Friday, May 10, 2013

Blind Item #5

This B list mostly movie actress knew her A list mostly movie actor boyfriend was having trouble staying sober. She is attracted to guys with sobriety issues. I don't know why, but she has been that way for a decade or longer. She also should have known that when she did her usual pills or drank in front of him, that it might be the wrong thing to do. She didn't seem to care though. Maybe karma is getting her back though because a trip to rehab would not be too bad for her at this time. She is looking rough.


  1. This had better not be Michelle.

  2. Hey Amy, what did you do last night?

  3. Blind Item #5

    This movie reviewer and former A+ poster if you consider how often she’s kissed a bloggers ass who has dropped to a C+ at best was involved in the same fallout as mentioned in a previous blind. Sure, at first she was bitter about the fallout but lately has become soft and mushy and is trying to get back into the good graces of this popular blogger but word has it she is finally fed up with his site and will not be coming back. Good!

  4. Amber Heard/Johnny Depp

    1. VIP, amazing. I read it as them.

    2. Jesus christ VIP, I know people say this all the time around here but how are you so good at this?!

    3. Well played VIP

      WTF is up with all the trolls the past 2 days?!?!

  5. Well, you slept at Nick's, didn't you?

  6. You hoes are hugifying my wang

  7. What happened to the CDAN off-topic blog? My username is no longer valid.

  8. Well, I mean, you didn' know...

  9. God Amy, when I grow up I hope I can be just as smart as you!

  10. I have been reading this blog everyday since 2007, rarely, RARELY do I comment, but I always read the comments to see the other guesses.
    Can someone please explain what's going on today will all the nonsense comments?!? I'm so confused??

    1. Anonymous11:21 AM

      just trolls...ignore them, it's gonna be a long crazy day.

    2. Anonymous11:21 AM

      just trolls...ignore them, it's gonna be a long crazy day.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. @VIP, you're back!!

  13. HI Kimstyle - I don't know but it seems like a bitter person with a lot of time on his/her hands.

  14. All of this is only ONE person!? The f*ck....?

  15. I don't think Amber Heard's main type is usually guys.

  16. @kimstyle - no clue if it is one or many. It just seems bizarre to me that a couple people would get together an plan a trollfest on a gossip blog.

    1. There are websites where these people congregate. Then all together attack a blog. They'll move on after a few days or longer, depending on how much attention they get.

    2. But it's like they know everyone so they have to be familiar. And they're so dedicated and diligent it's almost inspired!

    3. I bet they are scientologists and they know where Shelly is.



  18. @BoobsNSnatch, why didn't you say before, then?

    Does anyone wanna join us?

  19. Holy mentally unbalanced!!! lol

    1. Are you talking about anna nonymous or libby?

    2. TWIST: Anna Nonymous IS Libby!!
      Directed by M Night Shamalamadingdong

    3. That was funny

  20. Relating to the AH/JD guess, was Johnny ever TRYING to be sober?! Let alone, having trouble doing it? ..... What A list actors have sobriety issues that they acknowledge publicly?

  21. I know for FACT this is Ashton Kutchen and Mila Kunis. I know because I held her hair back while she was puking and detoxing. You thought all those pictures of her looking like crap were her in prepregoo state!? WRONG! She was detoxing off of some pretty heavy shit.

  22. I think Boxes got it. Michelle is my guess.

  23. Ashton isn't A-list mostly movie... And if speaking of the past, Culkin wasn't A-list at any point in their relationship (and probably not since 1994), also I can't recall any tv he's done to make him "mostly" movie...

  24. Man, and we thought the compulsive Emma-Watson-Hater was pathetic. The very model of mental health compared to today's festival of worthless lameoids.

