Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Aaron Hernandez Arrested This Morning

Early this morning, police showed up at the door of Aaron Hernandez and arrested him. The clerk in the county where Hernandez lives said they are unaware what the charges are. Well, it is either obstruction of justice or murder, or both. I think everyone was just waiting for him to be arrested. Hernandez answered the door this morning not wearing a shirt so the police gave him a white shirt to wear before putting him in handcuffs.


  1. Actually, it looks like they cuffed him and then put the shirt on him. Which is probably the mart thing to do with a potential murder suspect.

  2. Good. Hopefully the charges stick.

    1. Hopefully the charges stick? I certainly wouldnt want murder charges to stick if he didnt pull the trigger or otherwise actively participated in murder.

    2. Umm yeah hopefully the charges stick. Did I say murder? He did obstruct the collection of evidence so hopefully that sticks because that's what he did. If he had anything to do with the murder I hope justice is served because athletes tend to skate by sometimes.

    3. Umm, well the article does say obstruction and/or murder, and you said you hope the charges stick and didn't specify. And unless you had insider info, you wouldnt know if there was obstruction or not. And yet you were hopig the charges, whatever they may be, stick. Oh wait, the media reported that they were going to press obstruction charges... And they were wrong.

    4. Just got the updated charges and I hope every single one sticks. Ummmm ok? That's my opinion that he rot in jail. And last I checked destroying evidence is obstruction. Ummm ok????

    5. And that's all I have to say. I hope the charges stick, I hope money doesn't obstruct justice like it always does.

  3. For some reason I don't want to see him convicted. Maybe because he is so cute.

    Wonder how this will play out. Patriots just have a team full of basldasses huh *rolls eyes*

  4. Speaking of cute criminals, whatever happened to Dzhokhar Tsarnaev? He's been pushed off the front pages by Edward Snowden, who isn't cute at all.

    1. I'm wondering the same thing and I don't want to think about what the government has done to that boy...

  5. @Kels - hmm, think they might have blown off his legs? Deafened him? Blinded him? Killed him instantly and outright with no conviction and no trial? Like he treated his own victims, I mean.

    I'm guessing they did cut his hair, however. Which is a shame, because it was very pretty hiar.

  6. I'm in Boston. It was breaking news around 9am, and they're still preempting everything to have live coverage -- on all local stations -- with a smidge of DOMA coverage thrown in. Oh, and they're treating this story with the same level of coverage as the OJ car chase. They even had a helicopter follow his white SUV down the highway the other day.

    I'm a Patriots fan (obvs who isn't?), but this is too much.

  7. Dolphins division champs. Pats got no offense, my Jets are a mess and the Bills are a joke.

    Belichek should hire Matt Millen to draft players for him.

  8. patriots said on twitter that he's been released from the team

  9. That was quick. Now how long until they sue to get signing bonus back?

  10. I really wonder the state's case. Because if there was a cover-up, it sounds completely amateurish.

  11. @nutty flavor, every time i remember those innocents that were harmed in boston i feel sick. They should just lock him away then flush the keys

    1. The older one was photographed getting arrested UNHURT. Hours later he was dead and apparently run over.

      Then the nonsense about a NINETEEN YEAR OLD hiding in a boat. There were reports that he was shot in tge face. He wont be getting out of the hospital trust me.

      And then there is the part about tge older one with no money and a part time job;


      and um. Yeah. Soooooo guilty that two young men somehow outwitted a MASSIVE police presence, hurt hundreds, killed a few, and triggered a gigantic invasion of privacy event called MARTIAL LAW.

      Yeah I am just a tin foil hatted conspiracy theory nut. Who fails to pay ANY ATTENTION TO THE FACTS. Right?

  12. The NFL is full of criminals. This is what our kids look up to.

  13. You know they will say anyone in his house did it and the tape was erased due to some heinous sex or drug use instead. Now it will be hard to explain the cleaning crew...

  14. I gather he played for the Patriots, but other than that, I have no idea what's going on here. Can someone fill me in? Thanks!

  15. @Count - I have a theory that the Pats drafting Hernandez in the first place was an acknowledgment that their dynasty years are over. He had well-known character issues and other less-principled teams passed on him. They know they are entering a period of declining returns with Brady under center and so they went against their usual pattern of picking up less-talented players that work harder in order to shore up a flagging offense. And they should have ditched his ass last year when someone accused him of shooting them in the face.

  16. murder was the case that they gave him.

    Plus 5 gun related charges.

    $16-40million down the shitter because he's an asshole. 20 years from now when he's blowin dudes in the joint for smack, think he'll have any regrets?

  17. I hope the Pats do sue to get signing bonus back.

  18. @MissMo: He was arraigned at 2PM today. He was charged with murder and 5 gun related charges.

  19. Oh, and Hernandez was refused bail. His next court date is in the end of July, and he will remain in custody until then.

  20. Kels: Are you in SoCal? If I ever need a jury trial, I hope you are on my jury because I am very cute.

  21. he apparently had several run ins before the nil with assault and gun charges that were swept away. if i owned a team i would do a background check for gang and drug involvement before i signed a guy to a guaranteed contract. and hoodie knew about gronk and signing tebow is going to look genius. I know Jerkula that Tebow has hands of stone, but if he can work on that he is stepping into starter role
