Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Cara Delevingne Drops Her Drugs

It is probably one of the worst nightmares for a celebrity. You just met your drug dealer and you want to get into your home and are fishing through your purse for your keys and the next thing you know, your little baggie of white powder ends up on the ground in front of a gaggle of paps. This is exactly what happened to model Cara Delevingne. Cara has been in the blind items before, but usually because of other things she does and not drugs. So far, Cara has not talked about the bag, but I'm sure it is probably tooth powder or some kind of new makeup or whatever story a publicist can concoct. She needs to do something fast because H&M is thisclose to dropping her.


  1. So that's how you never get busted for the blinds- they're usually about people no one has heard of!

    1. Cara is huge! She's totally the "it" girl in the modeling world. Add in her BFF status with her "wifey" Rita Ora and their ambiguous relationship, kissing Sienna Miller at the Met Ball, close friendships with all the young famous, Kelly O, Miley, Pixie, Emma, & Kristin. Hope she can pull it together. Coke only can be managed for so long.

    2. Guess my reply got eaten. Cara is huge! She also is BFFs with her "wifey" Rita Ora, ambiguous kisses with Sienna Miller at the Met Ball, & close friends with Kelly O, Emma, Miley, Pixie, Kristin, etc. Hope she pulls it together, she's a fun girl, & so pretty.

  2. No idea who she is.

  3. that is so effing lame for her. She's one of the hottest models of the moment with a potential career, and I doubt that Cara can recover this. I actually think it's pretty smart to shut up about this and let it drown amongst the Met gala coverage.
    I hope she's not trying to be the next Moss because she's nowhere near her level and McQueen sadly is not here to proyect and hologram

    1. @Beta: because there are levels in modeling? See me surprised ... to me, there are just bitchy pouts under the limelight

    2. @beta some fashion blogs are already calling her the next kate moss but i just do not see it, to me she isn't that beautiful.

    3. Anonymous8:20 AM

      I never thought Kate moss was

    4. Anonymous8:25 AM

      I never thought Kate moss was

  4. I know when I drop something private I throw my hands up into the air rather than quickly reaching for it.... Wtf is going on in that photo?

    1. I know - what a weird reaction. It's almost like she wanted to get caught.

    2. @empress haha that made me lol!

  5. Who?

    Who cares?


  6. It's clear that you don't read magazines like cosmopolitan and such (I do, but for other reasons). This girl and her sister Poppy have been in everyone of its issues for the last six months.
    They are the new Alexa Chungs or Posh Spices.
    They are way more famous than a lot of people who appear in the photos or even that Wade Robson in the news below.

  7. She's a top model and is the current guess for the blinds about the girl who needs to cover up her bruises when she walks the runway.

  8. This is who (from my google search). And I'm really starting to think the DM now runs this site.

    Cara Delevingne (born 12 August 1992 in London, England) is an English
    fashion model, actress and the granddaughter of former English Heritage
    chairman ...

    Apparently another model built like a boy (also from google search and I can't open this site at work) - Cached
    Cara Delevingne. Height: 5' 9.5" / 176.53cm; Bust: 31" A; Waist: 24" / 60.96 cm.
    Hips: 34" / 86.36 cm; Shoes: UK 6 / EUR 39; Dress Size(uk): UK 6 / EUR 34 ...

    The image results are kinda scary.

  9. Should have put it in her panties, you don't put that shit in your purse, get with it gurl!

    1. Lol I was thinking in her bra. That's where I use to put my "new makeup". But seeing she's a model she probably don't have the tits to keep in a bra.

  10. She is the 'IT' girl right and it makes you wonder does being the 'IT' girl mean you have to do drugs to sustain it?

  11. Because there are alwAys paps around just waiting for the moment you might drop your drugs. This picture seems totally planned.