    1. I stated a differing opinion than the norm TWICE and somehow get labeled crazy? That's a little odd.

    2. Yeah well you suffer from homo-unerectus. That means your wang is hugified not by women butt by a man.

  25. I am astonished that someone has the time and energy to spend on being so nasty and childish. Wow!

    The funny thing is your actions make you seem really pathetic and sad. I usually only encounter ranting like this near the psycho hospital. Are you on a manic cycle? are you borderline? If you're off your meds, head back to the hospital to get help!!!!!!

    Otherwise, you really need to look at therapy. I feel sorry for you that you feel you are achieving something through this negativity. Get help soon b/c you are one miserable and unhappy person.

  26. Abracadabra boom shacka dae
    I'm Violent J, and I'm back like a vertebrae
    And I come with a hat full of tricks
    Trunk full of Faygo, car full of fat chicks
    Hahahahahahahaha, fuck you
    Wicked clowns, we'd like to say what up to
    The Cobra's, X-men, and Counts, and everybody with clown luv

  27. AH/JD seems like a reasonable guess.
    Also, as to the annoying loser comments all day today, he/she/they will get bored soon enough and our little world will go back to normal. They're the annoying twits who never got invited to the party, so they're acting out. Bleh.

  28. Hi guys, I'm back for a minute. I see the USUAL SUSPECT is still trying to keep up appearances. She's so here today, so early and so much. What a coincidence!

    1. Who??? I can't do cryptic. I need you to bang me over the head with it!

    2. Libby, I think by your cryptic comment you mean jax? Wouldn't surprise me, since that's what Enty has been hinting at in the comments today.

  29. wouldn't be surprised if they were some disgruntled blind item victims.

  30. Can enty just block the troll hag? It's making hard as hell to lurk and read the guesses.

  31. @libby. Who is this person?

  32. Is Michelle Williams B-list? Doesn't 3 Oscar noms and a Golden Globe put her at A-list?

  33. @libby, nobody cares if you're back.

  34. I don't know if Blogger allows an admin to block a user by IP address. If it hasn't happened so far, I'm not optimistic.

    I can't quite believe this is all one person due to the number of accounts and frequently of posting across those accounts. It's like a 4Chan-style trollroll, but there hasn't been any hint of that affiliation in their comments.

  35. I doubt anyone on 4Chan cares about this blog. They are obsessed with Gawker.

  36. No, Dewie, this is personal pathetic butthurt. Pure, distilled. Mad that others are happy without them.

    1. Mmmm I'll massage your pit til you forget about them trolls. Or til you want a fish sandwich

    2. This is not personal. I am a long time reader and your armpit has always been a joy for me to see. I am glad I am not the only one in this world who loves a fish called Wanda and armpits. I just wish you could be nicer to me. I thought you were bi? ;) I am. I would love to talk sometime. Tikkamasalamobile @ gmail
      Anytime babes. Hit me up!

  37. @libby, so, by what you're sayin' a bunch of people got together to gang up on ya?

  38. @libby, I, personally, would gang bang ya.

  39. @warmislandsun, yeah I remember the 4Chan attack of about a year ago at Gawker. That was extremely ugly. (Although it wasn't all 4Chan; a good deal of it was regular commenters deciding to add to the havoc.)

    @Libby, how could this be one person though? It's at least a dozen or so accounts, posting one minute after another. I guess I don't have the mind of a troll but that seems to take some epically quick a) logging in and out or; b) hopping between browsers or; c) hopping between laptops. Or all three.

  40. Anonymous12:20 PM

    It is kinda sad that thes trolls don't have a nice place to call their own. They have to come here and harass this crew. I feel bad for them. Maybe they should just start their own site!
    ...and leave Libby alone.

  41. ..... scientologists.....

  42. I'm pretty sure this has to be Jax and Mooshki, they were bitching this week that this blog has gone to hell and it looks like they are putting it there. Good job gals! Libby, you claimed that something was being done about it-are you Enty? Or did Mooshki get her password back?
    And who is Miranda Nelson? Who is Angela Walker?
    Then a couple Himmmm's showed up and people have been tweeting to Enty. Even Enty's Facebook page has complaints!
    I admit I have several user accounts because as a semi famous musician so I have to. But I can't post crazy shit like they do! I'll admit it's kinda fun!

