Thursday, May 23, 2013

Frances Bean Cobain Doesn't Like Kendall Jenner

Kendall Jenner is a very lucky teen. She is lucky that her half-sister decided to have sex on camera and sell it to make a buck. Because of that decision, Kendall Jenner has nothing to worry about for the rest of her life. She has everything in the world handed to her on a silver platter and will probably never know much hardship. Sooo, when she Tweeted, "just wish things could be easier sometimes mann," the Twitterverse was all over her with responses, like, "Yeah, I hate when I get lost in my closet too." Frances Bean Cobain, who also has a great deal of money thanks to a relative, but is much more worldly went off on Kendall and said, “i’d rather be a scumbag than a f**king idiot. Praise high IQ’s, good taste & awareness about the state of the world. Oh ya, not to mention, CANCER, famine, poverty, draught, disease, natural disasters, Death. F**k, Humans are so self involved. Oh shh. There are kids on earth abandoned&homeless who forcibly drink contaminated water because clean water isn’t accessible.”

Kendall didn't respond to any of the thousand or so negative Tweets that were sent to her. She just decided to do her nails and have an Evian bath.


  1. People attacked Kendall over that comment? Every human being feels that way from time to time.

  2. Not a Kardashian fan, but everyone has small or large troubles in life. I don't think it's reasonable to expect Kendall to be nonstop sparkles and glee just because she has a lot of economic advantages. A lot of the unhappiest people I know are wealthy.

    When I was younger, a (much) older man tried to start a relationship with me - he was a Holocaust survivor. I found it difficult to chat with him because I was always on guard not to complain about anything in my life, given what he had experienced. I finally told him how I felt, and he said, "Your pain is your pain. It's what matters to *you.* There's nothing wrong with saying how you feel."

  3. Anonymous6:07 AM

    I'm not saying she's not a spoiled brat, but this girl is still a teenager. Teenagers are dramatic and angsty, I don't care what the socioeconomic background. Her tweet was on par w that and relatively tame- I say people would do best to just ignore her

  4. The two n's on man are worse than what she said and deserve ridicule

    1. +1 on what Jane3113 said. And Team Frances.

  5. Mad props to The Bean and anyone else who calls out the vapid narcissists trying to make their self absorbed way of life appear as personality diversity. Kimmode gave them all an easy life and each one is more vapid and stupid than the last. Kartrashians and their fraudations never helped anyone. **adds another scoop of coffee to strengthen the pot**

  6. I tell ya! Twitter will do you in. I don't know why celebs have Twitter accounts.

  7. I too dont see anything amiss with her twitter, besides the fact i think twitter is asinine. We have zero idea what she talking about- could be hangnail, could be just found out she has fatal disease. Just cos shes rich doesnt mean she's not entitled to feel lousy once in a while.

  8. Francis doesn't like Kendall, because Kendall's part of a fame-whoring family, and Francis was born mature and intelligent...and non-intelligent, shallow morons probably irritate the hell out of her and she has no respect for them and their ignorance.

    I'm team Francis.

  9. Team Frances. I like anyone who calls out the Kartrashians on their bullshit.

  10. Frances is like a lovely flower that grew from that cesspool of CLove....She's so strong to have broken free from her mother. That kind of mom can be a death spiral.

    1. I agree with its amazing she had broken free of her mom. Amongst the Lohan's, Kartrashians, Ms. Bean is a breath of fresh air.

  11. Kurt would be so proud.

    1. +1 Kurt would be proud that Bean called her out on her bullshit.

  12. I'm Team Frances as well, however, I have to admit I'd find it rather difficult to be a member of Kendall's family, too.

  13. Team Frances, but I bet she's talking about having that demon of a mother dictating her appearance/never having a kind word, etc.

  14. I agree with Nutty_Flavor 's older suitor (yes, I said suitor). Suffering is relative. If a holocaust survivor can honor another's suffering then none of us have an excuse not to. Kendall may be in need of some perspective but Frances Bean looks just as "bad" in my opinion.

