Thursday, May 16, 2013

Blind Item #3

This A list mostly movie actress says that she wants to get divorced, but does not want to be the bad person so has tried to set up her celebrity husband and get him to cheat with women she has hired. The problem is her husband is so dumb that he believes his wife actually loves him.


  1. Would have to be Goop, Nic, or Julia.

  2. I don't think Keith is dumb though. Any thoughts on Chris? I don't see him being dumb either.

  3. Chris Martin strikes me as a sullen, moody, and generally an unpleasant person to be around, however, he does not seem dumb.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I was thinking Cary Mulligan, is she "A" List?

  6. I thought Goop is always assumed to be the one who smothers CM w/ love? I don't think this is her.

  7. is Emily Blunt A ???

  8. Could it be Nic & Keith?---Defining both his jobs would have been too obvious.

  9. @Libby, I thought them as well.

    And Emily Blunt isn't A. Plus who could divorce Jim?!?

    1. @asher So true! And have you seen Jim lip sync-ing on Fallon?? Priceless.

  10. Totally nasty Goopy. And i can sooooooo see Chris Martin being downright stupid. Not Nic and Keith--anyone whos watcged him on AI knows he's not dumb at all.

  11. Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban

    "does not want to be the bad person so has tried to set up her celebrity husband and get him to cheat with women she has hired"

    Looks like Kidman is a self-righteous and/or pretentious b*tch. Why did she have to split from Cruise. They seem to deserve each other.

    1. @trainrides. She didn't split with Cruise. He dumped her because his BFF, David Miscavige, didn't like her pulling him away from the "Church" of $cientology.

    2. Oh. Thanks @Gayeld

    3. Nicole got massively f*cked by Tiny Tom.

  12. asher--and having falling for someone who doesn't really love you happens to EVERYONE sooner or later. It doesn't mean the blind subject really has a dumb rep, imo. I thought 'dumb' meant more that the 'celeb' partner was blinded or lied to by the actress.

  13. Anonymous8:59 AM

    I don't think its Kidman solely for the reason that Keith doesn't need his wife to hire women for him to cheat on her, he's perfectly capable of doing that on his own.

  14. Since most people believe Chris has already cheated and may still be cheating with Natalie Imbruglia, it can't be GOOP.

  15. If Kidman wants rid of Urban so bad, she should just leave vodka bottles laying around the house. He aint gonna cheat while sober, he needs some loosening up.

  16. Gotta be Kidman. She's done more TV than Goopstah has

  17. I just don't see Chris or Keith Urban as dumb and while I wish this was Julia Roberts her husband is not a celebrity. I'm not sure about this one.

  18. Christ, how did she manage to marry the one person in hollywood who won't cheat?!

  19. And if it's Emily Blunt, Emily sweetie, call me and I'll try to work my magic on Jim for ya. Free of charge!

  20. This has to be Natalie "Harvard Degree" Portman and her husband-dancer.

  21. The way it was worded (A-list actress, celebrity husband) leads me to believe that only she is in the acting field, he is not an actor, athlete, or musician (at least not currently?) but a celebrity in his own right. I was thinking Julia Roberts/Danny Moder, but he's not really a celebrity apart from her, so I'm going to throw out there...

    Reese Witherspoon & Jim Toth - would explain the seemingly recent upswing in drinking. I don't know if he's smart or stupid, but he does seem like a bit of a tool.

  22. oh just for fun, Kate Winslet. i wouldn't want to be Mrs. Rocknroll.

  23. @Donna: I love the Portman guess. Maybe she should stop hiring ladies and try hiring ........

  24. Im going with Angelina Jolie on this one...
    I personally have thought brad was rather bland looking. I mean i guess hes good looking, and he can spew words a mile a minutes (that does not make one smart) but i always found him bland/ dumb of character when he was playing a part that was very well written, except for fight club.

    1. I clutch my pearls!

    2. Watch "A River Runs Thru It." You can thank me later.


  25. Natalie Portman is a great guess.

    Reese would spin the shit out of America's Sweetheart Leaves Horrible Drunk.

    John is an actor not a celebrity. Danny Moder is neither. I doubt it's Chris Martin or Keith Urban.

    I don't know enough about Kate Winslet's husband.