  43. Fish, out of all the kinds of trolling, concern trolling is the worst.

  44. I have to be careful, too. I'm a semi-famous, semi-sweet, semi-burrito loving ass 2 ass whore. But when I'm bad....

  45. @Libby: I wanna know who it is!!! Spill it.

  46. Anonymous1:40 PM

    This is Melissa Gilbert and Rob Lowe.

  47. Fish - is that you Bad Fish? Have you come back?

    Libby, are you back because your boyfriend took a nap?

    Wendy? That whole gang is here, sleuthing away.

  48. Yay, VIP's back! Sorry you had to arrive on Stupid Loser Comments Day. :)

    1. Anonymous2:07 PM

      Cee Kay I think you're in the lead. :(

  49. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! Anyone wanna piece of my pits? Or my tits? Been savin' 'em up all day... Show me some love.

  50. Ah, Melissa Gilbert. Isn't it good we can't see in the future? Imagine if someone from the future had gone back into the past to tell her "Melissa, please don't cry because you and Rob Lowe have broken up. It will be OK. Cheer up. One day you'll be married to Timothy Busfield..."

  51. It's a sad for 'Murica. This blog is my life. Waiting for some Enty Re-Entry. Does he even care anymore?

    1. Anonymous3:45 PM

      +1 canopener. It's hard to masturbate to cdan when all the mean people are shitting on your fantasy.

    2. Kunty- I can help you with that

    3. Anonymous4:01 PM

      Boobs I'm a short haired lezzie if you're into that.

  52. It's not funny because they're being rude and personal about the other commenters. This person has issues.

  53. Libby- as a long time lurker and few time poster I can honestly say you, VIP, RCB and all the other breathes of fresh air on here brighten my day. Thank you for being you!!! ;) oh and I hear the season finale of my crazy obsession is... TROLLS! Perhaps their trying to extend their 15 mins of fame.

  54. Geez. It's like trying to read 4chan /b or one of the crack-high subreddits in here today.
    If only the trolling were less 15 y.o. "Typing fsck makes me hardcore!" or desperate "Enty is a sell-out!" variety, it might be entertaining.
    But it's just "meh" worthy.

  55. IKNOWRIGHT? At least I get to see the C--I mean K-word every time you post. Thanks for thinking of me!

    1. Anonymous4:02 PM

      Salute canopener.

  56. Remember. The f*cktards trolling this blog's comments section (bwahahaha! Really?) are. "ADULTS". Apparently, from what I've skimmed, they have spent a good part of their time here under assumed names, making juvenile posts that aren't even witty. My life sucks, but not THAT much. Not even close!

  57. I will absolutely open my can up to you, Karla.

  58. What is the point of of posting cryptic clues? Honestly, it's annoying. Either don't say anything or just come out and tell us who you are talking about.

  59. Whaaaaaa??? I'm annoying you? How can I infuriate you? Please. Tell me. I'll do anything.

  60. EasternSparrow:

    But you do? Have a nice place to call your own, that is? Or more specifically, are you implying that this is your "nice place"? Because I must ask, how is this place any more your, or "Libby's," nice place than anyone else's? Are some "commenters" more special or entitled than others? If so, who made the rules/criteria, and more importantly, why are those people's opinions "CDaN law"?

    Although I do understand your feelings, I would like to know; how does that work?

