Saturday, May 04, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

September 18, 2012

What A list tweener singer told his on again and off again B list tweener girlfriend they would be off again unless she lost some weight. He said he doesn't like to see any fat and that she was getting "too curvy" for his own liking and embarrassing him in front of his friends by getting big. When she started crying, he said it was her problem, not his.

Justin Bieber/Selena Gomez


  1. So effed up. This dude needs to be a has been like yesterday

  2. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Well now we know why he loves his adderall and why HE's so manorexic. No more passes for this pompous ass. He's an adult, time to grow the fuck up and act like one. Boo Bieber!!!

  3. Douche in a onesie says what?

  4. He's embarrassing her in front of the world, she wins! Wait, I take that back...

  5. She should laugh at his tiny peen some time, then when he gets all pouty she should say, "Your problem, not mine."

  6. so, she was getting to look to much like a woman and he couldn't get it up unless she looked more like a boy?

    1. Exactly- he and Usher should just go public already.

  7. I can't wait for this little shit to be homeless...

  8. Oh, Selena. You can do so much better. Don't look back.

  9. She should present him with a scrapbook of some of his "looks".

    Who's embarrassing whom?

  10. Well, in all fairness, dude's got a point.

    Selena's kind of a beast.

  11. What she sees in this turd is beyond me.

  12. I would gladly show him what a real man is suppose to look like...and its not anorexic skinny.
    Dude needs to learn how to use underwear instead of depends and should probably start looking for a boy his age that won't mind touching bone.

    Selena please, dump him in the most humiliating way possible. I know you don't like him.

  13. Don't listen to him, Selena baby. He is just an insignificant weed attempting to choke the flower that is your beauty from blossoming into womanhood. Is it because he has been laughed at when approaching adult women? Is it because he truly craves the buttocks of a nubile Latino boy?

    Don't trouble yourself with these questions. I will be your Monjak and allow you to fly where ever the winds take you. You need a man that knows what makes the world go round, not a dimwit who allows himself to be dressed like a pedophile's dream date.

  14. So if she puts up with that, it must not be the business agreement I've always thought it was. Why does she think she needs his scrawny ass? I think less of her for going back to him, repeatedly. Surely she isn't dickmatized by the little sissy?

    1. Doubt she even likes him. She does it for the publicity. She is rarely in the tabs unless with him or talking about him. PR all the way.

  15. He was the only 18 year old to gross $50 million on his own last year. That probably has some appeal over the other 18 year olds still living with mom playing X-Box all day. I'm not defending him. He's a jerk. But compared to other 18 year olds his success might be appealing. And being the envy of a generation of your younger peers is probably good for the ego. Hell, she's not going to marry the guy. We all dated awful people in college.

  16. This blind is complete BS. Bieber and Selena have never been anything but a fakey fake PR couple.

  17. She might have been the Disney head queen but the girl has more style than most actresses twice her age. She *always* looks great. And we're supposed to believe that a guy who looks as if he took a crap in his pants is giving her image advice?

  18. This little douche needs to be out in his place. Soon.

  19. I didn't like him before, but now I can't stand this little prick. Selena is gorgeous.

  20. Just for the record...IRC all 18 year old boys are major tools and tell their girlfriends stuff like this all the time.

  21. It takes time to get them trained.

  22. If this is true, then her mother has to do an intervention. It frankly looks like a kidnapping when she is with that little putz.

  23. He's not 18, he's 19, and she will be 21 in July. Just to clear that up. I keep telling ya'll that blind Enty had about if the "B listed ex tweeter" whose movie was coming out didn't do what she thought it should for her, she'd go back to other A list Tweener boyfriend was real. This girl is sooooo cute IRL, but she is conniving beyond what you'd believe, and always has been. Her jealousy of Miley & Demi was off the charts back in the day, & still is. She wants fame, and is determined to stay. I think she'll win in the end. Cut throatedness works in the biz.

  24. Anonymous1:39 PM

    She is so beautiful, very lean, styles and dresses herself very, very well. I'd prefer her to be cut throat rather than ripe for the taking advantage of, i.e trusting and innocent. Stay tough girl.

  25. Selena is stupid for taking him back. When he starts hitting her--no if needed, just a "when" because its coming--I wonder if people will be as harsh on her as they were on Rihanna? And of course will Justine BeePeePee will come out looking like a hero just like Chrissy did? Something tells me Ice Ice Bieby wont get the applause and admiration that Chrissy got.

  26. Very nice Count! Well said!!

  27. I remember being that young and stupid. She'll either wise up and drop this stinky little load, or she won't. Either way, I'm still laughing and those pants he's wearing.

  28. What a d*ckwad...BOYS try to control their girlfriends by demeaning them and making them feel like they're lucky to have them. When Selena wakes up one morning (hopefully soon) and realizes she is a beautiful, sexy WOMAN who should be dating MEN (not boys) she will just laugh him off. And when she's walking red carpets with a handsome actor (who owns a belt to keep his pants up) he will be selling $10 BJs in some alley to buy his fix.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. He's such a cockroach!

  31. @auntliddy - :) Just playing. I'd say she's hot, except her face is so young looking it makes me feel creeped out.

  32. May he suffer every hurt he has inflicted.

  33. Um, did he look in the mirror and see the diaper pants he is wearing? I think he is embarrassing himself enough and doesn't need any help from anyone else.

  34. I'd like to know where he sees fat. She is a gorgeous girl. Anyway, I think she should turn to him and say, "You know your features are effeminate." I hope her parents intervene and pull her out of this situation.

  35. 3 years from now no one will care about Justine.

  36. Calling her "fat" is a common way for douchebags to control their partners by chipping away at their self esteem.

  37. She could have lost about 135lbs pretty easily.

  38. Oh please. That relationship ain't real. Justin likes dem boys.

  39. Exactly Beth she could do better than Bieber - why do pretty girls who are successful and could do so much better, put up with abusive/men- I'd have tossed it right back at him - you look like a lesbian dyke and your penis is small and you have no body hair so call me when you are a real man and maybe I might take your call, maybe not. Hasta la vista baby.

    So the only reason she could be hanging around is his PR value but honey can still do better and right now Justin's stock is starting on the bearish trend ie going down, down, down

  40. Hearsay ... anyone can make up a story like this.

    I don't believe it.