  26. Where does all that Gwyneth-hate comes from? I'm honestly surprised and not getting it...

  27. Julia Roberts or Drew Barrymore

  28. Forgot about Kidman. It's probably her.

  29. keith wants to leave kidman SHE wont let him go.
    reese fits the need for drunk AND a cheat.. neads to get MORE sympathy

  30. Kidman fits. And Keith strikes me as extremely dumb.

    Reese would do this. Everything in her personal life is manipulated on behalf of her image, like when she set up Ryan this same way all while she was cheating on him. And then the 2-year pairing with gay Jake which was all to keep herself relevant in the tabloids between marriages.

    Not Goop. Chris has cheated multiple times and G knows all about it. When they split there will be no need for games.

  31. ditto on brad pitt. blows of air between those two ears....

  32. Definitely not Emily Blunt--John went to Brown, I believe, so definitely no dummy.

    Not Kate Winslet either, Enty considers her B+ even though she is perfect and A++++ to me.

    Natalie Portman, maybe?

  33. I LOVE the Portman guesses. I doubt Julia, Nicole or Goop would want the public humiliation of "cheating" esp since I'm pretty sure those marriages aren't faithful anyway.

  34. Has Natalie ever been on TV tho? I know she originally was in theatre but that was a long long time ago. Hmmm.

  35. Oh for Christ's sake, what's wrong with these people? Get a divorce already. Who cares??

  36. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Urban and Kidman make sense.

  37. It sounds like something that bitch Kidman would do,but Keith Urban is not dumb. Not at all. She probably wants to try and get Cruise back now that he's on the market again. She might not have loved him,but she sure loved the perks of being Mrs Tom Cruise. And if Kidman and Urban do divorce don't be surprised if Keith winds up with the kids just like Tom did.

  38. I don't get why people think Nicole and Keith are in an unhappy marriage. I have never seen any indication of that? How did these rumors start? They seem so happy together whenever they speak of each other in interviews.

  39. @mirame Seriously? You don't get that she thinks she's above everyone else? She seems to have a stick up her ass.

    I like Kidman/Urban for this one just because I like Keith. Single.
    I also loathe Kidman.

  40. @hothotheat - anything to prove ur words about her? I never heard anything about her acting like this, so that's why I'm asking.

  41. Well, there's the fact that if you google "Why do people hate g" the third is "Why do people hate Gwyneth Paltrow".
    Here's what I came up with (sorry I can't make clickable):

    She seems to be completely unaware of how she comes across as privileged.

    She also refers to herself as just another "working Mum". Comparing herself to women who get up early to get kids off the school then go to somewhere to work for eight hours then come home to clean and care for her children. That one really pissed off some Mothers.

    I don't imagine for her fans that is enough to convince them that she's horrible but know that a lot of folks don't like for a variety of reasons. None of which I expect you will agree with.

  42. I;m not particularly a fan of her, I just never really hated anybody in my life, so it came to me as a surprise that ppl have such a strong feelings about a person who never really brought up any stronger emotions in me - just one of many actresses, good or bad as any other.

  43. outta left field but..
    I am going to go with Rachel Weisz i think the "dumb" is a clue, and she has little tv in the background.
    I think her last divorce made her look bad so she is trying to look like the good person plus the press would be crazy. maybe if enty said actor it would be too easy.

  44. Thank you @CountJerkula and @Chrysallis, considering my brains are full of menopause, I appreciate your support of my lucidity!

  45. I can believe Keith/Nicole and yes I could see her dumping the kids on Keith she had no problem doing that with Connor/Isabella in her first marriage.

  46. Why would Nicole want a divorce? She looks happier than ever, and certainly more relaxed in her own skin. They work well together in supporting each other's projects, both are Australian so won't complain about the long flights back home, and they don't compete in each other's career fields, and each draw fans of the other.

  47. ooh i like the natalie portman guess too! i think ive mentioned my irrational love for nicole so i refuse to believe its her and keith. oh and @CF98 nicole didnt dump her kids on tom. she was branded an SP by scientology. its been talked about here many, many times.

    @Mirame gwyneth is a 1 percenter and probably doesnt realise that she sounds like professor douche mcgouche when she talks about her life and her recommendations on how to be happy and healthy. (well thats why i dont like her)


  48. Kidman and Urban. He was cheating her a couple of months out from their wedding. There have been rumors of a side piece in Nashville for years.

    Kidman has to play the victim in all scenarios hence trying to arrange for him to be publicly caught cheating. Not to mention it is probably in their pre-nup so then she does not have to pay him out when they divorce. Question is if they split, will she abandon these kids as well or because they are still young, cute and great PR for her, will she try to get custody of them and continue to famewhore them when it suits her.
