Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Brooke Mueller Used Crystal Meth During Pregnancy - Went To Rehab Twice

I need to find the blind item that talks about Brooke Mueller using drugs while she was pregnant. Radar is reporting that Brooke used crystal meth throughout her pregnancy that resulted in twin sons being born to her and Charlie Sheen. Things were so bad during the pregnancy that she went to rehab twice. Both of her stays at rehab during pregnancy were under 30 days, but she was unable to stay clean at all. I don't understand why you would allow yourself to get pregnant if you know that you need to do crystal meth everyday. Once Brooke did become pregnant, you would think Charlie would have someone watching her 24/7, but the thing is he was messed up at the time too.


  1. And here I am giving the side eye to broads smoking ciggies while prego.

    I kinda hate that this info gets out on the internets because I just think of her children being really sad/upset/betrayed when they read all this dirt on their momma.

  2. Not surprised. Fucking bitch.

  3. She got pregnant in spite of being unable to stop because she had to lock in the source of income. Alimony is not a given anymore, but child support is.

  4. I hate to think what long term damage she might have caused to those babies....that's child abuse!

  5. I love how this site and the commenters love to give Riri shit about smoking a little pot. 'Riri needs rehab...' 'She's so outta control...' but our little snow flake Brooke is all sunshine and rainbows. Does CM during pregnancy and bet you guys love her for it. I can only wonder why? Oh and I bet you all have a black friend or work with a nice black guy so no need to reply with that bs.

    1. LOL at the claim that commenters here support Brooke and think she's a speshul snowflake. Wrong site, dude, wrong site. I don't know what blog you're thinking of, but it ain't this one.

    2. Shhhhhhhh, don't feed the troll

    3. I've never heard anyone say anything other than she is a raging, cracked out meth head and a shit mother. Race has never entered into the conversation - of course, until now. Nice.

  6. I remember when Charlie and Brook were taunting Denise Richards. Charlie kept saying Denise wanted another baby with him. It was pretty bad. Looks like Denise got the last laugh.

    I still wonder why Martin Sheen and his wife are not raising their grandsons. They raised Charlie's first kid.

    1. Henriette - my guess is they decided not to continue being enablers. Raising two crystal meth kids would be more than many people could handle.

  7. And she's not in jail because.... (that's not really a hypothetical because we all know exactly why she's not in jail. Thank god she's not poor or brown!)

    1. If that's not a grossly inaccurate statement elita I don't know what is! There are plenty of people rich and poor regardless of color who SHOULD be in jail but aren't!

  8. Just Curious has changed his/her moniker.

  9. Who here LIKES Brooke?

    Show of hands?


    1. I think we like her about as much as we like the Kartrashians

    2. Totally agree Libby. I think Single Man is high on bath salts. The hell he pull that out from?

  10. I think she's not in jail because of good lawyers and Sheen's money and conections. Isn't she freinds with the Hiltons too?

    And we slam Brooke as much as RiRi here.

    Libby, Can we have a show of pits. Lol. Can you believe i got distracted yesterday morning and shaved one pit but not the other, and didn't realize this untill I got to work wearing a sleveless dress. Maybe I was honoring both Libby and Tiki Masala. I'm kidding..but i did have one stubbly pit all day.

    1. I think when you factor in the fact that until recently there were a lot more posts on Rihanna than Brooke, there's a higher percentage of Brooke haters. There's some sympathy and some regret over the wasted talent in the Riri posts. I don't think anyone has sympathy for Brooke.

    2. Brooke was never anything but a junkie to begin with. We never had anything to like her for .

    3. @Sarah actually, I first knew who she was from a crappy 1999 horror movie called Witch House. Believe it or not, her acting wasn't bad. It was pretty much the only acting she really ever did. When she first started dating Sheen, I remember thinking "that's that woman fron that movie" haha

  11. Why doesn't Enty lay more of the blame on Charlie? She's scum, but he knew damn well that she would want to get pregnant AND he probably knew about her drug use. He was so involved in his vendetta and proving that the end of his 2nd marriage was Denise's fault that he didn't even pick a halfway decent chick to spawn with. What man with his resources gets a meth head pregnant?

    I cannot understand why so much of his coverage of him paints him as this ne'er do well. He's a nasty prick, has ALWAYS been abusive to women he was involved with, which was why I had a hard time taking Denise seriously with her shock at how he turned.

    He made disgusting comments about his first wife. I hope she not only got away without having his child but with some of his money as well.

    I think his parents are exhausted and tired of cleaning up his messes. It must be difficult, but at some point you have to save yourself.

  12. Don't like Rhianna OR Brooke. Just glad Rhianna hasn't had kids yet while she's doing drugs. And I feel badly for Brooke's kids.

    @ Young Carrie - I did that once. Also have been known to shave one leg and not the other. Also to wear two different shoes of different colors. It always happened when I was REALLY tired.

    1. Sus, carrie- put only one earring on one day fretted all day at work because i loved those earrings, my mom had given them to me., they were my birthstone, etc Til i got home and saw earring on my dresser. I had never put it on!!

  13. Young Carrie---lol. I think you should do a 'sniff-selfie' at work and post it! ha!

  14. Am I remembering right? Didn't Brooke and Charlie undergo some type of treatment to vastly increase their chances of having boys? Or was it that they had the embryos gender tested? Something like that. Anyway, Charlie was fully on board with Brooke carrying his child/ren, and he must have known she was using.

