Friday, May 03, 2013

Shocker! Brooke Mueller Is On Drugs - Denise Richards Gets The Kids

Denise Richards watches Brooke Mueller's kids 95% of the time. If you were a parent would you want Brooke Mueller to watch your kids? Charlie Sheen knows he can't handle watching kids. he can have them and loves playing with them, but he is not watching them material. That really only leaves Denise Richards. Wait, did someone say what about Brooke's parents? The same parents that wanted their daughter to tend bar for them at a party the day Brooke got out of rehab? Child Protective Services has taken the children away from Brooke and given them to Denise. She is probably also getting a little something extra in her child support check this month from Charlie. I would guess six figures extra. Not a bad gig if you can get it.


  1. Those kids are lucky to have her.

  2. I never would have thought Denise Richards would turn into Supermom. I do have to give her some praise for taking on Brook's kids. She already has three of her own, so she's got five now.

  3. I think they forgot a kid.

    1. Yeah I was wondering where her adopted baby is too

    2. I think Denise is carrying her, one of the twins is missing.

    3. Ah I think you're right ethorne. That baby does look a little younger. Just wanted to make sure she wasn't the one who wanted to return her adopted baby :)

  4. So what if she's getting extra money from Charlie? She deserves every dime and then some. The court gave her custody for a reason. Because she obviously cares about these children and provides what they otherwise lack: a stable loving home.

  5. For a moment there, I thought Denise was missing an arm!

  6. That is beyond me. I am no Richards fan, but she impresses me to no end. Money may be a factor but it takes a very special person to put up with the fuckery coming from Sheen and Mueller AND raise those two crackheads children. Just wow. Hat is off to her. I am too selfish and wtf about all that kind of bullshit.

    1. Yeah, it's not easy to deal with an ex and the wives and girlfriends they have after your breakup under the best of circumstances, and these aren't the best.

  7. For a moment there, I thought Denise was missing an arm!

  8. I've never been a big Denise fan, but I really respect her for this. She has no obligation but is really stepping up for these kids. I'm glad they have a responsible person to look after them. No wonder she's looking thin with chasing all of these kids around. I'm sure the extra money helps, but it would be a lot to take on just for some money. Brooke's parents should be ashamed of themselves.

  9. Good thing she's around to provide them with a stable home and she does deserve every penny he gives her. It's five kids! I'm sure she has a nanny or two but that's still a lot of work.

  10. Say what one will about Richards; she has always seemed a pretty good mother, perhaps outstandingly so by Hollywood standards.

  11. I did not like that broad, but that is saying something: 2 biological children, 1 adopted girl and also taking care of 2 (probably totally confused) boys in their terrible 2s..?
    You know how many toilet runs are these? Soda pops or ice creams? (Even with the help of extra nannies.) Or just fucking giving a smile or a hug to one?

    She def deserves every dime. There are 100 moms, who would have said no of taking care of other kids beyond their own ones.

    In this sense: give.her.a break. (And 5 kids would explain the weight loss, if she's that much of a hands-on mom.)

    1. If she is using Adderall to keep up with all of them, and not acting bizarrely, then I still give her full credit. That's exhausting, what she's doing. I couldn't/wouldn't.
      Still think she'd be prettier with 10 lbs, but that's my opinion.

  12. She deserves every penny she gets. I'm quite sure there are a lot of days she'd like to wring both Charlie and Brooke's necks. But what she does instead is step up and clean up the mess they've handed her. All of those kids are incredibly lucky they have her.

  13. Never liked her, but this has almost changed my opinion. Not only is she doing something unselfish-it is also classy all the way.

  14. Denise is a saint!

  15. She's a better woman than I am - I admit it. She deserves every extra penny she may be receiving. She's a special lady and I never thought I'd be saying that.

  16. Awesome. I'm glad those boys have a stable parental figure in their life. I don't mind Denise, she was funny on 30Rock and deserves every penny she gets from Charlie.

  17. If you told me ten years ago that Denise Richards would turn out to be the responsible one I wouldn't have believed it. But good for her, and good luck to her.

  18. Isn't there a rumor that her adopted daughter is Charlie's too?

    Kudos to Denise. I get the feeling from interviews that she has taken on the 2 boys as much for her daughters' sake (since they are their brothers) as for the twins. Very unselfish and giving and more than most parents would likely do.