  61. Anonymous5:51 PM

    I am talking about those that come in here and post rude or just plain random comments that have no purpose other than to anger and annoy other posters. I do feel that the people who come here for the intended purpose deserve to be here, and those who troll, don't. Find somewhere full of people who will appreciate your particular brand of humor, because I am not gettin the feeling the regulars around here do. If people want to participate and engage in the "gossip" that is CDAN, then I imagine you will be welcomed. Just don't come in here and insult and degrade or offend people. What do you gain by doing that? I just feel sorry for those people because they have nothing better to do than look for people to bug.
    And as far as people going off topic, I personally don't mind, as long as it isn't hurtful to other posters. I sense that some of the regulars really care about each other and like that interaction. But, what do I know?

  62. I am completely offended by you. I don't think you deserve to be here. How dare you? We trolls come here for the raunchy depravity and enjoy jacking the threads. Why do you have to ruin it? Find another blog to rain on, Sparrow.

  63. Anonymous6:04 PM

    See, you could almost be clever, but you picked the wrong crowd. If only you could play nice and allow people a chance to get to know the real canopener, we might all just get along. We could even take turns combing out your troll hair!
    Seriously, though. I don't care why you are doing this, but it is now tired and played out. I am only a reader, not someone who posts comments on the regular, so who am I to say who deserves to be here? This was just my opinion, but I tend to get a little miffed when people attack others for no reason. I have read on another post that you guys may have a reason that you think makes this alright. If that stuff is true, I am really sorry for you, but I tend to doubt it. Most stories have 2 sides.

    1. Anonymous8:16 PM

      Most dicks have 2 balls but that don't mean shit.

  64. You hurt my teeny tiny feelings. I'm afraid to let the world get to know the real canopener. I spent my childhood chained to a water heater in a basement, eating Cheetos, and being forced to watch The Price is Right. I have a very sensitive head. I can't even enjoy the wonderful experience of having others brush my hair. It hurts so! And to add even more injury, you don't care! Will you pleeeeeeaaaaaase please please please please be my friend? I'll give you all the desserts from my lunches for a month...

  65. EasternSparrow:

    I understand where you're coming from. That said, there are "regular posters" who "come in here and post rude or just plain random comments that have no purpose other than to anger and annoy other posters," e.g. "Count Jerkula." And evidently, CDaN is indeed full of people who appreciate their/that particular brand of humor, and incidentally, most of those people are "the regulars."

    And again, to use "Count Jerkula" as an example, this is a "regular poster" who "comes in here and insult and degrade or offend people." And what did that poster gain by doing this? A large group of "CDaN fans" - "Libby" being one of them.

    See, that's why I have a problem with this whole "get the newbie trolls out of here" attitude that I've been witnessing today. Because logically, I'm not a fan of hypocrisy, double standards and inconsistency.

    For several days in a row, every comment section was riddled with comments like "ass2ass," "betch," "(.)(.)" and numerous porn references - often completely irrelevant to the actual topic of discussion. A lot of people found this highly annoying, some found it provocative, irritating, frustrating - and offensive. But, when some of those people dared to voice their frustration over this, they were shot down in a very disrespectful and condescending manner. They were even asked to leave, find another gossip site, if they resented this behavior so much.

    "Liddy" was one of the people who did this, if not the only one who told the frustrated posters to leave. Now, however, that other posters have decided to more or less mock this behavior by doing an "extreme version" of the same thing, "Liddy" would have none of it - and even went as far as to contact Ent. so he would "handle the situation." That, to me, is something that does not come off as very rational. Granted, I do not think it was even remotely okay for one of the "newbie trolls" to "threaten" her - that was crossing the line and taking it too far.

    That said, one of the few differences between "the regulars" spamming the comment sections with their "ass2ass, betch" comments and the "newbies" spamming the comment sections with their "graphic nonsense" - is which "clique" they belong to. Because at the moment, there are different rules for different "cliques," and that is certainly not fair.

    Although it's neither hard to explain nor understand, how there became a type of "CDaN hierarchy" from a psychological perspective, I personally don't care. I don't care about how long you've been here, how many cyber friends you've got through the years, how "CDaN popular" you are - you are not more "special" or more entitled than any other poster on this site. If there are rules to be made, then those rules are for everybody.

