Thursday, May 09, 2013

Your Turn

Could you go a week without your cell phone, internet and television?


  1. Depends on where I was. If I was out camping somewhere, then yeah for sure. Would be too busy enjoying the great outdoors. However, if I was at home - ummmm...NO WAY. LOL

  2. I could do without my cellphone pretty easily but I would miss TV and internet. I could do it if I planned ahead and kept busy though.

    I am lucky enough to be allowed to work at home most of the time and everything I do is online, and I usually have TV on in the background for company.

  3. Could I? Yes. Would I want to? Nope.

  4. I did on my last vacation to Jamaica and it was amazing. I hated turning my phone on when we got back home.

  5. I was on my way to a vacation a few weeks ago, got my phone stolen at the airport...was forced to have a vacation phone-free. So I've done it. It's called listen to music, talk, shop or read.

  6. Yes. Could my kids? I'm not sure, but I think a week without Minecraft might kill a couple of them.

  7. I've done it before when I've gone camping, but in the city?
    I can do without the tube, but no CDAN for a week? They'd be peeling me off the walls.

  8. I'd better be on a really good vacation!

  9. I just went three weeks without my laptop and it sucked. But yes, give me a good book and to hell with the rest.

  10. Can I still play games on my TV? If so, yes. Wait, I take that back. I have enough roms on handhelds I could make it years lol

    As for cell phone, I keep mine turned off anyway. I hate them. I hate that you can't take a few hours away from people and be left alone or not in contact with them

    Internet, yeah. It'd suck, but I have done it before when storms knocked it out.

  11. Yes, did so in St. Thomas. Talk about relief!

  12. As long as I have books (or preferably my Kindle) I could do it but I'd be glad when the week was up. I'm a news junkie - it'd be hard to go without my daily fix.

  13. If the sex is good, yes. Otherwise, I can't think of anything besides jail or an apocalypse that would make me do it.

  14. I could certainly go without the cell phone for a week. Maybe a week without the Internet. Never a week without TV!

  15. I don't have TV...don't even watch online. I rarely talk on the phone...maybe once a week? Internet? Do not fuck with my internet!!!

    So...I could live without this stuff, but why would I want to?

  16. Yes and have done so a few times.

  17. cell phone yes...internet no way

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I don't have a tv so I am good there. I could go a week without the other two. I would need lots of books to entertain me though.

  20. Phone, definitely. I don't have a smartphone and calling people makes me extremely nervous. I don't watch much TV anymore, maybe only a couple things a week. But internet, no way!

  21. I guess I've sold out to "the man". My cell is paid for by my employer, so if work cuts it off, I'm good.

  22. Sure. I rarely use my cell phone as it is, I don't have internet at home, and I don't have cable anyway.

  23. Cellphone and tv easy but I need my internet fix.

  24. I could if I was on a vacation, like on a ranch or somewhere away from the civilization. It would be actually very relaxing and I def want to do it one day in a future, but in my city life? No way.

  25. I could go a week without TV easily. I only have one regular show: MadMen.

  26. No, no, and yes.

  27. Not at home. When I go away, I can do it.

  28. Could easily live without my cell phone, unless I needed to call 911. Once did without TV or internet for almost 3 weeks. I was in a coma in hospital, though, so doubt that counts.

  29. From 1991 to 2001, we lived in a remote area with no phone line. For 10 years, I lived in a foreign country, with 2 babies, 2 State TV stations that had about 2 hours of English programming daily. I had access to my BIL's phone about 2 miles away. No internet, but a weekly English newspaper.
    I could look out my front door and see the Mediterranean, just a few steps away. I survived.

    Now that I have Internet-I could never live without it again. All of my books are on the PC, also.
    Plus, we moved to the city-no more Mediterranean. We still have the beach house, but the security situation here is too dangerous to go there.

    I don't need a phone, now that my family back in the States have all passed away. But I need the cell phone desperately to know that my kids are safe, due to the security situation.

  30. When I didn't have any of these things, I created a lot of art, but now - nada. :( I really need to consider ditching the computer. I rarely watch tv or spend much time on the cell.

  31. Of course. Happens all the time. Part of leaving this country and traveling. Will never ever have cable in my house again. Ditching part of the cell plan next chance I get since I pay and never use it out of the country. Total scam rip off.

