Thursday, May 30, 2013

Random Photos Part Two - After Earth Premiere

The After Earth premiere brought out all the Smith family, including rarely seen Trey.
Justin Bieber was there, holding his balls. He got a hair this week and wants to protect it.
Carlton was there with his pregnant wife who is dressed like a Singapore Airlines flight attendant.
DJ Jazzy Jeff.
Bruce Willis showed up with his wife.
50 Cent is looking old.
M Night in his shiny suit.
Nice of Victor Cruz to dress up. He and his girlfriend are really nice though, so it is hard to say anything too bad.
Look at Edie Falco. She is looking amazing.


  1. Gosh, I remember when Edie Falco's son was a little guy! He's all kinds of adorable!

  2. Falco's kid looks like a Caulkin! She really does look amazing.

    Will Smith has some super strong genes. Those poor kids. Although, it is hard to feel too sorry for them when they always have such smug looks on their faces. Both of them. Always.

    1. Yeah, it's weird to see kids at that awkward age that don't feel awkward about themselves. Too self confident

  3. And there's the Smith kids, with those stupid ass looks on their faces again (esp the boy). Ugh.

    1. I have to think thats his face, no?

  4. Trey is hot.

    That is all.

  5. The NY Post slammed this movie. Gave it 1 star. Ouch!

  6. Maybe Justin B was suffering because his trousers weren't falling as the one he usually wears.
    If he has a John Holmes sized wang or nuts like soccer balls, that has to hurt.
    Nooooo, he is just a jerk.

  7. Will's older son is so handsome.

    Jada looks manly; needs to leave the botox alone.

    DJ Jazzy Jeff looks like Samuel L. Jackson at first glance.

    Will and Alfonso was funny on The Graham Norton Show. They did all the old dances and Graham joined in. A lot of people didn't know that Alfonso said he got the Carlton Dance from Courtney Cox and Bruce Springstein's Dancing in the Dark Video. It was the dance that Courtney did with Bruce towards the end of the song.

  8. I, too, can't stand the mugs on the younger Smith kids. Soooo conceited and smug, like the world owes them something for just being born. The older kid has the right idea, though.

  9. Bruce Willis is a real friend for Shyamalan

  10. I forgot to add what Lola said. Trey is damn hot and somehow escaped getting the Smug Look Syndrome (SLS).

  11. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Another day, another bitching about Will's kids. If it didn't happen, the CDaN world would cease to exist. *YAWNS*

    1. I intrepret people seeing "smugness" as projection. At worst, the kids look like kids trying to look appropriately cool for the photographers. I'm not overly concerned.

    2. That's a good point, I guess I forget how important it is to pull off the cool thing at that age

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Oh. Does this mean 50 Cent is the one coming up short?

    1. @ Freya, just what I was thinking!

  14. Will's son with that look on his face in almost every picture.someone tell him a smile would suffice. He's got good teeth yes? Why is that shirt with the angry dog on it a thing? Seen on several men/women lately.

  15. @Layna, if you can look at Will Smith's younger kids and not get annoyed at the constant smug looks on their faces, then more power to you. But you can't expect other people to be as easy going about such blatant smugness as you are.

  16. Will told Ellen a year or two ago that he's talked to the kid about that stupid look on his face...the kid wasn't having it basically. They're wayyy too big for their britches.

  17. Edie Falco is so pretty. She seems to be one of the naturally beautiful women in Hollywood. I hope she's nice.

  18. Carmella Soprano

    Bruce Willis' Wife

    Victor Cruz' Girlfriend.

    I was so glad I didn't have to pick Beiber over Jada. Justin would probably just shut up and take it after a punch in the face. Jada, would probably keep yapping and being annoying through a ball gag.

  19. In this pic, Bruce's wife looks an awful lot like Demi (just to look, anyway)...

  20. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Falco and Son are adorable! Such a happy looking pair. Fifty cent hasn't aged a day, and neither has Willis, ok a teeny bit with Willis but not much. Give him a break though, he still has to deal with Demi from time to time, that'd age anyone. I could kick Bieber if I saw him, I'd restrain myself, but I'd want to.