    Consistency is key.

  66. I'm writing my thesis on this. It's life changing shit. I had to take out a massive student loan after my investment in the RADIO SHOW went South. It will pay off in the long run. I'm in the running to be Enty's Next Top Moooooooooooooooooooooshki.

  67. Anonymous9:49 PM

    @85134943 R U related to Martin and Charlie?

  68. Purple Flame:

    Ramón and Carlos? I would be very sad if I was.

  69. Anonymous10:09 PM

    @85134943 Would U be crying like Farrah 2?
    I hope it is not because they R Spanish. Have U seen Apollonia? They R a beautiful, beautiful people.

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. ----For several days in a row, every comment section was riddled with comments like "ass2ass," "betch," "(.)(.)" and numerous porn references - often completely irrelevant to the actual topic of discussion----- (85134943)


    Yep. And not just porn references, but all kinds of "humorous" shots intended to mock others they disagree with. All off-topic and very cliquish in nature. Their pack mentality behavior is perfectly fine though; some goofballs invading the site for fun is apparently beyond the pale, however.

    Here's a post that includes numerous examples from regular "non-troll" types from the other day.

    1. Sav! You made it, I was looking for you yesterday. I don't know why you bitch about this site, I wasn't guessed for any of the blinds yesterday, I gotta say I was kind of let down. Did you know Prince is on this site?? I love Prince, he looks like shit but has the best connections.

  72. Please approve of me! I NEED YOUR APPROVAL. Entard is gonna read all our comments!

  73. I agree that it is Michelle williams

  74. Anonymous11:57 AM

    @Chloe excuse me??? I have more style in my little finger than U have in your whole body.

  75. Chloe,

    Had no idea Prince was here, but in my defense it's hard to recognize him without the hermaphrodite symbol.

  76. Sav:

    Yes, I've noticed. I don't comment very often, because I mainly come here just to read the blog posts. A lot of people, however, seem to come here because they like the "social" part of it. And quite frankly, "socializing online" is, technically, an oxymoron.

    To me, this site is like any other "news site," I read the article/post, then I read the comments related to the article to see what other people's opinions are on the topic, i.e. relevant comments. Off topic comments can be entertaining/interesting too, but in moderation.

    The thought of being "cyber friends" with someone who is as anonymous to me, as I am to them, is ridiculous - IMO. So, when I see people here, some who are literally twice my age, act like CDaN is some sort of cyber high school; do I roll my eyes at them? Yes, absolutely I do. That said, it didn't bother me enough to actually comment on it - until yesterday. Because like I previously mentioned; I dislike hypocrisy. Very much so.

    And there were a lot of hypocrites here yesterday.

  77. Anonymous6:26 AM

    @85134943 I am not interested in cyber high school, cliques, etc. I came here to be entertained, not to watch a bunch of children argue and insult each other. This is not about pack mentality or popularity, it is about being on topic and relevant.
    Look, I am all for freedom of expression and all that. I am also all for not sticking around when it isn't something I want to hear. If you don't like the "hypocrisy" that you feel exists here, then go somewhere else. That is what I am going to do. I don't like the way things are going, but also don't agree that people should be censored. People should have respect for others and not post vulgar comments. And I think we can all basically agree where the vulgar line is. And A to A crosses it, too. So, if the "trolls" won't settle down or leave, I will. And I won't be missed. But I might not be the only one who leaves. Eventually, all that is left are trolls, and then this is their site and they make the normal. And all is right with the world, I guess.
    Another option is just not to read the comments, but when done right, they add so much to the fun.
    (By the way, unless you are 12, I am not literally twice your age. I guess there might be some on here in their 40s, but I never got the feeling they were AARP members.)
    The dumb is too dumb, even for me. Good luck with all this. I think I am a little tired of the whole gossip thing, anyway. Too many really sad ones and too many crazies.