  15. She needs to lose those kids permanently and the exorbitant sum Charlie pays her each month for them that just gets snorted up her nose. She'll never quit without a drastic wake up call, if then.

  16. I agree with Phoenix. Unfortunately she will get out of rehab- stay clean a short while- and get them back along with the big payments from Charlie that come with them. Based on past history the cycle will repeat.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I wish there was a way to force anyone who does drugs while pregnant to stay in rehab for the rest of their pregnancy.

    1. Anonymous8:43 AM

      I think the kids should be seized by cps at birth if mom fails a drug test

  19. She is disgusting. They are both disgusting.

  20. Pics of Denise and the boys are in the DM. She took them to some farm and they are reporting (although it may not be true) that Charlie offered her more money for taking them and she declined.

    I think she would be infinitely better for those boys, but I get a feeling she also doesn't want to permanently remove them from their Mom. Its a difficult situation, how long can you be supportive?

    I'm sure she doesn't relish the idea of a protracted custody battle, you know there would be one. Brooke's family won't let that money go easily.

  21. @YoungCarrie, I did that once - well, I'd neglected to shave both underarms entirely early in sleeveless dress season, not just one - and ever since then, I keep handy a disposable Lady Bic in my bag, just in case.

    1. Anonymous8:48 AM

      I don't shave anything. I pluck. Because I'm a chicken...

  22. All I can think is so poor kids. They are going to be genetically inclined to become users themselves and that's just sad. I feel like the only chance they have to beat the addiction in their family is to live with someone who is 100% clean and healthy. And they should really be raised far and away from LA.

  23. Agee SecretTorture - rich celebrity kids in Hollywood with user parents have a pretty high chance of being fucked up themselves. Check this site in 15 years or so and we might be reading about them.

  24. I hope not. Rich also means they may have a lot of great opportunities to have great lives. Let's hope they go that route.

  25. @Pini 27: Sorry, but I have to disagree with you legally and morally. Legally, if a guy can't have input on the decision on a woman carrying his fetus to get an abortion, then why in heck should he carry a majority responsibility of that woman being a drug addict who chooses to carry the child/ren to term??? Morally, why is Charlie responsible for Brooke using drugs when she is knowingly carrying life? Her body and her decisions, right?

    1. They are both hardcore addictts with brain damage. They dont make any rational decisions therefore the pregnancy while both using. Sheen just controls his addiction better. And if brooke keeps on this way, no worries about cystody because she will be dead. Sad.

  26. The kids were removed from her by social services. They were already working with her and then removed the kids from her care. There is either a voluntary case or there will be a formal case. Brooke is not getting the kids back until she is clean and it won't be in 30 days. I suspect Denise will be named their permanent guardian since neither bio parent is fit. As far as Rhianna, ,she is an addict as well she just isn't pregnant. And this isn't a race issue. Meth addicts are all races and all socio-economic situations. Hopefully the kids are in therapy they both look so sad. Imagine the trauma they have experienced living with a meth head all these years and then going to parenting time with the other drug addict. Charlie should write Denise a huge check to cover the next 20 years.

  27. I'm not a fan of crystal meth. It is pricey and very potent. Gimme some bathtub biker crank, and I'm happy as a clam.

  28. @Michael, I never said he should have made her get an abortion. I have never and will never make a man responsible for that. What I was referring to was his decision to have children with her.

    I don't believe in doing men the disservice of assuming they are baby-making machines with no control or judgement. Many men are wonderful, responsible fathers and frankly, I'm tired of society's assumption that a father can be less concerned with his child's day to day life.

    Just like many others, Charlie Sheen is a deadbeat dad. He prolifically makes babies and then is barely present in their lives. He revels in his juvenile and selfish behavior, while the women choose to get involved with him, the children do not.

    Yes, there's always the old chestnut, that a man can't control a woman lying and getting herself pregnant, but he can. Either don't sleep with her, or wear a condom and flush it immediately after you're done.

    Just as women should try to choose the best father for their child(ren), Men should at least try to choose the best Mother. The fact that he can rest at night, after abdicating his parental responsibility is disgusting.

  29. Sorry for the epic, its obviously a subject that hits home.

  30. @ Pini - I totally agree. Not enough blame is placed on Charlie Sheen. Look at George Clooney - he doesn't want kids so he makes sure he doesn't get anyone pregnant.

  31. Well, we know who the single man is in love with now.

  32. On the last post about Brooke going to rehab, she had a lot of supporters.

  33. Those poor kids. She was blessed enough to conceive not one, but TWO babies, and that is how she treats them. My heart breaks for them, Denise Richards is their only hope for a normal life.

  34. Those poor boys. And now my admiration for Denise Richards has increased again. What a funny world.

  35. Ok, for the win, I went to work with eyeshadow on one eye only. Another time I went on a couples outing with my top on backwards- breast pocket was on my back! nope, not smoking dope, not me, nope.

  36. So my husband & I couldn't have children, but someone who decided to do crystal meth throughout her pregnancy got to have two, and then decides she can't be bothered with them. (Insert copious swear words).

  37. Race has nothing to do with this. Asshole women of all races and backgrounds use drugs while pregnant and give birth to drug addicted babies. They might lose their babies to social services, but they aren't arrested.
