Thursday, May 16, 2013

Britney Spears Wants A Baby Girl - Will She Be Allowed?

Since watching Britney Spears on Extra tell Mario Lopez that she wants a baby girl, I have been wondering if she will ever be allowed to have kids. I have no doubt that Britney probably would like to have more children. Her answer seemed honest and she probably would love a baby girl considering she already has two boys. I just don't think her dad and whoever follows him as conservator are going to allow her to have kids. Make no mistake, they are in charge of everything about her. They get to decide her social contacts and get to control who she has sex with and whether she is on birth control and everything else about her reproductive functions. At the same time, Britney does not even have custody of her two boys, so is she prepared to be a full-time mother? Yes, she would have nannies and bodyguards and other help, but she would have custody. This is all very interesting to think about and so many issues just by her saying she wants a baby girl.


  1. This is an instance where I don't think it would be a bad idea to prevent Britney from having a baby. I'll probably get flamed for this, but if she can't take care of herself or her sons, how can she take care of another child?

  2. ITA, greenmountaingal.

  3. I agree with @greenmountaingal. I feel bad for her as she obviously has a mental disease that is serious. Conservatorships do not last this long if someone is ok. I think she means well in everything she tries to do, I just hope for the best for her and the boys. And say what you want about Kevin, but he seems to be a good dad who doesn't cause his ex any unnecessary grief.

  4. Also lets not overlook the wonderful havic hormones play on pregnant mom. May louse up her meds.

  5. Hers is a unique situation. She can always fake taking her birth control and get pregnant that way, but there's no guarantee she'll get the girl she wants, and it could jeopardize the already tenuous hold she has over her life.

    If she really wanted normalcy, she could simply refuse to continue being a public figure and move back to Tennessee.

    1. Louisiana. :)

    2. She may receive birth control injections as mandated by the conservator.

  6. I don't think she is in a position to refuse. Which makes me furious. She will be used until she is no longer able to 'perform' like a trained seal.

    1. +1 the industry chewed her up, spit her out, and left her for dead in a ditch

  7. John Hinckley has more freedom than she does

  8. She seemed happiest with Kevin...poor thing.

  9. She should just lease a foreign baby. She is in no position to buy. Just a short term lease, that way when the kid cries and it turns everything between her ears to white noise, she can return it to the dealer. Plus then if she changes her mind about the color and options, she could just keep swapping them back and forth.

    She could just keep trading them in every time the lease is up and she will never have to have a child old enough to realize she is F'N nuts.

  10. Sounds like a new puppy with pink bows will be on its way!!

  11. She is probably on medication, which she would have to give up before getting pregnant. Maybe not such a good idea at this point?

  12. G-d forbid this woman have another child.

  13. This is such a bad idea.

    A lot of meds for depression and bipolar cannot be taken while pregnant. She seems pretty stable now, why fuck that up?

    What if she gets post-partum depression (which I think happened last time)?

    Is she going to be able to take care of an infant, even with a lot of help? She only has visitation of the boys, who are much older.

    It's a very sweet sentiment but logistically, it's a nightmare. She should keep busy with something easy (her Vegas show) and maintain her mental health.

  14. I just feel so sorry for her, I know she's not mentally fit to care for a baby but, it seems like she just wants some sense of normalcy. :-(

  15. sad face. a terrible situation and I understand everyone's side.

  16. Anyone with a bit of knowledge about mental illness knows that she is on medication, which she could not take if she were to become pregnant. Going off of it could cause her to do awful things to herself and her child, as well as possibly depriving her children of a Mother.

    I don't understand how a lawyer, who is so concerned about the well-being of children would think its a good idea for her to have children. Someone needs to bone up on mental illness.

  17. I really really feel for her. And agree with everyone else that she should QUIT showbiz and just be allowed to live a quiet, private life.

  18. Can we please bring up her purported status in all this? If we are to believe the reveal on here that she is HIV positive (which, though outlandish of an accusation in some ways, does seem to carry interesting traction when you consider the nature of her breakdown and the necessity of her conservatorship) then there are yet further reasons as to why this wouldn't be allowed... Thoughts??

  19. I really don't think it would be a good idea.

  20. Not a good idea. She really went off the deep end after her first kid so I think her being pregnant with all the crazy hormones and then off the pills can be disastrous.

  21. Too bad more people in Hollywood can't be under a conservatorship and prevented from reproducing. Just as food for thought,the following people are under no restrictions and may reproduce at any time:

    Amanda Bynes
    Paris Hilton
    Lindsay Lohan
    Dina, Michael, or any other Lohan
    ANYONE named Kardashian/Jenner (including PMK)
    Charlie Sheen (& current sperm receptical)
    Tara Reid
    Tila Tequila
    Farrah "Back Door" Abraham
    Any Other Teen Mom (including Janelle when she is patrolled)

    This list is only an example and in no way all-inclusive.

  22. @ Phoenix, I would imagine if the conservators are in charge of her birth control, then they have had an IUD put in or regular depo shots that they make sure are done on time.

    @Team JTT, I was thinking the same thing about that blind reveal. I don't know if Enty revealed that thinking we would have all forgotton the first blind that went with that one, or if it is actually true or what.

  23. Price is Right should do a daily reminder after each show for Tiger Lily's list of celebrities to go get neutered or spayed.

    and I'm not joking...i sign off on that list

  24. I think it would be risky for her to be pregnant and give birth. She should give all that energy to her boys and if she needs a little girl to fuss over, she should love on her sister's little girl.

    Sad for her--she is bound to have normal wishes and feelings--on one side her dad has kept her from hurting herself but it's sad that she really probably won't ever be able to live independently and do what she really wants without someone else's supervision.

  25. Link to the reveal about her being HIV positive? If it were true, I'm surprised Enty hasn't mentioned it since then.

  26. I just think with that particular shrouded reveal there is perhaps far more likelihood of the celebrity machine retaliating and coming after such statements. I always take these blinds and all celebrity gossip really with a side eye -- entys very mission statement is that items could be works of fiction. But this reveal seems like it, at they very least, offers a really fascinating and sad theory as to the life she's had. Also -- I surprise myself in adoring her and feeling really sorry for the stare of her affairs whether all that's said about her is truth or fiction.

  27. @ Tori
    Original Blind 12/26/07
    #1 During a required physical last week this singer indicated she is HIV+. If you follow the partners and they were not safe, this could lead to some incredible revelations during the next year.

    Second Blind 12/27/07
    #1 You know that required physical from yesterday? Reason for the physical? Abortion. Father? Unknown.

    Reveal 10/20/12
    #1 You know that required physical from yesterday? Reason for the physical? Abortion. Father? Unknown.

    Britney Spears

  28. I can be her daughter!

  29. i just saw the interview i think enty is talking about. she also says, that her boys have agents(??) and they are considering projects(??). no. no more babies. she can't even manage herself.

    oh, and she works out with 2 personal trainers because she likes to "mix things up". (blech). can't celebs talk about anything else?

  30. Anonymous1:30 PM

    how about a girl puppy? look right over here Britney... right at the pretty new puppies.. .aren't they cute... look this one likes can name it Paris to go with your other dog London! Done and done.

  31. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Remember when she got pregnant so fast the second time. Internet went crazy. Perez Hilton days. Noone with mental issues should have a child, dont care who they are, how rich they are.

  32. She should not be having children and is lucky she has had them with someone as reliable as Kevin as the primary parent. They would have ended up with strangers.

  33. Maybe they tied her tubes when she had her second one. I only hope. She's like the crazy aunt that used to be kept in the attic back in the old days.
