Thursday, May 30, 2013

Boston Bombing Friend Was Unarmed When Killed By FBI

Previously, the government had said that Ibragim Todashev had a knife and stabbed an FBI agent or had tried to take the gun of an FBI agent and that is why he was killed. Turns out according to The Washington Post that he was unarmed and had turned a table over which is why he was killed. The FBI and local prosecutors are investigating and the process will takes months and months if not a year. That seems like a very long time for something that was probably being recorded from a million different angles.


  1. All the more reason to GO WILLINGLY if the FBI ever show up at your door.

  2. I read he was an MMA fighter too. That he came over the table at the agent. that could seem threatening.

    I would say a scared agent with an itchy finger is more likely than some grand conspiracy to hush something.

    The guy was supposedly confessing to an extremely gruesome triple homicide. The one they suspect the older dead bomber for also.

  3. Yes- the lesson is don't flip tables over during FBI interview about your terrorist friends FOOL!!!

  4. Am I the only one that see's a crooked peen when I look at his face?

    1. No you are not lol....WIENER FACE!!!!

  5. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Something's fishy about this....

    1. The whole story, from the beginning, seems off. I don't have any conspiracy theories... but something doesn't add up.

    2. I have theories that are only solidified by the fact that the FBI have now killed two people without a fair trial. This sinks to high heaven.

    3. @Gypsy, if one of those people is the bomber that died, his brother was the ultimate cause of his death when he ran over and dragged him.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. @lola sorry. But I just don't believe these kids could have done this on their own. I realize there's a lot at play here but there's a lot of info that makes it look like a set up. Just don't trust.

    6. @Gypsy... Out of curiosity, who do you think "helped"? Any of the " big" terrorist groups would have taken credit in a New York minute. Our government? Why? What would be the angle in instigating a 2 bit "terrorist" attack (and I don't say that as a minimization of the pain people suffered, rather the fact that it was 2 young guys with homemade bombs made from pressure cookers that "only" killed 3 people)?

  6. Teresa Guidice has been involved in some shady dealings and is a table flipper. She'd better watch out!

  7. Actually the FBI doesn't officially record their interrogations. One agent writes the official transcript of what is said and that's it. You basically can't contest what is written either.

  8. Kriss, no, that is one bodacious honker. Fbi guy prob ckdnt stop staring so shot him in terror.
    Seriously, its very hard for me to worked up over this guys death, due oi triple murder and hating US. it may be wrong, but i cant get upset about it.

  9. You don't mess with the IRS or the FBI.

  10. If this was part of some conspiracy it would have been done much better and quietly. This asshat punched his own ticket by his actions - and nervous FBI agent.

  11. He hadn't been convicted of anything yet, so he was being questioned in regard to his connection to the triple homicide; I read that one of the FBI agents left the room and there was only one agent with him at the time, no audio or video recordings being made, and the FBI's claims are now gospel because the only other person who could contradict the official story is dead.

  12. This stinks to high heaven. Regardless of how you feel about this guy and what he may or may not have done... no one should DIE while being interrogated, even if they resist. Ugh.

  13. Anonymous9:16 AM

    the whole things fishy.... he overturned a table so they shot him... I said it before and I'll say it again, dead men tell no tales, which is why I'm very suspicious when someone with alot of information suddenly dies by law enforcements hands in a suspicious way.... he overturned a table, he was obviously going to kill us, we had to use deadly force!

  14. I don't think there's a conspiracy behind this. It's just SOP with law enforcement in the US. The unprovoked shooting of unarmed persons who come into contact with cops is a near-daily occurrence all over the country. We've allowed cops to develop a mindset that it is okay to shoot first regardless, and we never, never hold them accountable.

    Had one in a posh suburb near my home where the hubbie and wife had a fierce argument. She called the cops and waited outside. The cops went inside and shot her unarmed upper-class hubbie who was only sitting at the kitchen table, waiting to talk to the cops. Another incident when a landlord called the cops to come talk to one of his renters, an elderly retired school teacher who suffered from mental illness. Every so often she'd start yelling loud enough in her apartment to bother the other tenants, so the landlord expected the cops to just ask her to quiet down. Instead, they followed her inside when she opened the door. She was frightened, so, holding a kitchen knife, she ran away from the cops and hid in her bedroom. They followed her in and shot her dead.

    In both instances, as in this case with the FBI, there was absolutely no justification for opening fire. But the cops did it anyway, and got away with murder. We don't protest, so they know they're allowed to do whatever they want, up to and including murdering harmless citizens.

  15. At the very least, it sounds like the FBI's borked up this investigation/interrogation big-time. Makes them look like a bunch of Keystone Kops.

  16. Remember that this guy was a muslim willing to kill and even die for his religion. The FBI agent probably saw him moving fast and thought he was going to use a bomb-belt (or the way you name it in English) as Palestinians used to do in Israel's buses and discotheques. He didn't wait for the likely bomb to explode.
    All that you can blame the FBI for in this case, is reckless endangerment for not having handcuffed the terrorists friend for interrogation, but I guess amnesty international and all those criminal lovers would complain about that.