    1. Thank you @ Free Tibet. I was about to say the same thing too.

  15. well, there's context too what with tornados that just happened and all. people probably aren't able to just roll their eyes at the kardashian stupid bullshit like they normally would right now. You know, it's like Kendall, have some fucking awareness for fuck sake. "Oooooh, life is sooo hard because my maid was 15 minutes late drawing my bath and I smudged my nails! Woe is me!"

    1. Anonymous8:53 PM

      I think this. It was put up as everyone was talking and seeing the tornados and in that context it is pretty dumb. But she's a kid, she's allowed a mistake. What was worse was Kim trying to sell her merchandise whilst all that was happening and hitting

  16. the backstory on the kendall jenner thing is that they didn't have a size zero in the mini skirt that she wanted at the mall. :(

    obviously frances got kurt's intelligence and empathy.

    I'm thinking that vapidness runs in families just like other traits.

  17. annabella---Were you just making a great joke about that size 0, or is that TRUE?!

  18. France's doesn't look like that photo anymore. She's super skinny now and had some changes to her face.

  19. I guess it would be a tough life if you mother is POS Pimp Momma.

  20. While I agree about needing perspective and all that, can you imagine having Kris Jenner as a mother?? As far as I'm concerned, she basically prostituted her daughter out with that sex tape, who knows what she makes the younger ones do.

    Of course, it could really be something as vapid as not finding the right skirt, but I give this kid a tiny little break because of the family that she didn't choose to be born into.

    That said, I do love me some Francis Bean.

  21. @Wen and @Annie Hall - true.. but the Bean has CLove!!

  22. Bean also had an awesome grandmother who took her in and helped her through the horrors of having such a horrible mother. Kendall has no such person in her life. She is basically her mother's puppet, Bean was able to mostly escape that.

    I'm not down on Bean, though. I totally get where she is coming from, I just have a bit more sympathy for those two little girls who are under Kris Jenner's thumb, just like I still have sympathy for the younger Lohan siblings. There is no grandmother swooping in to protect those poor kids.

  23. i guess frances has never heard the saying "money doesn't buy happiness"

  24. Frances Bean has done absolutely nothing in her life -- she's just the surly bratty spawn of celebrity money.

  25. I think Kendall is privileged, but I don't know that I would call her lucky. How lucky is she really? She has Kris Jenner for a mother who will use her until she can't anymore. Watch how quickly Kris dumps Kim when her very loooonnnnngggggg 15 minutes are up.

  26. At least Frances doesnt have Courtney in her life. This Kendall girl has PM Kris in her face constantly!

  27. Anonymous8:48 AM

    its not that people aren't allowed to have problems and a bad day, but the constant poor me negative attention seeking behavior on social media is beyond obnoxious. Props to cobain. I always think the same thing when i see stupid statuses like that on facebook. It's like oh really theres ppl who are starving today and you're whining about your college homework. There's just something about needing to post it on the internet. Drives me nuts

  28. two trust fund babies taking swipes at each other and at the world.

    Lawdy Lawdy! life is so hard!!

    Bean donate your trust fund and publishing rights to your dad to UNICEF. THEN you can spout off on who you want.

    Otherwise sit in your million dollar LA home you bought with your dad's money and be happy with the cute boyfriend who stays with you for your money and shut up.

  29. Not to split hairs, but Kendall's cushy life was assured by the fact that her father is Bruce Jenner. Not saying her pimp mom and whore sister didn't add to the pot, but please...

  30. @Annie Hall Frances Bean's grandmother (Wendy) is described as an oportunistic money hungry alcoholic by her own family. Even when Kurt was alive, he wrote a list of people he wanted to have custody of Frances if anything happened to Courtney or him, and he had his mother last on the list because she was awful to him.

    Would you send your 15yo daughter to live with Courtney Love? at the peak of her drug addiction? That's exactly what Kurt's mother did with her own daughter Brieann in the 00's. Go watch The Osbournes if you don't believe it, Brieann even dated Jack Osbourne for a while.

    Until Frances was 17, all the contact Frances had with Wendy was phone calls and holiday visits from time to time. California and Washington aren't close enough for regular visits.