  21. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Will and Jada's kids are strange, smug and look like they're asking for help, with the lost confused, help me pleading look on Jaden's face. I think it's because they're Co$ and Will and Jada have said that they treat them like adults, let them do whatever they want, make all their own decisions, so those kids are probably all kinds of messed up and lost and alone.

  22. That expression on Jaden's face is the reason I won't be going to see After Earth.

  23. @auntliddy, no it isn't just his face because when he does choose to grace us with a smile, he looks completely different and not smug at all.

    When he gives the smug look (which is most of the time), he actually creases his eyebrows into that look. He actively participates in the look. If he smiled more like that pic I linked to, or hell even just stopped creasing his eyebrows, it wouldn't seem so bad, TBH.

    1. Well then I have to think no one has told him how asshole-ish it looks, lol

  24. Why does Justin walk all hunched over like that? We already know he's low on the human evolutionary chain.

    1. That's exactly what I was thinking about Fiddy and his prominent ridged brow! He looks very Neanderthal

  25. Why is Will trotting out his friends he hasn't been seen with in 20 years? is he trying to remind everyone of when ppl liked him?

  26. Victor Cruz and his girlfriend look like fun people. I don't get her outfit, but I do like those shoes.

  27. +100 regarding the younger Smith kids. They give me itchy palms, as in, I want to slap those looks off their faces. Yep I said it.

  28. Biebs looks like he needs to pee.

  29. Trey is very handsome!

  30. What's a Trey and may I have one?

    I think Givenchy make the tshirt with the dog on it. It's a thing. From last year.

  31. Trey used to be with Will and Jada all the time. When the two young smirkers started their careers, we didn't see Trey anymore. Hmmm, I wonder why? Did Jada want all the attention on her two? I'm sorry, really I am, but the smirkers annoy the hell out of me.

  32. I wonder if Biebers bodyguards find themselves in tears at what their life has come to...

  33. I think Trey is around less just because he grew up. He really won the gene lottery compared to his sibs.

    What does anyone make of Will's big proclamation that his children aren't his property? It sounded very CO$ to me but I'm reading Going Clear so that's the first place my mind went.

  34. Alot of the reviews I've read have said that this Will Smith movie is very very based on Scientology, almost Battlefield Earthish.

    He might be bringing the whole block to boost his credibility.

  35. Maybe justin is scared someone will slap his Vagina

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  37. Somehow, and without any basis, I always picture Bruce and Demi still living in the same house with all their kids. I know it isn't the truth, but in my mind, they do.

  38. That haircolor looks fantastic on Edie Falco. Has anyone read Tom Sizemore's new book? I guess her and him were a big item earlier in their careers.

  39. Haden is a teenager so I'll chalk up the smug look as his version of black lipstick, vata eyebrows and gelatin-hardened hair. I know my mother wanted to slap me silly, but she took a lot of pictures instead and gets her revenge when trotting out the old family photos!

    Willow on the other hand just looks sad and troubled. I hope she gets some true help.

    Trey looks like a dead ringer for my brother. RIP you lovely man!

    1. V-u right, williw does always look profoundly sad. Hope she isnt.

  40. I think Willow looks REALLY unhappy. I feel sorry for her. I think they are under pressure to appear as the perfect family.

  41. I keep going back to look at that photo of 50 Cent. It's great.

  42. Trey Smith is gorgeous! Can we see some movies starring him instead of Willow and Jaden?

  43. There was a rumor earlier this year that the Smith kids were going to live with their grandmother and go to school at my kids' school and I was like nOOOOOOO. Pleassssssee.

  44. I work in education, and I LOVE kids...but those Smith kids...I can't. I seriously want to smack the smug off their faces. Great, now I feel like a jerk.

  45. My teenage cousin makes that same face Jaden makes, in all his Facebook photos. He's a really nice kid, he's just trying to look cool or something. I'm sure Jaden's doing the same thing and it's really not that big a deal.

  46. My teenage cousin makes that same face Jaden makes, in all his Facebook photos. He's a really nice kid, he's just trying to look cool or something. I'm sure Jaden's doing the same thing and it's really not that big a deal.
