Friday, May 24, 2013

Janet Jackson Is Now A Billionaire - I Don't Think So

I'm not sure how the calculations are made, but apparently Janet Jackson is now a billionaire and it has nothing to do with her billionaire husband. According to Variety, Janet has earned a billion dollars in her career, which is something Michael was unable to do. But is she a billionaire? That is the question. Just because she has made a billion dollars does not mean she has kept it. It does not really make sense to me because it conflicts with what she was doing with her mother and her nephews and niece when she was in on the whole trying to get them to sign things. The vast majority of the money Janet earned was along time ago. They have her earning over $300M from movie roles. Really? I don't think so. She was not a huge star in any movie she made to the extent where she made that kind of money. They also say she earned $458M from concert tours. Again, it seems really high. The remaining $300M was from album sales and endorsements. I don't think Janet has anywhere close to that kind of money and don't think she made half of what they say she made. I just don't. I also don't think she has more than $100M at the very most. That would be stretching it.


  1. Hey, everybody earning $50k for 20 years, guess what? You're a MILLIONAIRE!


  2. She may be a billionaire if she didn't sign a pre-nup!

  3. 300 million for movie roles? I don't think so.

  4. Speaking as someone who was a teenager in the '80's, I recall clearly that Janet was HUGE when her Control album came out. We even used some lyrics on our poster when we (my friends and I) ran for class officers:

    Nasty Boys Don't Mean a Thing, Unless They're Sophomores and they Vote for Us!

    Oh, yeah - we were super clever :-).

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. You know she clips coupons and is a big Groupon fan. Where do you think she got her weave?

  7. I think its forgotten that JJ was once an A+ level entertainer at her peak back in the late 80s to 90s, with massive album and ticket sales. It's not unlikely that she's made a couple of $100 million. But agree that she's never grossed a billion or is a billionaire.

  8. I remember the days when Janet was the respected Jackson

  9. this forbes article explains it all (while also taking a swipe at the kardashians):

  10. If she made a few hundred million through her popular music, invested well and luckily, was fairly frugal with her money, I could see her hitting the billion mark over the past few decades.

    Remember, Michael may have made more, but he was a spendthrift.

    However, 300million from acting? No way. And she doesn't strike me as a power player with her money, knowing just where to invest when, etc.

  11. I can believe the music money she made but not the acting money. That doesn't add up at all.

  12. isnt she married to one?

  13. I think it depends on what the definition of "is" is.

  14. I think it depends on what the definition of "is" is.

  15. If she was that wealthy why put that crap with Michael's kids ?
    I don't think there was a pre-nup, something about her baby making years being over

  16. Let's not forget (a) agents, lawyers, managers etc, a minimum 10% more likely 30-50% off the top, (b) income taxes at the highest marginal rates, (c) Janet didn't write her hits (see Warwick's bankruptcy where she is only collecting $5K a month in performance royalties on a far bigger catalog than Janet).

    MJ died illiquid if not insolvent, having borrowed everything he could and having massive negative cash flow. His estate was recused by (a) the immediate elimination of massive lifestyle expenses and entourage, (b) uptick in interest and sales, (c) songwriting royalties and (d) the ONLY godd investment ever made by any Jackson, the Beatles calalog.

  17. The billion might be a stretch, but I could see her coming close enough to it. She isn't a spendthrift as Celia said, and no doubt she made HUGE bank back in the Control/Rhythm Nation days, and probably invested her money well.

    One of the movies she did (can't remember the name) the producers assumed just because she was in it, she would do a song for the soundtrack. She said no, that the soundtrack would cost extra. So she (or her manager) isn't stupid.

  18. Anonymous9:13 AM

    I call bullshit. You're right, that there's no way that she would have been slapping Paris, calling her a B%^&, ( if memory serves, frequently it's on break) and doing all that sheisty weirdness with the kids saying they were scared of certain family members, the Grandma went "missing". That was all a money grab, imo. So this billion is baloney, move the decimal point on the 458 million and 300 million two places to the left, and that's her lifetime of income. What products, endorsements, deals has she ever done? When was the last time she had a selling album? She's been treading water, hangin out with Germaine Dupri and doing nothing for years.

