Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Blind Item #3

This actress had a chance to make it big. She was on one of the best shows on television. She had a great part. Then she started taking drugs and boozing at all hours and lost the show. Fired. Now she is a C lister who will work for anyone doing anything. The problem is that she can't stop using and sleeping around. She has had two miscarriages in the past five months and is now pregnant again. And drinking.


  1. Replies
    1. Second the Paz with those pictures of her which were out there in the past where she looked pregnant. Some chalked it up to coke bloat but IMO I figured she nipped her "problem" in the bud.

      God, she's a mess.

    2. Is it a different season in LA? I'm in Texas and its already hot as hell here. WHY does she need a shearling coat? Just makes me wonder even more what could possibly be in those suitcases...

    3. Definitely Spaz.

  2. Paz de la Huerta

  3. Spaz is looking rough!

  4. Im going with Paz as well. Hope she gets help- she is one messed up broad.

  5. Also guessing Spazzzz.

  6. I was gonna guess Mischa----but I dont think the OC was ever considered the best show or gossip girl etc. VIP once again for ftw ---or what about the lead from Freaks and Geeks? enty loves that show---

  7. I can't believe Paz is 28. Damn.

    Definitely not Linda Cardellini (Lindsey on Freaks & Geeks). She was on ER for a very long time, until the show ended, and is on the Sylvia Plath path on Mad Men now.

    1. @boxes: she's only 28!?!?!? She looks sooooo bad for 28! I'm 28! Well, now I feel better about myself on my rough days. Damn.

  8. Crystal Meth is a powerful drug, y'all

  9. She looks awful.....

  10. Has anyone else seen that hystericl Lana Del Rey video where she talks about Paz? She tells this whole story of how a woman at her concert like suddenly whipped out her breasts for no reason and was just hanging out in her glory like it was nothing and then Lana realized the woman was Paz.

    1. Paz must have stole Lana's boyfriend once or something, she also has footage of Paz staggering around, falling over, being refused entry to a club on her Video Games music video.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Wow. That is sad, Paz. I hope she gets herself some help soon. :(

  12. Well they say that it promotes uninhibited sexual desire so I can believe it.

  13. "lost the show"
    this makes me think someone from LOST, but I don't really have a guess.

  14. I can go along with the Paz guess as Boardwalk Empire is an amazing show with serious heavy hitters but a great part? All the shows I saw she was just naked. I'd like a little more dialogue besides "Oh Daddy".

  15. I'm on the Paz train. I'm glad she found a drug cocktail to induce miscarriage. Lord knows she would be incapable of raising a child.

  16. Paz for real. She was in one of my favorite 14 year old girl movies, a walk to remember. Shane west was so hot

  17. Too bad, she's really very talented and beautiful.
    What's sooo bad that she has to medicate that hard? Very sad waste of life.

  18. Definitely Paz. Boardwalk Empire was a huge opportunity for her and she totally blew it. It's definitely helping some people - Jack Huston, Michael Shannon, etc.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Evangeline Lily?

  21. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Wait, I take it back - since I saw the Daily Mail piece, it is more likely Paz de la Huerta. How sad.

  22. Paz is a great guess.

  23. Totally Paz. Her Playboy spread was such an obvious "shit, I got fired...what do I do next?"

  24. Totally Paz. Her Playboy spread was such an obvious "shit, I got fired...what do I do next?"

  25. Paz does nude photo shoots for obscure magazines and photographers down in Miami when she isn't out taking a puss in public.

  26. Paz de la HotMess

  27. Mischa quit the OC, wasn't fired.

    Agree this is Paz.

  28. Paz is unconventional looking and a pretty good actress, but, I'm not seeing beautiful. And she is so full of herself it takes away from her appearance.
