Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Your Turn

Do you know what your high school boyfriend or girlfriend is doing now?


  1. Nope, and I'd like to keep it that way.

  2. Don't know don't care.

  3. He became a successful tattoo artist/ drummer of some ska band lol... W talk once Ina while

  4. He's married to my best friend from high school

  5. Yep, he's a dentist in New England. Haven't talked to him since he dumped me a week before senior prom, though.

  6. I didn't have one... :(

  7. Yup, thanks to facebook. Dodged a bullet on that one.

  8. I didn't date much in high school but I stopped googling my exes after I saw 2 are in prison and one died.

    1. I feel you! Most of the kids I grew up with didn't turn out very well. It's not fun to look back when it turns out badly.

  9. He wasn't my boyfriend but I had a crush on him....he turned out to be gay....just my luck!

  10. Yes. I'm married to my high school boyfriend....38 years

  11. Gee, haven't thought about him in years - googled him - he's a real estate broker and looks terrible (haha)

  12. I never had a serious high school boyfriend, but I dated two boys named Eric off and on, they both died in eerily similar circumstances in their late teens for one, early twenties the other.
    The boy I was most serious with went into the military and was in Afghanistan for many years.

  13. I'm married to mine. But right this second I assume he's cutting the grass while on a confrence call.

  14. Married to someone who is now my friend.

    Married with six kids.

    Retired, never married.

    Married successful and a total prick on Facebook.

    Those are the four main boyfriends from high school.

  15. Probably his wife. Hey-oh!

  16. Anonymous10:20 AM

    We went to the same college - she unfortunately got drunk and drove into a ditch. RIP.

  17. Last month I had brunch with one of my high school boyfriends. He's still a cute, unemployed pot smoker. He texted me after to tell me I'm just as adorable today as I was 27 years ago when he "was so smitten with" me. So still my type, dammit.

  18. He's retired, single after divorce number 5, and has been getting in touch with all his myriad ex-girlfriends in hopes that one of them will be stupid or desperate enough to give him another go. He was an internet novice, so he had his Facebook page pretty open at first. It was quite entertaining reading the replies from so many of his exes blowing him off/telling him off. One of his kids eventually took down the page to change some of his personal information to make him harder to find on a search and reset his privacy settings so we could no longer point and laugh at all the snark he got from all the older, wiser ex-girlfriends.

  19. He's in law school in Calgary and I cried when I heard that. It's hard to be reminded that, out of your group of high school friends, you're the biggest failure.

    1. You stop that pity party RIGHT NOW! Everyone has something special to offer the world and you just haven't found yours yet. Do whatever it takes to find yours. And start today. Take just one small step today. Call a counselor. Buy a book that speaks to you. Anything! I'm praying for you!

    2. AliciaB: some people peak in high school, some in college and others later. I have a friend who is 50 and heavy and she talks about how she was voted best body in HS. That's all she's got. You will find your way sweetie. And FWIW I didn't marry until I was 43. The best is yet to come. Not like your worth should ever be tied up in a partner. Just thought I would use that as an example since the subject was bf/ gf.

    3. I know the post wasn't directed to me but Sherry, you're such a sweetheart! I'll remember your words everytime I start to feel like I suck. Which I kind of feel right now honestly, so yeah, thank you.

  20. He's in cable sales and directs plays on the side. (We met at a HS play.)

    Interesting question. I rarely thought about him in the 26 years since we split.

  21. Hes overweight and looks like his father (not a compliment). Oh and he knocked up a girl that looks errily similar to me less than a year after we broke up (the math is a lil sketchy too bit idk him well enough anymore to inquire:)

    Dodged an overweight, poor grammar having moob #thankyousweetbabyjesus

  22. Being an abusive, manipulative asshole, I imagine, only now there are kids involved. Why do the dumb ones breed?

    1. Cuz they find even dumber ones to carry their progeny.

  23. @Lotta, I demand the highest of fives. ;)

  24. Married with kids. Interestingly, he named one of his kids a name WE had picked out (of course we were kids, too, so it was really a pipe dream). I've wondered if he's ever thought of me when he says his kids' full name. The name was my idea, he stole it. Interesting....

    1. @ Silly Girl - was the name "Seven"?