  31. I think Frances Bean has inherited the worst of Kurt and the worst of Courtney. It's sad.

    Last month, Frances was threatening a woman because she had a facebook status of her daughter and her ex. It turns out the ex is Frances Bean's fiancee, and Frances was hysterical because she doesn't want the press to know that when she was 17 she started dating a man 8 years older than her who had just had a baby with another woman. Crazy.

    And what about Frances manipulating the press and Marianne Faithful just because she wanted bad press for her mother? It was 2010. Courtney was touring in Europe. Five days before Courtney had a show in Paris, Frances planted a fake story: moving in with Marianne Faithful, who lives in Paris. Do you remember the headlines when Courtney arrived in Paris? 'Courtney Love harassing her estranged daughter'. Comments over the internet? Courtney is a disgusting peace of shit, poor Frances. Meanwhile, Frances was in Cali enjoying the situation. Thank God Marianne had the guts to finally admit earlier this year it was a joke and that Frances just wanted to mess with her mother.

    There are so many examples of her true self. Give her time and she'll show the kind of person she really is. She always does. I can't even count how many twitter accounts she's had deleted in the last years after acting like.. Frances 'Mean'.

  32. Marianne Faithful is a talentless twat. There, I said it. Frances could terrorize Courtney for the rest of her life and it would not begin to make up for the damage that Courtney has done to Frances. Now, as to what Frances may have done or not done to others, I have no opinion.

  33. Well, pumpkin, Bean feels differently, "[She's] the most constant thing I've ever had. I'm really lucky because I've been able to go places and meet people you can only dream of, but she's probably the person I respect most out of anybody in the world."

    Apparently she did something right with Frances Bean because Bean only ever speaks highly of her grandmother.

  34. @Annie Hall I know. You're not getting my point. When a woman who's described as I wrote above is Frances Bean's role model for estability, Frances Mean is the only answer. She isn't what most people seem to think she is. All I say is that there isn't a single soul in that family with a healthy out-of-trouble life.

    When Frances seems down to Earth it is because her grandma raised her (a huge lie, nannies should get more credit than her). When Frances attacks people and starts shouting the 'don't you know who I am' line at a train station, it is because Courtney is her mother. I have no doubt that in the future, when everybody is aware of the real Frances Bean, all the crap about being raised by her grandmother would vanish.

  35. timebob said...
    two trust fund babies taking swipes at each other and at the world.


  36. I think they were both wrong to tweet anything. Kendall should know better than to tweet, "Woe is me." Francis doesn't need to respond at all. Looks like she's just wanting attention and she comes across as being way more melodramatic than Kendall. There are people I've known whom I can't even say good day to or else I get a rant, "What's so good about it? People are starving, disease is rampant, children are homeless," etc. If none of us can be happy or acknowledge our own bad day because others are having a worse day, then I can't see how that's good for anybody.

  37. Even rich teens can have an off day. Most teens have them, right? But if you have money, you are not allowed to complain? Ever? (I'm not rich myself, btw). Heartache isn't soothed by money.

    I don't think it's nice to judge people on the basis of a twitter comment that could mean any number of things.

  38. @timebob. Word. I don't get why people think Frances is such a wonderful, brilliant human being? Does anyone know her personally?

  39. Come ON, her mother is Kris, her father is Bruce, and her siblings...blech. I bet life isn't easy for her at all.

  40. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Those same ppl that responded to her...would feel the same way

    Money doesnt make your happy

  41. A lot of people are hurting financially right now. And yet celebs like Paris Hilton tweet pics of themselves in lavish hotels with stacks of luggage making comments to the effect of how difficult a petty inconvenience can be. Fuck them.

    On the other hand, this is a teen girl. They can find a myriad of things to complain about, in spite of their life circumstances. Francis Bean, being her peer, was right to respond in the manner she saw fitting.

    Oh god. And then there are those people who are barely getting by who feel it is their life's purpose to defend the rich if they perceive anyone is picking on them. I have nothing but contempt for people like this because they are fucking idiots.
