Wednesday, May 29, 2013

May News Bloopers

Even if you don't watch it all, just watch the first 10 seconds.


  1. Starts at :29

    Ends at :37 w/ "Fuck you, bug!"


  2. That reporter who said "Holy Fucking Shit" is wonderful.
    I mean if you're going to get fired, at least do it big.

    Ents, you may want to put a language NSFW disclaimer on such things. So as to not disturb those with delicate ears.

  3. 6:56 Mama went off on the city of Detroit LMAO

  4. The lady from Detroit and the Boat Show Guy were the 2 best

  5. I dont get the boat show guy. Boats. Boats as in they are in water. Yet he completely shocked and amazed when he falls into the water. And then extremely ungracious about it.

  6. The sad thing is, Detroit Mama probably could do a better job.

  7. I like 1:00-1:05. you can totally read his mind. "Holy shit, did he really just say that?!"

  8. The boat show guy is deservedly pissed because he got pushed into the water by a jerk who wasn't watching what he was doing.
    He wasn't expecting it & he said his watch was ruined.
    We don't even know if he had a cellphone in a pocket, because that would also be ruined unless it was in a waterproof case.
