Monday, May 20, 2013

Blind Item #4

This Academy Award winner/nominee actress who is a nice solid B lister has finally broke it of from her longtime partner who also happens to be a B list actor. One too many times she has caught him with other women. He was good for about a year, but slipped with a production assistant.


  1. are Halle and what's his name still together?

  2. First thought was Amy Adams, but boyfriend is not B list.

  3. I don't think Claire Danes is Academy-nominated.

  4. What did he slip on, a banana peel?

  5. Maggie gyllenhaal Peter sarsgard

  6. watts & Schreiber?

  7. Lol, Ms Cool - yeah... He slipped on that pesky banana peel. Luckily that P/A was there to break his fall with her vagina so his d*ck didn't get bruised!

    1. ^^^ this makes you awesome!! I needed a good laugh :)

  8. I'm on the Maggie Gyllenhaal Peter Sarsgard train also.

  9. @Tiger Lilly - loves it!!

  10. Naomi and Liev came to mind.

  11. "Partner" not husband.

    Naomi and Liev.

  12. I saw the Gyllenhaal-Sarsgaard family (kids included) on Friday at GoogaMooga looking chill and happy, so I'd say not them.

  13. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Naomi and Liev make perfect sense, she needs to "leave" him.

  14. Unfortunately, I like the Liev/Naomi guess.

  15. Love Naomi Watts. Anyone else see The Impossible? She was INCREDIBLE. But that movie is not for the faint of heart. I was panicked most of the way through it.

  16. If this is Naomi Watts, I think that's good news. Liev seems like a first class douche to me - she's so gorgeous and could do so much better.

  17. Naomi and Liev sounds v. plausible, I think it's them. Haven't there been numerous stories of him straying?

    Brooklinnovation, I've had a thing for Peter Sarsgaard for quite a while. What was he like in person? Good looking? Friendly?

  18. @Stephanie McDonald - We noticed them as we were cutting across the field area of Prospect Park where the festival was being held. Of course we noticed her first - she looked gorgeous. Very short hair. Some kind of cool, black knit top. He had a shaved head and is very cute. They were both sitting on the ground on a blanket while the kids sort of played around them. I loved that - just refreshingly normal - even with swarms of people around them and the Flaming Lips on stage. They are probably the only young celebrity couple in Park Slope and they just seem very down-to-earth. I have seen her on the street before, just walking alone. I had never seen him before, but I have heard he enjoys a shirtless jog around the neighborhood...

  19. Here's the thing - there are TONS of reports of him straying. So why leave now? It seems like Naomi puts up with a LOT, probably for the sake of their kids. I don't see her leaving him, but I have no idea who else it could be.