  17. Yeah I am not one of these "OMG! He's so cute, he must be innocent! Free him!" nutcases but something with all of this feels "off"

  18. Yeah I am not one of these "OMG! He's so cute, he must be innocent! Free him!" nutcases but something with all of this feels "off"

  19. The FBI is investigating the FBI. The State Department is investigating the State Department. Eric Holder is investigating... Eric Holder. We are lemmings and get what we deserve by reading gossip sights and ignoring the crime syndicate aka Washington, DC.

    1. Sea, just because we read this doesnt mean we dont read anything else. Im a news junkie and always have been. This is playtime.

  20. Everything about this case feels off to me. So many contradictory statements straight from the goverment. FBI agents are well-trained. Even if it were one agent vs. this guy, it shouldn't have ended the way it did.

  21. Head of FBi is "retiring" in September. Just like head of NOAA Fisheries "retired" after the $300,000 yacht scandal. There are so many more. These "retirees" need to be stripped of all their retirement benefits. Maybe that would keep govt legal. There needs to be accountability for govt management.

  22. Looks like they were out to get him...

  23. Aunt Diddy,

    I'm guilty too! I just think we all need to be more aware/outraged over the garbage going on in Washington, both parties, that is enslaving the rest of us and ruing OUR country. We have become slaves to our masters not a representative government.

  24. @Lola I am not saying I believe this but I do not disbelieve it either. However, there is a huge coincidence that Boston City Police were running a 'terror drill' the same day which was also the case, in another attack experienced in the US. I'd have to look it up as to where, it escapes me now, but I am on news circuits all day long and I definitely remember it.
    I do believe our govt is capable of staging or facilitating 'small' acts of terrorism against its citizens in order to provoke fear and to blame 'tightening' regulations aka personal freedoms on outside sources. I am not saying they did this, I am saying I believe they would and have. That the riot team was prepared to move in is highly suspicious to me and that so few were killed also gives me pause. The Russians supposedly 'warned' us about these boys, yet we did nothing? Doesn't that seem weird? We knew about them, yet they roamed freely throughout a major city setting up bombs on arguably one of the busiest days of the year? Either we SUCK at security or two jacktards just outwitted the US government. Neither option gives me faith.

  25. The FBI did the right thing, overturned table or not. The agent should get a medal.

  26. lol GYPSY i like your comment.

    and how about this.... all of the dead suspects, and the one still in the hospital, were UNARMED.

  27. @catlady: A little humor; How does an FBI agent detain an unarmed suspect? ANS: Bang!

    @Upside Downunder I hope you are only saying that because you are just naive and believe everything you read, because honestly, no one has a right to shoot an unarmed person in custody in the back of the head execution style for any reason whatsoever. And not only do they not deserve a medal, they should be arrested and tried for misconduct and murder.

  28. Asshole probably, naive doubtful. I have lived and travelled outside of the US long enough to know the depths of animosity towards the US.

    I looked at your blog Gypsy, you are a fool.

  29. Dear Upside Downsyndrome Thanks for the traffic! I truly value the opinion of those who advocate the assassination of unarmed, untried suspects because they are so worldly. Not.
    Anyone proud to be an asshole surely doesn't deserve even that title. You're so edgy! Keep it up, dahling. You're almost up to irrelevant. You can do it!

  30. Ok, You never screw with the FBI. They have the right to use lethal force, if they feel threatened. But the FBI should have gotten a warrant, even if it was only a Material Witness Warrant and taken him in for questioning. The prudent thing to so is always take the suspect out of his environment to an interrogation room, where the questioning can be taped. Something doesn't feel exactly right but if the suspect turned a table over or made any aggressive moves towards the agents, then the shooting is good.

  31. You guys do realize that the government can say whatever they want, right? WMDs, anyone? But when unarmed men are dying before getting a fair trial, America is not winning any war on terror. We are perpetuating it.

  32. You sound like a nut, Gypsy. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

  33. Thanks Slappy, I can't tell you how much your opinion means to me. I mean what do I know? I don't just eat up what the news tells me. I logically deduce the likelihood of the truth that is being presented and I have seen great discrepancies between what our government and news claims to be be reality and what ends up being the ultimate truth. But if you want to continue being spoon fed the beautiful truth that you want to believe because it is convenient and never question authority, be my guest in your self imposed ignorance. I never stated that these were the exact circumstances, I merely pointed out the possibilities and the absurdities that our government is either completely inept or corrupt. I can't make you see that nor consider it, but it doesn't make me a nut, any more than I can assume you are an completely willfully ignorant idiot because its easier to insult me than it is to actually use your mind to see the truth. But I do appreciate your two cents. Wake up. When your government can shoot first and ask questions later, they are the bad guy and you better pray that you don't accidentally cross paths with someone they do not want talking. Don't take my word for it. I am not asking you to. I merely wish to provoke thought, what you do with it is out of my hands.
