Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Your Turn

You get to decide if you think a tabloid will use the photo above from last night and claim Jennifer Aniston is pregnant.


  1. Of course, and its twins and there will be endless problems.

  2. There's no way that she's actually pregnant, but there's NO WAY that neither her nor anyone on her team realized how that top made her look; it seems to me like they're trying to stir up rumors.

    1. Totally agree - that was my first thought...she knows what she is doing.

  3. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Heck yeah they will. That's a super maternity looking dress. I know she likes the attention, but that's a bit heavy handed even for her. I say she's alreay married and knocked up.

  4. Isn't that exactly what she wants? Let's face it, if she didn't want to be on the cover of every tabloid week after week, she wouldn't be. She'd still be covered *some* but not this endless saturation stuff.

  5. Yes.

    Beyonce's pillow has found a new home.

  6. why doesn't kim k wear something cute like that!!???

  7. Her boobs look bigger... I dunno. I called The royal baby cuz Kate got fat in the face like I did immediately. Anistons face looks normal to me tho...

  8. She doesn't look even a little bit pregnant to me.

  9. OMG can it actually be true? I hate the way she manipulates the media, she really is an attention whore.

  10. And oh yeah... Ugh, that ring is SO not her, imo of course...

  11. Yes and it's Brad's.
    (that should be good for at least 2 weeks of headlines)

  12. she cant pull a chelsea handler and admit she doesnt want kids. she has to sell the "fairytale ending "everyone wants. so she has to keep stoking the fire,, this IS HER CAREER---TABLOID FODDERR not actress. fire stoker. wedding will NEVER happen b/c people will immed stop talking and she knows it.. u have 2 drag this stuff out 4ever

  13. She's moving her wedding until later this year too.
    She must not want to be too big at her wedding. ;)

  14. She knew exactly what she was doing.

  15. The dress looks like a maternity design. She knew it - we know she looks in the mirror before she leaves the house to take the dos out!

  16. whether she is nor not, she knew it would cause speculation.

  17. Anything to keep her front and center. Does she really think we're stupid?

  18. This is why I don't like her. if she is pregnant then just say so, if she isn't it's really a sad and pathetic attempt for attention.

  19. Well, she's obviously trying to look pregnant now. I wonder if she'll still be trying this when she's 50?

  20. Triplets! She has to one-up the Jolie.

  21. I think she looks fab. Meh the dress is a dress with a empire waist line. For all we know one of her dying dress makers last request was that she wear this!meh, and maybe she is pregangt. if she is good for her, now lets toddle along

  22. They will, she knows it, I don't care.

  23. It's been a long time since I've seen anyone with an actual active acting career so desperate to be talked about. I am so tired of her.

  24. Of course they will! Its Twins!

  25. It is an odd choice for her, as she usually wears more fitted, so who knows.

  26. I thought she looked pregnant in that recent photo where everyone was focusing on the cupping marks on her back.

  27. I am now officially totally over her. God, she just can never, ever get enough attention, can she.

  28. She definitely knows what she's doing. I will never forget an item immediately before she and Vince Vaughn broke up about how P.O.'s he was when she came out on the red carpet flashing some massive ring, deliberately encouraging talk that they were engaged. Only, he hadn't proposed and that ring was her own. He pulled her aside to light into her, and they basically were over at that point.

  29. She looks beautiful as usual, stop the hate.

  30. Sick of seeing her in black & that is an unflattering outfit.

  31. She looks way bigger than the nearly 7-months pregnant Duchess Kate!

  32. Worst shoe taste ever.

  33. of course they will think so, she Wants them to,rather heavy handed too. how else is she going to cover up the lack of offers.

  34. She does look pregnant. Maybe they postponed the wedding for after the baby is born.

  35. Silly media tricks smh

  36. It's gonna be quintuplets and this photo was taken the day after she conceived.

  37. I wish she and her boring hair/personality would just GO AWAY.

  38. this picture is really unflattering. she looks hard and there is nothing youthful about her. she's too old to be pregnant, mid-40's. could just be middle age spread. she's to the point (and we all get there) where she needs to watch her lighting.

  39. Why does she always wear ugly shoes? I don't need to see those ugly feet.

  40. Perhaps she is just f***ing with the paps/tabloids, at this point? I think it's kinda funny.