  19. Really? Because she was one of the biggest stars on the planet for what seemed like 15 years.

  20. Yes, you are so right. Can't understand these so-called reports which have numbers that defy common sense.

  21. @D Brown, very interesting input. 50% off the top for agents and managers sounds a little extreme, but if you add in security, stylists, hairdressers, wardrobe, and trainers, you're probably not too far off.

  22. I don't believe it either! Well, maybe now she can stock some toilet paper in her house for her mother when she visits instead of billing her brother's estate for it...

  23. she's more likely to be worth around $100 million...her biggest record deal was for $80 million and she hasn't had a hit song in years ...or a successful tour...or a hit movie

  24. But what has she done for me late-ly?

    But seriously, she had an immensely successful career. Just think about it, Control, Rhythm Nation, Janet, Design of a Decade, the Velvet Rope. She basically never left the charts from 1985-2000ish. All those pop girls that the media is always saying want to be the next Madonna? No, they want to be the next Janet Jackson.

    That acting # seems pretty high though.

  25. My immediate reaction was no way. Mb in her lifetime, but she could never come up with billion even if she liquided all her assetts. Bullshit is correct call !

  26. So that's how much she sold herself for. Ahh the joys of being a new bride. /snark

  27. Oooohhhh.. just read the article. She isn't WORTH a bilion dollars (i.e. a billonaire), but her endeavors have brought in over a billion dollars. Makes sense.

  28. Earning a billion dollars over the course of 30 years does not make you a billionaire any more so than earning a million dollars over that time makes you a millionaire.

    It doesn't work that way.

  29. @Char I was just about to post the same thing. There's a huge difference b/w making a bil and having a net worth of a bil.

    If that's how finances worked there would be a lot more millionaires and billionaires out there.

  30. I think whoever is spinning this little tale is translating Jackson's '80s millions into 2013 billions. And just because she had money back in the day don't mean she has it NOW.

    It's ludicrous to maintain that she made $300 million from her minor movie roles (and minor movies). Michael had more movie success (also very minor) and he probably made a lot more money from them than Janet.

  31. Perhaps it meant in her lifetime she earned about a billion. It doesn't mean she has a billion. BTW entertainers get paid well for their concerts look at Taylor Swift and Justin Bieber, thier millions mainly come from concerts and that's why they tour so much. Janet was a very high profile entertainer and she did tour a lot and sell out arenas.

  32. She's not a billionaire until she can point to her bank accounts and investment accounts and show that they add up to a billion. Over the years I've worked, I probably made a million dollars, but I also have had rent/mortgage to pay, and food, clothes, etc., to buy. I don't consider myself a millionaire by any stretch of the imagination.

  33. What movies?Poetic Justice and 2-3 Tyler Perry flicks? What else has she done movie wise? Those movies didn't make 300 mil on screen and videos let alone have her earning that.

  34. I could see her having earned a billion as a product (for the record label, agents, etc.). She also has songwriting credits, people like Dionne Warwick just sang songs others wrote as it has been explained over and over, they don't make as much unfortunately.

    She was still big until about 2002, until she lost her DAMN mind with that stunt. I think as usual, Enty's being deliberately obtuse and construing the article to say she's a billionaire.

    Lastly, why the HELL can't she button up her tops? I am sick to DEATH of seeing her tits!

  35. Forget the money! How is she dressing like that and being Muslim?

  36. I'm willing to bet that her brothers are lined up outside their door begging for their share of that Billion dollars. Probably LaToya and Mom Jackson too. Joe is most likely lurking in the potted plants on the balcony or patio.

  37. And when Oprah heard this big fat lie she started ROTFLHFBO!
