Thursday, May 09, 2013

No Passes For Lindsay Lohan

All the patients at Betty Ford can leave the grounds and go out for coffee or do some shopping. All the patients, except for Lindsay Lohan. Part of the order confining Lindsay to Betty Ford for rehab says that she is not allowed to leave the center at any time for any reason and is confined to the hospital wing. Dina says that she is thrilled that Lindsay is getting the help she needs. She probably said it while cackling over a line of coke and piles of Lindsay's cash. When that runs out, I guess Ali will have to support the family. I wonder if Lindsay will ever try and sneak out. I wonder what patients are sneaking out and selling stories to tabloids.


  1. She looks about 65 years old in that photo.

  2. No passes and no ass to ass?!?!

    Lohag aint gonna make it.

  3. When is everyone leaving for The Cannes Film Festival ?

    I'm sure Hohan was counting on the cash she'd earn...opps

  4. I dont think Ali ever stopped supporting the family. Now she gets to be lead horse while LiHo is out of the race.

  5. "Dina says that she is thrilled that Lindsay is getting the help she needs. She probably said it while cackling over a line of coke and piles of Lindsay's cash."

    Bwahhhh. Quote of the day for me. Is this rehab stint even going to do anything? She's just going through the motions.

  6. Here I thought we would get a break from Lohan stories.

  7. You forgot the champagne. Dina never does coke without French champagne.

  8. Wasn't there a blind about Ali suffering from brain damage from an overdose or something? And lyndsey wasn't sympathetic and merely scoffed that she was weak or something? I'm not saying Dina would care her daughter couldn't handle it, I think Dina only cares about not working herself. She is a true definition of a pimp. She is disgusting.

    1. F28, you nailed it. Whole family dysfunctionalpollza. And if thats true about Ali, that wld explain her vacant, dead eyed look in " modeling" photos. Plus she looks mannish now. God knows what shes been thru. Notice Michael isnt all up in her grill; no publicity to be had. Disgusting.

    2. The popular guess for that blind was mischa and Hanna Barton. The blinds about Ali are she was in rehab for heroin addiction but Dina covered it up by saying she was modeling in Japan or something like that.

    3. @AuntLiddy I never noticed that neither parent pushes Ali until you said it. That family is disgusting. I want to send positive thoughts and prayers to all those that struggle to have children and these wastes had kids and treated them as a commodity.

  9. This lohag photo makes my day. Don't do drugs kids!!!

  10. She cant leave when others do? What does she have to do instead? Write an essay entitled"Why i cant Leave Rehab"?! Lol. Seriously, a big duh- if she got out they'd never see her again!

  11. the blind about the brain damaged sister is about Mischa's little sis. lots of rehabs, and sadly suicide attempt(s).
    Lindsay should get negative treatment, look at her track record. She's always running off and clubbing during rehab. She can't be given coffee passes! Good for them, finally someone in this system has and is using their brain. What a concept!

  12. She looks HORRIBLE in this pic!! Bwahhhahahahahaha!!! I just don't know why she's still on anyone's radar as far as hiring her. Is it true bad publicity is better than none at all!??!

  13. Poor Ali she always looks so unhappy.

  14. You don't have to leave for contraband to come in. Any place she's in should be locked down and subject to search.

  15. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE publish a photo montage of all the photos you can snatch of Blohan fat and wasted. They're hysterical.

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not mention Parasite Hilton or her Valtrex vagina in your pages again! If we ignore her, she will go away!

  16. @Ms Girl - Now it's just going to be a bunch of non-stories.

  17. OoopS! I meant @Ms Cool!


  19. My favorite Cracken pic! Thanks Enty!!

  20. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Holy meth face.

  21. Who? I've already started to forget who she is. Along with that girl named after a hotel and that girl from the bad porn video. Who?

  22. I love that photo. Remember the episode of "Friends" where Phoebe gave Rachel this hideous 3-D papier-mache portrait? Then Rachel would hang it in Joey's room in the night and Joey would wake up screaming?

    I would LOVE to have this photo of Lindsay made into a 3-D portrait like that.

  23. Turkish Taffy, yes! Gladys! lol

    I am glad this fucking bitch gets zero privileges. Next step, take away her fucking adderall, since she only uses it for speed.

  24. No one gets a pass the first thirty days at Betty Ford. And you only get phone privileges once a week on Sundays. After 30 days you're moved to a more residential facility and then you are allowed day passes with your family. Also the groups are divided up by gender, and there is zero fraternizing between sexes. Enty surely you've spoken to people who have been in Betty Ford before. This is routine protocol for all patients

  25. If Lindsay don't have a man for 30days, she gonna come out of rehab w/ arms like the Rock's from the chronic masturbation. It's the closest to a high she can get right now.

  26. Tara Reid gets the Cannes billionaires to herself this year. She must be thrilled. Well, she still has to share with Pam.

  27. Remember when Blowhan was in that resort/rehab in Colorado (?) a few yrs ago and it turned out she was humping some random dude in the stairwells the whole time? Now THAT was a good rehab!

    Is it too soon to suggest they put that Castro guy from Cleveland in charge of keeping Lindsay from sneaking out of rehab this time? He seems like just the guy for the job.

  28. @JBE - The probably have different niche markets that don't cross very often.

  29. Jesus, that picture. Did she have a stroke?

  30. Jesus, that picture. Did she have a stroke?

  31. I give her until next Tuesday. Two weeks in rehab, she will be getting antsy for some attention.

  32. I am also wondering who is sneaking out of rehab to sell stories to the tabloids . . .
