Thursday, May 23, 2013

Former Bachelorette Says She Drank 20 Bottles Of Wine Per Week

Back in 2004, Meredith Phillips was the Bachelorette. I forgot about her much like I forget about them all. The only time I am reminded of them is when I watch Dancing With The Stars and one of them has won some type of Hunger Games competition that allows them another 15 minutes of fame while the rest of the former contestants are eliminated from fame forever. Meredith though got herself in People this week. She did so because she is five months sober which is great and because she shared her story and says she is an alcoholic, who at one point was drinking 20 bottles of wine a week. That is a lot for such a small woman. I can do it, but, I am not a big wine drinker except out of the box. How many bottles are in a box? Six or Seven? Yeah, the cheap boxes, not those fancy ones which cost a ton of money. I'm talking the 5 liter variety. I probably go through a couple of those in a week.

Meredith was the second Bachelorette. According to her interview, she says she has been drinking non-stop since college, but it was only last year that her brother stepped in and offered to pay for Meredith to go to rehab. Meredith said that drinking was her full-time job. She did say that she is married to her high school sweetheart who she married in 2011.


  1. And why should I care?

  2. That's 'only' about 12 glasses per day (regular sized bottles). Why are we judging lifestyle choices here on a gossip blog?


  3. She shared her story? Rather she SOLD her story to make a buck. Call it what it is. Good for her for staying sober, but I hardly find it newsworthy

  4. Maybe it was that strawberry cheap ass wine? Lol

  5. I can't understand how that is physically possible. I drink a lot, but my body shuts down if I party hard three days in a row. I literally get sick so that I have to stop. I guess hardcore alcoholism isn't meant for me. It seems expensive and time consuming.

  6. Is 20 bottles bad? It sounds like a problem but i mean....its wine. Idk. Let me shut up.
    Glad she's sober and happy.

  7. Anonymous7:10 AM

    I've started drinking Franzia lately, it beats buying a bunch of noisy. bothersome bottles. Plus the empty bladder can be reused as a handy collapsible seat cushion. Good for sitting on unforgiving surfaces when watching sunsets, etc.

  8. Thanks for updating me on her Enties!

  9. After seeing countless intervention shows, and knowing junkies in my life, you could not pay me enough to lead the life of an addict. I wish her well and hope she stays sober.

  10. That's not very much. It's fewer than three bottles a day. Many non-alcoholic people in Europe drink one and a half or more a day, besides water, coffee, soft drinks, whatever.

    If she thought she was an alcoholic, cool, but it isn't the liver killing account some others have. Someone can believe he/she is an alcoholic because drinks one glass of vodka a day, but it's probably not true, except in their mind, which is the worst.

  11. I wish she stays sober, if this is what she wants.

    I said before that this wasn't a big quantity, but it could increase or make her feel bad, so I'm happy if she is quitting booze.

  12. Hot Dang. that's alot of wine

  13. That's more than three bottles a day. Where did she find the time? Or is she talking wine coolers and making it sound like bottles?

  14. I live in Europe and I do not know anybody who drinks three bottles of wine a day.

    That said, binge drinking on weekends is indeed common.

    IMO drinking heavily is not a "lifestyle choice" if you end up intentionally damaging your health to the extent that you can no longer play a role in society and everyone else has to support you.

    Addicts need help. That said, I don't buy the idea that it's nobody else's business how much you drink or how many drugs you take, unless you don't expect anyone else to pay for your medical care when you wear out your body.

  15. I'm about 2 bottles a night. Not always, but a good lot of the time.

    Addicts need help indeed...but the addict has to want to change.

    This addict does not want to change...yet.

  16. I'm going to be honest here. I drink a lot of wine. And I do consider myself to be an alcoholic. A functional one, but still addicted. I think some people (myself included) drink wine because we feel like we are considered more socially accepted rather than say drinking beer or liquor everyday. I really have tried to cut back and the only reason is purely out of vanity, I don't want to age rapidly and I don't want to gain a ton of weight. Sad but true.

  17. @Brittany - there's a lot of help out there for people who are brave enough to admit they're an alcoholic. Please don't be afraid to seek out this help. Acknowledgement of the problem is the 1st step. I wish you the best of luck.

  18. I find it very disturbing that some people don't consider three bottles of wine PER DAY to be a lot...

  19. Haha, CeeKay! I was just thinking the same thing. 20 bottles of wine per week is a lot and requires dedication! The sort of dedication I reserve for weed smoking.

  20. @cee kay i agree. 3 bottles of wine is alot to drink everyday. Thats a solid buzz at all times.

  21. Whatevs-get back to me when she can drink 2 bottles of vodka in an hour.

  22. Yes I tend to drink a bottle of wine at night, if I have company over easily 2 of us go through 3. But my body is fine on X amount, but go one glass over X and I get very ill and the hangover the next day is even worse, illin. So yes that would be commitment but if she has wine with lunch and dinner and post dinner it could happen. That's like vacation drinking, when you have the time to relax and enjoy and eat and play.
    I know about the "noisy" damn bottles in my recycle bin, gurrrrr.

  23. Glad for her. Agree 3 bottles seems a lot for a little thing like her. I don't tolerate wine as well as beer or liquor. It makes me so sleepy and drunk really fast.

  24. @Anna Namis At first I did not know you could remove the bags. So I would throw out the box and the bag still had a good amount left in it. Word got out among the homeless winos in my neighborhood and I found one waiting for me to bring out my trash.

  25. Why didn't she and her husband pay for it? Do they not have insurance or jobs?

  26. Wow! I usually drink two bottles a week and I thought I had an issue. Well thanks everyone for making me feel better about my habit.

  27. I drink 2 bottles of wine a day *shrug*

  28. and that's bad because...???