    2. How Seinfeldian of you to ask!!

  25. Does seeing them on "I almost got away with it" count?

    1. Bacon, I don't even know what you're specifically referring to and that still made me lol!

  26. "Do you know what your high school boyfriend or girlfriend is doing now?"

    Yep, 5 to 10.

  27. Yeah. We still close friends actually.

  28. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Both of my high school boyfriends are now lawyers. Odd.

  29. @aliciabutterfly; there are lots of ways to be a "success", just as there are lts of ways to be a failure. i would rather my children be kind and happy than rich and admirred. (i realize its not "either/or"). are you a good friend? are you a dependable employee? a loving aunt? all being enrolled in grad school means is that you beileve you can reach a goal. you can do that too. chin up girl, you're supa-star!

  30. yes he lives 5 blocks from me and is married with 2 kids and has been out of a job for over a year.. and he got really fat...

  31. Didnt have high school boyfriend, just a bunch of intense crushes. And good thing too, cos i coulda been pregnant 10 times over because I didnt know my ass from my elbow in sex area, lol.
    Got to college and became a hot item, inc with some high school former crushes! Only now I wasnt interested in them! Lol, isnt that always the way!

  32. One is a pot grower in northern california, the other apparently had a recessive red hair gene that popped up in his children. *shudder*

  33. Well he's bald and has a small beer gut and worked as an office supply delivery man until he won the win for life scratch off. After that he went MIA.

    1. Mia? Now this is interesting!!!!!! More details please!!!!!!

  34. No. High school was so long ago, I don't even remember what the guy's name was.

  35. @aliciabutterfly - quit that pity party right now! So he's some douche canoe in law school? So what? He'll be a future prick lawyer if he doesn't wash out of law school (the majority do ya know). Big Friggin' Deal. So if you are a fabulous person with a good friends but not as good career prospects, you automatically suck? Not buying it. If you think you need to fix your job skills then take a class or whatever, but that has nothing to do with your worth as a person. Chin up, don't let the hags in highschool get you down!

  36. These answers are awesome.

  37. He's at work. We're married. 6 years.

  38. Mine got a 14yo pregnant our Senior year after we split. They are still together. Saw them at a wedding last year. She was not happy to see me but he seemed to be..

    1. Gross. Bet you're glad you left that loser...

  39. @Mango, no, it was an acronym with his last name. Why Seven? Interesting name!

    1. Seinfeld episode. George gets pissed because some couple "steals" the name is wanted to name his future kid: Seven.

  40. Mine is the Fire Chief, he saw my brother somewhere and got my e-mail address, asked if I'm coming to the reunion....nope.

  41. Mine is super successful and living the dream in NYC. He hasn't aged a day.

  42. I didnt date much in high school but I dated some guy at 15 and my bff (at the time) went to a party with him and I didnt go. They hooked up and that was the end of my relationship / friendship with them. I later learned that they were together for like 5 years and he beat her almost everyday of those 5 years. I saw her 1x and her face was all beaten up and bruised. So damn sad. Dont know where he is now but am so glad I dodged that bullet.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Happily married. One wife, four girls, two cats. Happy for him as he is a great person! Not the life I would choose.

  45. Yeah, he stares across the dinner table at me every night. :D

  46. Yeah, he stares across the dinner table at me every night. :D

  47. I used to. Then the phone number was changed. Again. Then he moved. Again. Then the cops came. Again.
    Then I had to stay at least...
    Oh, right, Your Turn.
    No, I don't know.


  48. All wonderful answers. Me, never dated in high school. Can't wait for the "Prom:Your Turn" so I can tell you how I never went to any of those.

  49. He died on a fishing accident right after he completed basic training. His nickname in HS was "Hard Luck Hank".

    Sweet guy, but plagued by bad luck.

  50. Like Danica, Mine is married to one of my best friends and we see each other every month when a bunch of us from Public/High School get together for beer and wings...

  51. Well a couple of years ago he was "doing" me. We reconnected and dated again for almost a year while he was getting divorced. his ex decided (after getting dumped by the guy she cheated on him with for 3 years) that she wanted him back and he was "torn". I broke up with him and they were taking family pictures 2 weeks later. Ces't la vie

    The other ones a personal trainer in Vermont.

