Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Brooke Mueller Is Trying Again To Get Her Kids Away From Denise Richards

Once again, Brooke Mueller is going to try her hardest to get her kids removed from the custody of Denise Richards and placed with her brother instead. She is hoping that by doing so that she will continue receiving her monthly checks from Charlie Sheen which are about $55K a month. I think she was probably pretty good at what she did before, but she was not $55K a month good and when she did make a lot of money, she did not have two kids and a drug problem to cope with at the same time. Charlie has never said that he would stop paying her child support while she is in rehab. He could, and since she keeps going to court, she is probably thinking he will. Even if she gets out of rehab tomorrow, a judge is not going to let her have the kids until she can prove she is sober. What she should do is stay in rehab a year and I bet Charlie would pay for that, and she can sort out everything else after she gets out. Make the 20th time that you have gone to rehab actually work.


  1. I dont know who's advising her, but focus should be on getting sober. She knows very wll kids are fine with denise. Thats more important than money. Disgusted with her.

    1. +1. Her priorities are shit and its clear those kids well being isn't concerning her. It says volumes about Denise not asking for extra money to do this - good on her!

  2. The child support should follow the, um, children. Not the jacked-up loser mother.

  3. $55,000 a month would be a LOT of incentive for me to stay sober. At least half sober. Sober enough so the law is never involved. I think Brooke owes some dealers big bucks!

  4. Ah the twisted and desperate mind of an addict.

  5. I always pegged charlie as a beat the crap out of your girlfriend/wife/exwife/hooker kinda guy. Not a withold money guy. Is 600 grand even that much to him?

    1. Charlie has not and has not said he wld withhold the money. He wants her to get sober. He doesnt care about the money.

  6. I always pegged charlie as a beat the crap out of your girlfriend/wife/exwife/hooker kinda guy. Not a withold money guy. Is 600 grand even that much to him?

  7. Funny how we all expected Lindsey to be the drama queen of Betty ford. The constant going to court tells me this: there is no way she is interested in her sobriety. She is blaming Charlie and using the kids as a way to deflect her meth issues. And she has finally figured out Denise is getting her kids permanently and the money train is over. Which says she does not have the ability to put her kids needs above her own which is game, set, match in child custody cases.

  8. The selfishness of this woman is astounding. Those poor, beautiful boys. They are very lucky to have Denise, but how sad for them to have two parents be so incompetent they have to stay with their sisters' mother instead. Backing Denise taking them seems to be the first sensible thing Charlie has done in a long while, but he still isn't getting a pass from me. He has spent too long causing too much upset to get any passes.

  9. Soberish reality kicking in?

  10. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Brooke's mother married to a billionaire or something like that?

    1. Apparently her parents are idiots and not really interested in the grandsons. Assholes.

  11. she's not going to win, the kids are with their half siblings and probably happy

    1. @Misch, we can hope. At least they aren't commodities where they are now.

  12. While we do have a great legal system never underestimate the idiocy of some of its rulings. If she can get a judge convinced that she has rehabbed- she will get the kids and fat paycheck back.

  13. I would really like to meet Charlie Sheen. Just once. Have a pleasant, brief chat with him. That, alone, has to be worth, what? $20k? $35k? It's like he doesn't know how to have an interaction with a woman that doesn't involve throwing piles of money at them.

  14. I never knew Brooke did anything Other than have Charlie's kids, Former hooking career aside. First thing a semi sober individual does in rehab is try to control what is going on around them. After all, there is nothing better to do with your

  15. Didn't know she was a former "escort" but that makes sense and probably was even a point in her favor (in Charlie's mind) when she first hooked up with him.

    What a total fucking loser this broad is.

  16. The only way she goes away is with a big fat$$ settlement from Charlie. He can afford it and should for the twins.

  17. Get a fucking job and get fucking sober. I am sick of rich white women crack head can't find nothing better to do than hook and tweek problems. For god's sake, and those twins, I hope she never gets them back.

  18. Lindsay Lohan is advising her to get the kids to her brother because she wants a split of that $55k

  19. This woman is a fucking idiot. Denise is the ONE stable person the boys know.

    Brooke, just do your kids a favor, and overdose.

  20. A paranoid crack-head?? You don't say... It sucks that is seems the only respect in which she considers her children is in regard to her check. Sobriety is her last concern, which makes me want to go all Michael Lohan on her ass. She just wants to position the kids so that she can keep getting drug money and rub elbows with LiLo. She should have to account for the money she has been receiving to continue to get it. She's been getting as much as Denise, but Brooke is flat-ass broke. If the money can't be shown as being spent on the boys, she isn't entitled to it.

  21. Anonymous2:09 PM

    and denise refused to take an extra dime from charlie for having the 2 boys.

    This lady is fucking crazy
    charlie, patron saint of crackheads

  22. i suspect that the judge wouldn't take the full support for quite some time, say 6 months. the house and the associated espenses would have to be maintined even if the kids aren't there for awhile.

    i don't get what is SO hard with being briik muller, that it takes all these drugs to get through it. did something happen to her in her childhood?

    anyone heard anything about the brother?

  23. i suspect that when she and charlie divorced she got up to ten years of alimony which decreased yearly. her child support on the other hand, went up as the kids expenses increased. charlie probably paid for her house and car and has her on medical insurance. he may be a jerk, but he has the means to pay for his kids and his ex wives. he is lacking many things but he is a generous person to people he has been involved with. as she sobers up she is seeing just how precarious her finances are. but she will not get the kids back. she would have to be sober for a long time before they would consider that and i suspect that any parenting time will be supervised, at her expense, for a long time. she presents a danger to her kids and when social services removed the kids, they had plenty of evidence to warrant the removal. thank god for denise. and i hope the kids are in therapy

  24. so I always thought Denise was the previous hooker, but it's Brooke? or's both. I agree with whoever said 55k per month is good incentive to stay sober..but personally I would hope that the kids would be the real incentive. however, i don't have kids or a meth habit. I sure hope she figures it out for those kids....

  25. I always wondered what kind of person would marry Charlie Sheen. I should have guessed a crack-head/escort. No one normal would let him go near them.
