Thursday, May 23, 2013

Random Photos Part Two

After the Hangover 3 premiere in London, the cast all went out to dinner together instead of a party.
Heather Graham was there.
Zach G. in his three piece suit.
Ed Helms too. I guess the dress code was blue for the night for the guys.
I'm not sure what kind of pants Anne Hathaway is wearing here.
Jennifer Lopez likes to pretend that she is a teacher instead of a spokesperson.
Apparently Katie Holmes had a rodeo to go to later.
This is the amount of pills and supplements and vitamins Katy Perry takes everyday. That can't be good for you.
Kristen Stewart is now into guys who know where to buy camo shorts.


  1. Heather looks great! Did anyone else read the Michael K piece on how Zach G brought the homeless woman he supports to the premiere? Great story, he's +100000 to me.

    1. I heard it on the radio a couple days! The story is so sweet.

  2. um, wtf with the pills??? no really.... why is there any reason to take that many pills daily?

    heather looks lovely, as do the men.
    kstew doesn't look bad here.

  3. Katie, I don;t care what the fashion magazines tell you, it's not okay to wear denim and denim unless you're guest starring on Kojak.

    1. Exactly. Please stop trying to make this happen fashion gods!!

  4. @Gayeld - double denim is never acceptable

  5. I'm guessing the pilms are about a 6 week supply?

  6. OMG, you guys, a clueless guy friend tried to wear blue denim shirt with black denim jeans once. We wouldn't leave until he changed!

  7. Oh, and BCoop is harvesting someone's liver with his eyes there, out-of-frame. Again.

    He more Patrick Bateman than that Disick (sp) douche.

  8. I'm thinking that is all Katy Perry eats. No food. Just capsules.

  9. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Why would Katy Perry take that many supplements?Does she use them instead of eating? Can ones body process all those capsules/caplets? So many questions. Seems to me they would clog up the colon.

  10. Anonymous12:38 PM

    About Katy Perry and the bags of vitamins if you pay attention to the pic I think you can see that inside each big bag there are smaller ones. So I guess the amount of pills inside each smaller bag is what she takes daily.
    Anyways taking around 10 supplements/vitamins with every meal every day is kind of useless for sure.
    As Sheldon once said at Big Bang "Your body can't process so many vitamins so you're only going to get expensive pee" hahaha

  11. I had no idea denim and denim was such a huge faux pas!! Lol

    1. It's not. A light blue demin button down shirt thats a little big for your size and the perfect pair of ink rinse skinny jeans with some black flats is the perfect outfit for me.

      Yall have no style lol sorry. Rules are meant to be broken!

    2. Katie just isn't doin it right, she ruined it with the flare jeans. They have to be skinny.

      I sound really vapid but whatever haha

    3. @Kels. Her denim shirt is also too short and not light enough.

      True confessions: I'm actually wearing a long-sleeved denim shirt over my t-shirt (and jeans) today.

    4. +1 @kels denim on denim is acceptable but they should be 2 different shades. Not everyone is current on fashion trends though

  12. RDJ takes around 300 vitamins a day. Seems to be a thing now.

  13. Agree ^ She's also holding up more than one bag. I also think it's just partial packs for each day.

  14. Anonymous12:49 PM

    As far as the vitamin thing, that does look like ALOT OF FRICKING VITAMINS!I like my vitamins and supplements, and do believe in them, but isn't enough, enough? Looks like too many, surely that would cause your liver harm?

  15. Certain vitamins can actually harm you when you OD on them.
    Pregnant ladies should watch their Vit A intake, since too much of that can cause damage to the baby. B3 can cause blood vessel widening. B5 can give you diarrhea. Vit C can cause you to not absorb copper and can lead to kidney stones. Folic acid can make a B12 shortage harder to detect. And Vit D can cause calcium deposits in the body.

  16. Natural vitamins skin and hair were never better than when I was on (at least) 5 helpings of (mostly raw) fruit and veg a day.

  17. I think Kristen was enjoying getting hit on by the two lesbians she is consistently being papped with. No shame though. Get it girl!

  18. I'm with Kels. I would wear denim with denim. I love denim. Why not?

    I take six supplements a day and I feel great. (I also have a pretty healthy diet, but I like the insurance of supplements.) I think she's holding up minipacks within the bags, too.

  19. Damn Heather looks good. And my husband just walked by and said "when the f' did you take that picture?" when I was on the Kstew pic. I'm so not a fan of her and my husband just confused me with her, thats sad.

  20. I would wear denim on denim on denim every day if I didn't have a job and stuff that outlaws it.

    Got 'em all. Jean jacket. Denim vest. Denim shirts. Flared jeans. Skinny jeans. Jean skirt. Daisy Dukes. Blue/black/beige. Just throw in a couple crisp white shirts, some boots, and saddle me up! Yeeha!

  21. At least KStew's out and about. I was a little worried about her. As for the guy with the camo shorts, he could be anyone, but whoever he is, he has to be better than that jerk of a twit RPatz.

  22. I read somewhere a few months ago the Canadian Tuxedo (denim on denim) is back in style. It *could* be ok, but unfortunately most people hear that & run with it. In the wrong direction. Case in point: Katie & every middle aged tourist during Calgary Stampede.

  23. @mygeorgie in Canada we call it the Saskatchewan tuxedo. I am in Calgary though so I can attest that Stampede week is filled with denim disasters including the skanky variety

  24. The denim and denim is giving me those Britney and Justin flashbacks. I hate denim and denim the only time it is acceptable for me is if the jacket and jeans match exactly or opposites like black denim with blue.

  25. Kristen Stewart really seems to be digging that Duck Dynasty extra. Her face is glowing with infatuation like mine was after meeting a svengali while rolling on e and listening to Delerium records on loop.

  26. KStew looks as if a weight has been lifted off her shoulders. i know that look.

  27. Kristen Stewart is gorgeous when she smiles, as rare as that is.

    All those pills can't be good for your asshole.

  28. @libby - Once you see it, you can't unsee it..

  29. that with the twilight chick looks like Jonah hill

  30. That Katy Perry pic scared the crap outta me! The larger bags are labeled "upon rising" "breakfast" and "dinner." That can't be all good. It reminds me of an interview I saw with Suzanne Summers and she had 40+ pills laid out on a table to show how much she takes every day. Poor livers!

  31. My teen nixed the skinny jeans and denim jacket I wanted to wear even though I knew it was wrong in the first place. Too matchy matchy. But. What if I wore the jean jacket with black skinny jeans and black flats? I can't decide if that's OK. Problem is I love my jeans as well as my comfy jean jacket.