  32. I'd get WAAAY more work done without the internet. Work from home and I always have TV on in the background. Cell phone -- rarely use it except to text my kids. CDAN can suck hours out of my day.... Did go away to Cuba for a week and went without, except one check in online to find out a family member had passed away.

  33. I could easily do without my cell phone. They're a great invention, but I hate how people abuse them (talking while driving, talking at stores/movie theaters). I could easily do without TV too, and have plenty of times. Internet is my least disposable extravagance. I need my internet.

  34. I honestly want to take my cell phone and throw it into the ocean. I loathe getting work calls when I'm on my time. That's the problem with the world today. We always need to be "on."

    Probably the hardest one for me to drop would be the internets. I like news and shopping too much.

  35. Obviously everyone can if they had too, but I wouldn't do it voluntarily these days. I think as I age, it will be come the norm for me...I hope.

  36. Coukd and gave. Its funny, whole family on vacation last year, and at firstt we were all charging phones and going online...... Then it just petered out and we all hated to get reconnected at end of week.

  37. Cell Phone? Yeah - I could. Internet. Nope. TV? Depends - if it was one those weeks where there is absolutely nothing good on (usually the weeks in June) then possibly.

  38. Ive done it a few times. A transatlantic cruise - as a tightwad i had the phone off and would not use the ship's expensive internet. And the only channels working on the tv were the ship's bow and espn germany.

  39. yes, rarely use my phone or watch tv. Maybe, I would miss the internet.

  40. I can only go without all three at Disney World.

    In real life, I will gladly give you my cell phone since I never use it anyway, I wouldn't miss tv too much (we lived without cable for a few years), but don't touch my internet.

  41. That's a big, fat emphatic NO.

  42. Why, that's utterly barbaric! *flounces off*

  43. No on the cell. I don't have a landline and there's no way I would - could - go without it, if for no other reason, personal safety.

  44. I don't have a TV and goes for days without looking at my phone, but Internet would be a struggle.

  45. I can go a week without tv or cellphone as long as i have internet.!

  46. I have a prepaid TracFone that costs me about $10/mo. It's my only phone, so that's money well spent. I understand that those of you with kids, extended family, jobs that need you on call, etc., may need more expensive and extensive plans, but it works for me.

    I cut the cable years ago. Around here, it runs about $60/mo or $720/yr, and that's without HBO or SHO. I buy season passes to shows I like - Mad Men, HIMYM, Good Wife - and watch them on my schedule, without ads, streamed to my TV via my $40 Roku. So far, those three have cost me $112 this year for the entire season of each.

    Occasionally, a series I like is not available on TV pass, so I just watch it a season in arrears. It would take one hell of a TV show for me to spend $720 for a season and I haven't come across one yet.

    I couldn't live without the Internet, and I pay about $60/mo for pretty fast service. My condo just announced that they will provide slow internet (6Mbps) free, as part of my maintenance. I'm going to give it a try but suspect that I'll return to my current $720/yr 23Mbps supplier. I'm not sure I can stream video at the lower speed. If I can't, back to U-Verse.

    In case you think I am insanely frugal, I'm not. Just about everybody has a limit on the dollars they can spend. I just spend my money on things that I like.

  47. I could do it. I'd work on painting a few rooms in my house that I've been putting off. When I paint I am too exhausted to do anything else.

  48. Cell Phone - YES
    Internet - Probably, but I'd be bored at work.
    TV - If It's a week of all reruns, then yes, otherwise NO WAY!

  49. I'd need either the Internet or TV.

  50. Uhhhh noway. Need at least tv.

  51. Yes. I just did it on vacation. Didn't miss it (too much).

  52. I did for two weeks camping last summer. loved it.

  53. I need tv and internet to breath! I get it on my phone to, so I need that

  54. Yes, if I was being paid enough.

  55. Yup, have and I will again!

  56. Yup....would like to toss the albatross around my neck of a cell phone in the incinerator too...

  57. @Sherry R: If having no TV meant I would get around to painting my bookcases so I could finally unpack the darned books, it would have happened long ago! I moved over three months ago, and I keep finding a way to put the painting off. If a stranger wandered in here, they'd think I moved yesterday.

    Maybe it's time to admit defeat and pay a handy person...

  58. That depends. I work as an editor and need to communicate with clients via the internet. If I didn't have a client that week, then yes, I could go without for a week.

  59. Yes, as long as I had a stack of books and a radio.

  60. Telephone and TV easily but not internet as it's a requirement for my job.

  61. I don't own a cell phone!