  12. I only recognize her because she's a Victoria's Secret model

    Cara VS fashion show

  13. 99% of the blinds in this site are fabricated stories to build up traffic. I think the blind enty is referering is the one that came after the VS show that said that a model was so exhausted of work (or drugs or whatever) that she went of the rails and cut herself at a party or something. I remember this (I dont know why I remember this rubbish :P) because the daily fail published pictures of cara exiting the vs party with cuts

  14. Since the only way to be a 6 ft walking skeleton that the designers like to hawk their size 0 clothes in is to do blow, smoke and take Adderall, this story is hardly shocking. I miss the days of the supermodels where the girls were gorgeous and had thin but not emaciated bodies.


    Not even newsworthy IMHO.

  16. There are up-close pictures of the baggy on the ground in the DM, right before she steps on it to cover it up, and I have to say, if that is coke, she has a very strange dealer. There wasn't enough coke in it to even feel, not even enough for one line. I honestly think it's meth or heroin.

  17. I think she was the popular guess on a few blinds about a model that likes rough sex play and sometimes shows up to shoots with bruising.

  18. A model who does coke isn't much of a shock.

  19. It's interesting to me how models don't need to be pretty, but I guess it's hard to maintain a decent face when you're so skinny and hungry

  20. Ah, yes, the same industry that denies a problem with eating disorders, drug abuse, predatory agencies, a lack of diversity or inhumane conditions in textile and garment factories should totally clutch its pearls and be aghast at this.


  21. She was blasted out of her mind at the VS Fashion Show. I noticed they cut most of her walks out of the final edit when it aired.

  22. I wonder if she's the model that slit her throat with a butter knife? Anyone remember that blind a few months ago?...

  23. @Diana G: it was a news in DM at this time
    @texas rose: yes,it's this blind item but in Cara 's case,her bruises are sporiasis

  24. she can't eat(she's model,she's starving) so let her to drug

  25. this is definitely a reveal to the model who cut herself.

    on that note.... just signed with a talent agency! wish me luck :)

  26. Had no idea who this was but it can't be surprising that a model does drugs. It will probably help her career, knowing she'll do what it takes to stay thin. Ugh.

  27. I believe she has also been in a blind about dating Rita Ora. If it's true, then good for them. They're cute together.

  28. Anonymous9:37 AM

    oh God for all of you that say the blinds are made up, go blow it out your ass.
    as far as this model doing blow? I'm shocked, shocked I tell you. Models do drugs????

    Good Luck t.E Cruz!

  29. Anonymous9:39 AM

    good point, it is too little to be blow, most likely meth.

  30. Isn't she the one who's sister is supposedly dating Prince Harry??

  31. +1 but I adore adore this photo! Hahahaha

  32. I hate that this trick has co-opted my name.

  33. a lot models do drugs...gotta stay thin
    should shock no one in the industry

  34. Anonymous12:16 PM

    that lil bit of blow wont do anything to anybody.
    thats the hardcore stuff baby

  35. Ugh, the fashion industry are such hypocrites. Of course I understand the consequences - she's a part of the H&M image now so this is not good at all; not that the company presents itself as wholesome, but still. I on the other hand find this hilarious; Jesus Christ that must've been an awkward moment!! Also this sort of happened to me once - though not in front of the paparazzi of course, but if I ever become so famous that I have them hounding me I will be fearing the day this happens because it WILL!

    I really like Cara, both her look, style and personality, so I hope she bounces back. Any excuse her team comes up with will be just to placate H&M because I don't think anyone believes or expects that Cara won't do drugs! She really doesn't need to be "good", H&M's demographic aren't tweeners!

    And I seriously doubt that the bag contains coke.

  36. T. E. Cuz, congratulations. What kind of talent agency & will you please give us the inside scoop?

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. can anyone clicky link these blinds about cara? ta! :)

    also i agree with @jessica, looks like meth. the white powder looks all crystal-y up close

  39. kate moss is a huge druggie. drugs are eerywhere in the modeling biz. surprising to me that people would care.