  52. Had a bunch of BFs in high school, most have kids and are married now. The BIG one though just showed up at my house a few weeks ago. He wanted to show my mom how much he had changed and was now worth something. Apparently being a narsassistic, alcoholic on parole is an improvement from being a pot-head. I kindly asked him not to come by because it was weird before I pushed him out and threatened to taser him. I'm pretty sure he was trying to hit on my mom. Either way it's best not to give his wife reason to beat me up. Unfortunately, I run into her everywhere and she outweighs me by like 100 pounds.

    I think I won that game of who has the better life. I'm starting a Psy D in Psyc program in the Fall and my Min Pin is way cuter than his kid. Hehe

  53. Can't say I had much in the way of a functional relationship in high school but I did love a boy madly. He died about ten years later and I'm still not really over it.

  54. One is a cop, one is a teacher, and one is dead.

  55. She married my best friend's cousin.

    I really need to send him that thank you note for allowing me to dodge that bullet.

  56. I met my Sweetie in 8th grade, never got to date her till after high school though. We broke up (she broke my heart) and then 14 years later we got back together and have been together ever since. You can't escape fate! I'm pretty sure she is wrenching on her 65 Corvair at the moment. my guy bff in high school is gay too. I think he's been with his partner around 17 years or so. They live 2 miles away.

  57. Know not, care not.

  58. Never had a boyfriend.

  59. Dated one guy for 4 years through HS. He looked like Sean Penn,they were the same age too. He went away on a soccer tourament, camer back and dumped me. I was devastated. Recently found me on Facebook. We have mutual friends. Now I know he is an alcoholic married with 2 kids liivng 1500 miles away. Messaged me with some drunken rambling a couple of months ago. HS Reunion is this weekend but I'm not going. Well maybe I will just to show him the new sportscar my 8 years younger hunk of a husband of 20 years just bought me.

  60. He's dead. He was shot three days before his 23rd birthday trying to stop a car thief from stealing his brand new truck.

  61. Didn't have one. Have no clue for the first one out of high school.

  62. My sophomore bf dumped me for another girl in the same ceramics class he met me in. Mortifying to go to class back then. We ended up becoming best friends after high school, even though he dated that girl for 9 years. We still talk occasionally, and last time I heard from him, he was having a baby with a girl who didn't want him to see the baby. Lol

    My junior/senior crush is married, and I'm actually really good friends with his wife.. Weird. They're going to be at my wedding in the fall, too.

  63. Went out with mine on and off for 4 1/2 years until I got engaged to my college boyfriend. We have been bumping into each other since and figured we might as well be friends. He is divorced and dating a woman 5 years older than him.

  64. He came out and now is living with his partner for 10 years. We sometimes talk and I'm friends with his sister.

    At the time I hated him but it ended up well since I love my job and husband, plus those 4 kids we managed to make.

    But he completely broke my heart and was my first love, but not my last.

  65. Yep. He recently went to his daughter's graduation. He's become a silver fox, and has a lovely family now.

  66. The important one is dead. I miss him.
    The other one is still alive, still a jackass.
    Only the good die young.

  67. Got in touch with mine on FB. I play Words with Friends with one of them regularly. Both are happily married, 3 kids each, struggling teachers, and super bald. Interestingly enough, they both married women who look a little like me (short, blonde, fair skin, blue eyes).

  68. Oh ah aha hohohoh!
    Boy do I EVER!

    A stripper...... at a gay Kentucky.

  69. We are celebrating our 10-year anniversary on Friday. Pretty cool Enty asked this question this week.

  70. He's living illegally in the US (he's Canadian), on his 2nd marriage. On his first marriage he tried to get a green card but both he and his wife failed the drug test. I think his current wife doesn't make enough money to sponsor him. He doesn't work, he has no post high school education at all, and he basically smokes weed and drinks all day.


    Yup, think I dodged a bullet there!

  71. Hopefully suffering horribly.

  72. I can't even remember his name

  73. Not really. I think someone told me he's a Science Teacher now. *g*

  74. Yup. We talk on FB all the time. It's nice.

  75. Yep. He's playing candy crush. Hopefully he'll be done soon so we can continue this movie that's paused. Sleeping next to him for 13 years now.