  19. I've never felt any strong feelings about Denise Richards - maybe that she was a bit of a famewhore with her reality show on E!, but any past judgments on her are completely negated by her actions of taking in these children. I think it takes an amazing person to take in children who are not their own. And all four of those kids need so much love. Charlie is such a selfish prick.

    Denise Richards' father always seemed really normal and grounded to me on that reality show. So, maybe she just comes from good people. Am I the only person who watched that show?

    1. I loved that show and her dad was awesome.

    2. I liked all the pets all over, and she and her dad seemed very normal.

  20. Anonymous7:03 AM

    I agree that they are very lucky that she's around at all. Anyone remember how she used to give interviews about what a hooker loving piece of shit father Charlie was? How she said she'd be vindicated, that he was way back in to his old demons? Now she's the rock of their family. Interesting how life works out. I doubt she could have had any kind of career, the perky hooker girl next door doesn't usually get longevity in the acting world.

  21. They are really lucky to have her. Too bad she can't have permanent custody of them.

  22. Who would have thought that Denise would end up being the reasonable, sane one in this mess? Those kids are very lucky to have her. Pity that their own parents are such screw ups. I wonder if Brooke legally made Denise a guardian or something? Because you'd think they'd go to immediate family first, not a former step mother.

  23. I think the missing kid is to all the way to the right and was cropped out of the picture. You can see a fifth shadow.

  24. Wow! That's incredibly nice of her. I used to watch her show, and I actually really liked her because of it. I always thought her dad was a great guy and you could tell Denise respected him a lot. She talked a lot about her mom and I think she just had parents who truly loved her, despite Denise's sketchy past. Good for her!

  25. No wonder why Denise looks so skinny.

  26. It just goes to show that people CAN change for the better. Denise may have been any number of things in the past, but she has apparently matured and is a loving and relatively stable parent. Warms my heart, it does.

  27. I think Enty needs to lay off about her weight now. She's obviously under a great deal of stress and she doesn't seem the type to have a nanny for each kid so she's got a lot on her plate.

  28. Denise is very happy to have those two boys too, I'm glad she (and her dad who helps a lot) is around. At least some of Charlie's money is being well spent (on his kids as opposed to on 8 balls)

  29. I still kind off have issues with Denise for hooking up with her good friend's ex, but I NEVER understood why she thought Charlie was ever Husband or Father material. Every time I saw them on a red carpet and her beaming and pregnant (she was adorable) I was just waiting for the meltdown.
    Looking at him, Richie Sambora and even Heather, she seems to have something that pulls her towards people with dependency issues. Her attitude towards all of her children proves she definitely has a very nurturing nature.
    And those two boys are hers, to do something like that, repeatedly, makes you a bonus mom.
    I loathe Charlie Sheen, I could almost overlook the fact that he's a disgusting, misogynist pig. My big issue is you don't have children with a crackhead. Those kids are suffering because he felt the need to prove that Denise was a liar and it was all her fault. He could have a family with the 'right' woman.

    The 'mother' will fight Denise getting permanent custody with every breath. She is not letting those child support checks get away. Denise can watch them, but don't get in the way of her checks. If those kids grow up to be bank robbing heroin addicts I will never stop feeling sorry for them. What an AWFUL situation.

    1. If CPS is involved and took the kids away from Brooke, they can (eventually) terminate her parental rights and allow Denise to adopt those boys. It would still take a couple years, because CPS has to provide the parent(s) the opportunity to clean up their act, take parenting classes, ect. But eventually Brooke would run out of second/third/fourth... chances.

      After that, there's no getting them back. Her name is erased from their birth certificate like she never existed.

  30. Denise must really have a kind heart...

  31. agreed that they are lucky to have her. I don't think she deserves any snark about getting more money. its obviously very difficult to take care of children and five is alot. and one of them she adopted. it seems like she has a big heart.

  32. I have to add to the admiration for Denise. When she and Charlie first split-up I thought she was a first class nut ball. Turns out she's the only responsible adult in this whole mess. She's doing what's right for the kids, hers included. That's not always easy. I just wish that they would turn the twins over to her once and for all. It's time to terminate Brooke's parental rights and let Denise adopt the twins. Getting yanked back and forth between a stable environment and Brooke's House of Addiction is no way for those kids to grow-up.

  33. Brooke's kids are, afterall, her children's siblings. It takes a strong person to handle the situation and while I've always thought she seemed like a pariah, at least with these personal issues she's a decent human trying to protect children.

