Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Random Photos Part Three

This is about as revealing as Diane Kruger ever gets in public. Joshua Jackson probably likes it.
I like a party where everyone poses in front of shrubbery. Ginnifer Goodwin looks good.
Emma Roberts has some crazy shoes and it looks like the shrubbery is closing in on her and her shoes.
Aubrey Plaza looks like she is scared of the shrubbery, like it is hiding Will Ferrell, out to get his revenge for her stage crashing.
See, look how close it is getting to Hailee Steinfeld.
This is Dr. Who like you have never seen him. Matt Smith in the new Ryan Gosling movie.
How does Alec Baldwin make up for being a jerk to
his pregnant wife? Makes her collect all the dogs and bags so they can go on vacation.
LL Cool J goes bus surfing.


  1. love aubrey's dress!

  2. I thought Diane revealed her love of veggies awhile ago.


  3. I can not express enough how much I love Hailee's wardrobe/taste/style.

    In a world where 16 year old starlets fall all over themselves to look like 30 year olds, she is NEVER dressed age-in appropriate and at the same time never looks too child-like.

    She is the perfect example of a young woman who can dress appropriately and still look stylish.

  4. Cecilia---Hailee is a real DOLL on her twitter. If you are interested. Every adorable tweet, I silently pray she never changes. Just a charming young lady.

  5. MATT SMITH!!!!!!! Where my Whovians at?

  6. Those pants don't look like they provide easy cucumber access, Diane.

  7. Whovian here!! I kinda dig the shaved head look on Matt!

  8. Anonymous1:39 PM

    We have to remember that Hailee seems to have good guidance. A lot of the other starlets don't.

  9. Joshua and Diane. Faves.

  10. Ooh...I always assumed he was just a skinny dude...I like that under all the layers the Doctor is hiding that bod.

  11. (REAL Whovians always double-post. It's like a secret handshake.)


  12. I thought all the real Whovians destroyed themselves in endless battles with the Trekkies.

    You know, like two retarded buffalo knocking themselves out during mating season.

  13. Fie on you, Mr. Wolf! *sticks tongue out* I can't help but think, though, that the whole outfit & hair combo isn't terribly flattering to Matt; the haircut in particular really seems to make his ears stick out. Oh, well, he's an actor, it's part of the job...

  14. Roberts
