Friday, May 03, 2013

Reese Witherspoon & Jim Toth Dashboard Cam Videos

These really should start ranking up there with Kiefer Sutherland and the Christmas tree or Bret Michaels smacking his head and falling down. Yes, that is Jim Toth throwing his wife under the bus. I wonder if she knows he did. She does now.


  1. So it turns out the whole "I'm pregnant" thing wasn't to avoid a breathalyzer (not sure how that would work anyway); it was an excuse to get out of the car and go to the bathroom.

    Can't say I've never told a cop I had a UTI and was rushing to a bathroom when pulled over for speeding.

  2. Not actually as bad as I thought. Oh, she popped off, and was out of line, but not as bad as I thought

  3. I appreciate the fact that she owned up to what an ass she made of herself instead of claiming exhaustion or some nonsense. She's still an idiot for using the "do you know my name" bit, but it takes a big person to admit to their mistakes, so +1 for her...

  4. Does anyone know if Reese is an American citizen or not? Because I'm not really sure.

    Love that Police Officer.

  5. F this fake bitch, (betch?), sideways, backwards, A2A, or whatever. I've long known she was fakey nice, and fakey goody goody, but ATL cops arrest someone famous weekly, she ain't special here. Hope she and Drunky Daddyo aren't back on the same roads with my kid, this weekend. When does this POS movie wrap???

  6. I wonder if her accent always gets that thick when she's drunk.

    1. Mine gets really thick when I'm drunk. I'm told its a cross between Blanche Devareau & Daisy Duck on acid.

    2. OMG - LMAO!! I'm obsessed with Blanche Devareau!!

  7. I've always felt your true personality comes out when you're drunk. So now we know she's a self-entitled bitch.

    And having lived in Georgia for a long time and having been stopped a few times by the cops, they do NOT fool around. They're polite but very business-like and don't put up with any crap.

  8. Seems like Jim Toth has seen this behavior before!

    Fuck her and her apology, "owning up" because her star will fall.

  9. I LOVE that this was released. Because it just keeps the story going. And she IS an entitled, arrogant asshole.

  10. Is that Donald Duck's hillbilly 2nd wife?

  11. This is the best... him saying REESE REESE over and over again and then " I have nothing to do with that" is best shit this weeeeekkkkkkk.

  12. Looks like that blind of a few weeks ago was right. She was popular guess of miss goody goody that is a real bitch when she get pissed off. I'm sure he has seen this behavior before just not with police and cameras around. Probably destroying her nanny, pa, or publicist or someone she can bully.

  13. Drunk much? Well at least her husband acted respectful.

  14. Husband seems used to her like this, we usually get the cleaned up version of her. Husband knows the drill, reese is being a brat, just knew if she could do it without the public knowing she would have gotten the officer fired.

  15. Can you just imagine too drunk people in the car driving! thank goodns for that officer, who knows how many lives he may have saved that night

  16. Idk, isn't the cop putting cuffs on her a bit much? I love that "I'm an American" line though, reminds me of Randy in South Park.

  17. He kind of threw her under the bus.."I had nothing to do with that". Ha!

    Maybe it's different in CA but I was told by a friend who was related to a highway patrol officer that your say absolutely nothing at all unless spoken to. They have heard EVERYTHING.

    My friend was arrested for a DUI (years ago before the laws were so strict and he was young) and the officer said before the judge at the hearing that he was the MOST POLITE gentleman he ever had to arrest. The judge was lenient based on the officers comment. That is how you do it!

  18. The post on Dlisted about this last night had me in hysterics. I wish Michael K went on a lecture circuit. I would be all over that shit. He is pure genius.

    1. And the Lady Macbeth post! He's on a roll this week!

  19. I can't help but love that little betch even more now. What spunk!

  20. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Actually she had a point. I don't think she was out of line at all

  21. I saw this last night on Dlisted, and it is indeed hilarious. She wasn't as bad as I thought she would be, and I loved how her husband seemed pretty cool about the whole thing. Anyway, I bet there are plenty of more actors out there who pull the "Do you know who I am" thing with alot more venom than Reese did.

  22. Did you hear the recording tmz has of Jim and Teese talking in the police car? She said the Molly Smith told her to get out of the car and say what she wanted to.

    Molly Smith is one of the producers of The Good Lie. Free publicity, anyone?