  34. That's bullshit. They do NOT take her name off the birth certificate and she can b allowed to have her children back. Ge your facts straight.

  35. I never expected to love Denise Richards so much, but she's beautiful, pretty, apparently funloving but not crazy into drugs like most LA victim/starlets, and she's wonderful to listen to. I think it was her appearances on Watch It Live that totally won me over. I love that chick.

  36. I have nothing but admiration for her. Her children, and the twins are adorable, and while charlie certainly isnt custody material, he is very sweet with them. Of course if she has the kids, the child support goes with them. I dont for one minute think shes in it for the money. They are all lucky to have her.

  37. Kids are cheaper by the dozen.

    1. I wonder if Charlie gets the group child support rate when they're all living with Denise.

  38. I have always loved Deinse and thought she got an unfair bad rap. She wasn't a hooker, and she and Heather weren't friends any mow, and she has always put her kids first. I understand why she fell for Charlie when she did, and I understand why she is there for him the way she is now. She is putting her kids first with boundaries, and she is putting those innocent boys first. I don't think the money is relevant. She gets plenty, and if those boys have an allotment towards their care, she should get it. She is, after all, giving them the care, hiring the help, feeding, clothing. Think drug addicted Brooke used any money for the kids?? I'd rather it go to Deinsie who will see that it will and not up Brooke's nose or in her vein. And I agree with whomever above said this explains her weight loss- running after 5 and being so hands on is the most exhausting job n the world, and she looks like she is doing it right. Thank GOD. because Denise is the only chance those kids have.

  39. Like oopsydaisy said, Brooke's kids are the half-siblings of her own kids. I'd probably do the same so my kids could know their siblings. I think Denise has a strong mothering instinct, which is why she attracts addicts.

  40. Good on Denise. I watched her show and also liked it / her / her dad. She is clearly doing the right thing now, although I'm not sure why the author had to make is sound like her decision to step up was monetarily-based. I think she made the decision, as others have said, because those boys are her children's siblings. And I agree, she should get a big, fat check from Sheen for taking great care of his kids.

  41. Maybe Enty can finally get off of Denise's case. Taking care of children that are not your own so that they can have a stable life is a really noble thing to do.

  42. Good girl Denise <3

    Amazing thing to do, I am sure she is a great mom

  43. She believes the boys should be able to be with their sisters and she cares about them. I truly believe that if she got full custody she would also allow visitation for Brooke because she has such a strong sense of family. Maybe she came off a little nutty after she left Charlie but she's apparently an okay person by remaining friends with the father of her children and the mother of her girls' brothers.

  44. Of all the "supermoms" who populate Hollywood and get their family photos taken weekly by the paps, who would have ever thought Denise Richards would turn out to be the real thing?

  45. I am as cynical as they come, but somehow I don't think Denise is doing this for the money, Enty. Seriously. Good for her, keeping all the kids together. It's nice to see that there is somebody responsible in those kids' lives! Now, if Denise would only eat a burger or two...

  46. Well, no wonder Denise is bony, jeez. I'll try to stop thinking she's on coke now. She's on the 6 kids in the house diet.
    Tina Turner took on Evil Bastard Ike's kids. I'm complimenting Denise with this comparison, very highly. It takes a special woman to do this. I couldn't.

  47. Not a bad gig if you can get it?! Yikes.

    I do not have any children, but I watch friends children and it's not always easy. Granted I'm a kid at heart, so I enjoy doing fun things like arts & crafts and playing games with the kids. I may be great with them, but I also get to give them back at the end of the day and go home to peace and quiet.

    She gets a lot of credit from me that's for sure! I wish those boys nothing but the best for their future.

  48. @Anna Nonymous I don't get your comment. If you check her IMDB you'll see she's done/is doing a bunch of projects.

  49. @Susan, I watched her reality show and got the same impression about her dad.

    Came here to echo...5 kids, probably little time to eat. :-(

  50. @Susan I watched too and her dad was great people for sure. I think he managed to raise her to be a good person even with Hollywood there to mess with her head and ego. I normally don't watch any shows on E! apart from The Soup but for some reason I kind of dug It's Complicated.

    I feel very sorry for Brooke for being so hopelessly addicted but I have no sympathy for Charlie Sheen, who is a total dickhead. Fatherhood is so much more than playing dinosaur with your kids occasionally.

    Denise is doing an amazing, selfless thing in keeping the siblings together. Good for her, I bet those kids give her a ton of love and totally appreciate her efforts.
