming up??

    1. @ktv rumor has it has a latin boyfriend. I dont believe t watever.

  63. I don't know why this garbage is even being addressed. Attention = fuel.

    On to the blind. 3 celebs I can think of with burned out careers post franchise: Hayden C, Orlando Bloom, and Taylor Lautner.

    My guess is Orlando Bloom but Hayden C makes a lot of sense. I just don't even know why he'd be a subject of a blind anymore. Hayden's career has been pretty boring.

    1. @Smokey772: I like the Orlando Bloom guess. Makes complete sense. Might explain why he hasn't left Miranda Kerr yet despite all her infidelities. She's quite bold with it too so maybe that's why.

  64. Hayden. I defiantly believe he gay, I think Matt Damon questionable but he A list and he a really good actor. Taylor femine but that doesn't him gay. Orlando isn't gay IMO.

  65. RPatz have you seen his movies post Twilight..........bad bad and bad

    even KStew is better in her movies post Twilight though just barely

  66. Amber Tamblyn, Enty. Just think on dat shizzle fo' awhile. Sit and spin, daddy.

  67. Amber Tamblyn is an enty burrito whore troll for life! T-shirts for sale.

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. Cant be Hayden he has spent a month away with family and friends for his birthday--no chance has he been seeing someone on the side 3 times a week

  70. Non troll here

    Toby maguire from Spider-Man

  71. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Mickey Rourke

  72. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Mickey Rourke

  73. I like the Taylor Lautner idea; didn't think of that myself.

    Daniel Radcliffe? Although his career hasn't been a flop since Harry Potter ended.