  23. She was completely out of line. That officer has control of the scene he is investigating. He's the boss and you better listen to him. He was polite and professional. He told her to stay in the car and let him do his job and she choose to get out and try and prevent him from doing his duties.

  24. I love how her hubby just threw her under the bus...He made NO effort to chill her out..."Ummm, Officer...I got nothin' to do with that..."

  25. I do not think she is as nice as she is in her movies. I do think she could prolly be self entitled in reality but I don't know her and therefore cannot say.

    I like her hubby tho, but she could have made that so much worse for him

  26. Just had to also comment that had someone looking a lil 'different' from Ms. Reese here run up on a GA officer from behind (at night and AFTER she'd been told to stay in the car) would have very likely been treated with far less patience and gentleness. I'm just sayin'.

  27. Police officer on a power trip, pretty typical. Her husband was so embarrassed. He is the only one who committed an actual crime.

  28. Hmmmmmm....Reese gets arrested, and Lindsey gets off for the 100th time?

    I can't believe Reese pulled the name card. She's JUST an actress. She is not anyone who adds anything important to this world. This tells you how self absorbed and how egotistical she is. She really thinks she's important. She's nothing, but an actress. You don't even need to go to college or have brains to be one. You just have to know how to manipulate your emotions to be a good one. I also think she's completely overrated.

  29. That officer was not on a power trip. Roadside stops are the most dangerous times for police because they never know exactly what they are dealing with. He was by himself doing a DUI investigation he told her to stay in the car for HIS safety many times. Instead she got out and went right up to them. Now he had to deal with her and his back was turned on her husband. Fortunately it didn't turn out to be a dangerous situation, but it could have.

    1. Not just for his safety, but for hers as well. Number one rule if your car is stopped at the side of the road STAY IN THE CAR. There are other cars out there and they can run your ass over.

      Some of them are even driven by idiots who had a drink, or five, and are still driving. Can you believe that?

  30. Agree Julieh - if he was on power trip she would have been treated much differently. He showed a lot of control- maybe because he probably did recognize her.

  31. When they were pulled over Reese didn't look like the Reese that everybody knows (blonde hair Reese.) If she was standing in front of me with that brown hair, I don't think I would have known who it was either - especially on the road at 3 in the morning. Someone said to me that this was Tracy Flick 15 years later, but Tracy would never have become a mouthy drunk.

  32. Why didn't he just tase her? I'm so disappointed. :(

  33. @MadLyb Hahahahhahahaaa!!!

  34. LMAO at her husband mouthing at her to shut up. She's a fool.

    I'm guessing her kids have already seen this on youtube.

  35. I think it's hilarious that they get pulled over for drunk driving and Reese calls the born-mega-rich producer of her movie for advice. Just shows how sheltered (and not street wise) these Hollywood types are.

  36. Absolutely Julieh. That's THE #1 thing to remember. Anytime an officer stops someone they have zero idea as to what they may encounter. It is dangerous as hell and they are on high alert when they get to your car. You do not want to piss them off ever.

  37. Wtf? "I'm an american citizen on US soil"
    Is talking like that suppose to help the situation? It's not like the officer was standing on someones neck...

  38. In regards to the racial aspect being thrown around, a black girl can kick a man's ass twice her size in a heart beat. A rich white bitch like Reece... not so much usually.

  39. So many calm people have exited vehicles when asked to remain inside and attacked/shot officers. He had no clue who she was or her intent. Plus they were both visibly intoxicated and could easily be prone to erratic behavior. He was supposed to trust her? He did his job.

    People think what she did is cute?

    Maybe someone should go on a movie set and make her stressful job harder.

  40. I've never bought her sweet Southern belle act. She is a bitch, always has been and her lil ole me persona is fake through and through. It speaks volumes to me she's such good friends with Jennifer Garner, who is exactly the same way.

    You're a freaking millionaire who can well afford a cab when you're drunk so STFU and call one and stop putting the lives of innocent people on the line. I hope they throw the book at her for this but I'm sure she'll get away with it because she's Miss Movie Stah. Though I hope the Georgia courts are smarter than that.

  41. She should feel glad she wasn't tazed, I'd have zapped her buzzy, mouthy ass. It's probably very good I'm not a cop. But stay in the car means stay in the car. Those police are put in dangerous situations every day. Again..zappp!

  42. They showed a clip of her GMA apology on Anderson Cooper. Afterwards Isha Sesay just says "Good performance."

    Spot on.

  43. I bet Ryan is loving this
