Friday, May 17, 2013

Brooke Mueller Has Overdosed Six Times In The Past Two Years

You know how Brooke Mueller has been saying to the world how much she has been sober the past two years? Well, not the entire time, but a great deal of the time she was saying she was sober. Turns out she was not really ever sober and Radar says that in the past two years, while having custody of her children she has overdosed six times. Six. That works out to once every four months she overdoses. Not gets high or uses drugs, but overdoses. With custody of her kids. And she can't figure out why child services wanted to take them from her. Six.


  1. She must be feline. How many lives has she exhausted?

  2. Depending on who you ask, about as many as Farrah. Not enough to be gone for good but just the right amount to be featured here every day.

  3. she really is worthless...I wouldn't allow her to have a cat.

  4. Anonymous7:19 AM

    this horrible, horrible bitch. as someone who's mother was a junkie and who's life ended by the choices she made, this just seriously pisses me off and gives me a case of the sads.

  5. Those aren't overdoses, those are suicide attempts. This chick needs therapy in the worst way.

  6. I'll take her kids. I don't need Charlie's money. Why doesn't he want he kids? Is he still an addict?

    1. Ms, because hes smart enough to know child rearing is not his forte.

    2. And I respect the hell out of him for it. He knows he is unable to care for his children so he provides and fights in court for the next best thing, Denise Richards

  7. Steam is right. Her problems go waaaay beyond addiction. She has a death wish.

  8. I hope she doesn't ever get her kids back, also that someone has her spayed so she can't have more.

  9. Her poor babies. Heartbreaking for them.

  10. Some people have kids, and it feels like they really don't deserve them. So many can't have & do deserve. I get sad about it.

  11. I find this sad. Goes to show all the money in the world can't help someone who absolutely does not want it. It's maddening to us as we can't get how someone with all the resources in the world who can go to a fancy rehab center instead of the city psych ward can not not take advantage of it. But an addict is an addict is an addict.

    1. F28, yup. As neil says, every junkie is like a setting sun.

  12. I can't help but wonder too, if they are suicide attempts. I feel bad for her actually.

  13. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Steampunk Jass is right. Those are actually suicide attempts and the avenue she used was drugs. It's gut wrenching to imagine that her kids found her that way. Addiction is heartbreaking for everyone involved.

  14. I don't think Charlie is capable of taking care of the kids. He isn't allowed to see the girls without supervision. He has his own drug issues just more quiet about it he has about 90 million at stake with the FX deal.

  15. As someone from a family of insane + addiction, I just want to kick the living shit out of her. You wanna be a fuck up? You have a death wish? You can't find a reason to live? Then DO NOT FUCKING HAVE CHILDREN. I am sick of people who aren't happy enough in their self destruction unless they have an audience to the point that they create new lives to witness their fuckery. I am so over the selfishness of others and I pray she never gets those boys back and they find a way to sterilize her. Then, crack out crackie. Go to fucking town. Jump off that bridge! It seems to me, rather than these being suicide attempts they are more representative of a person addicted to attention. I am closely related to this kind of person. If she wanted to die, she'd be dead. I think she just can't find a better way to make a name for herself. And that pisses me off.
    //End rant

    1. I slow clap for you. Well said

    2. *joins in slow clap, which builds to a standing ovation*

  16. Poor, poor kids. I hope Denise takes good care of them, and loves them. God knows what they have seen already.

  17. The picture of her with the blackened fingertips should have been used instead of the above one.

  18. I am so glad that I got clean before my daughter was born. I really have no simpathy for her. I was a heoin, coke shooting, crack smokin mess. But as soon as I found out I was pregnant(thts a whole 'nother story) I went to rehab and got clean. I am not saying I was perfect, I did relapse one time, for about a month when my child was two. I hid it from her as best I could, !nd when we talk.about it she does not remember. When I realized I was going down fast, I up and moved and diiidnt tell any of my using 'friends' where I lived. it is hard to stay clean but I think it's harder to lose my daughtter.
    I think Brooke is scared to lose her meal tickets. She should not have custody of those boys. I'm not saying she should not be able to see them, but she shouldn't have custody.
    Thnk you for reading, I always have long winded comments when it comes to things like this. But I HAVE benn there and done that.

    1. lc, thank you for being a healthy, hopeful example

  19. lc, congratulations. Glad you had the tenacity to get clean & to pull yourself out again when you slipped. Your daughter knows how much you love her.

  20. Ic--Thank you for sharing. Great work!

  21. @Gypsy - That was a great rant. Sorry some of your relatives are so selfish.

    @Ic - congrats on your sobriety - keep up the good work!

  22. Thanks @KLM. I spent 23 years catering to a psychotic bio mother and the rest of my life to a sister who could be Muellers twin in MO. I have no patience for that shit at all. Help is out there and so is birth control. These women know they have issues but be dammed! They bring children into the madness anyway. The utter selfishness and chaotic destruction addiction involves is mind blowing. I will say this for Lohag, at least she is still child free. Thank god for small favors, ammirite?

  23. An addict is an addict is an addict. It doesn't matter what your social class is being strung out is the same for rich and poor.

    Whoopi Goldberg said years ago that addiction is for people too chicken to put a gun to their heads and end it all. That's not the exact quote but she knew what she was talking about (from her own personal experience).

    This is sad. Her children should've been taken from her a long time ago. If her name was Ellie Mae they would've been.
