Friday, June 21, 2013

Blind Item #1

This former A list mostly movie actor achieved his former A list status thanks to a franchise. Now, he is desperate to get a role in any movie. This week he was spotted in a gay club dressed in full on leather. Leather sleeveless vest and chaps.


  1. Did Lautner reach A list during Twilight? If so, he's my guess. Off to check the DMC though...

  2. Tom Cruise, just because I want it to be him.

  3. Anonymous7:18 AM


  4. Anonymous7:18 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I thought of Hayden Christensen, but I can't really see him in leather

  6. Even though i don't think for ONE second he got to A list, let's say Jason Statham and the Transporter films.

  7. I thought Shia too.

  8. Jesus H. Christ, you're not even a competent writer. A vest is sleeveless. Sleeveless vest is like legless skirt. If you're going to be a humorless bitch at least be a grammatically correct humorless bitch.

    *fuck this...I'll be at dlisted*

    1. Anonymous7:24 AM

      Hahahahhahaha!!!! +1

    2. +1,000,000

      When the real Enty left it was the best thing ever to happen to Michael K

    3. Well to be fair, the vests my kids would wear in the winter had long sleeves though you 'muricans may be talking about waistcoats?

  9. What? A Hollywood actor is at a gay club? This is blind worthy?

  10. John Travolta. Franchise is Saturday Night Fever/Stayin Alive

  11. Interesting fashion choice. Perhaps he came from an audition with the Village People?

  12. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Elijah Wood

  13. Could someone tell me where I can find a sleeveless vest? ;)

  14. @Ms KillJoy, next to the department with the legless skirts and the shorts that don't go down to your ankles.

    Dlisted is blocked at work, have to wait till I get home in over 6 hours :(

  15. Lotta for the win. Darth Vader was on the hunt for a tasty light saber.

    I always thoght a vest buttoned in the middle? What Lohan was wearing was merely a sleeveless mess shirt. Of course then you would have the sweater vest problem, but any adult wearing one of those, or mother putting one on their child, should be stoned to death.

    I have three rules for dressing my son:

    No Turtlenecks

    No Sweater Vests

    and for when he is older:

    Anytime I see your pants sagging and underwear showing, I'm gonna take my belt off and beat you within an inch of your life.

  16. I hope the fool never gets a role after that. Leather is so last century, dearies. Who's he trying to impress? Ugh. Ugh.

  17. No, VIP, sorry.

    DanRadd may indeed be going leather in gay bars, but he's nothing like desperate for work. Since "Potter" he's had leads in "The Woman In Black," "Kill Your Darlings," "The F Word" and "Horns," off the top of my head, plus a hugely successful Broadway run in "How to Succeed in Business without really Trying," and some TV projects.

    Say what you will about him, the kid's a powerhouse getting work all the time.

  18. Not Taylor Lautner; I saw scenes of him filming his next movie on TMZ. Could it be that Harry Potter guy, Daniel Radcliff

  19. This has to be Hayden. The desperate for work gave it away.

  20. You guys think Hayden ever gets tired of gay geeks wanting to put on glow in the dark rubbers and have lightsaber battles?

  21. Anonymous8:12 AM

    You say that like it's a bad thing..... ;)

    Radcliffe is very very wealthy, no way in freezing hell is that guy doing gay for pay.
    I'm going to say... the other superman that bombed? I don't watch those things, so I'm not sure but I thought there was one that didn't do well and the guy couldn't get any other work now.

  22. What is the problem?

  23. @FrenchGirl: There is no problem w/ a dude getting his groove on. The MANsogynist writer hates men of all orientations, not just straight ones, so there are no bounds to the shaming attempts they dole out.

  24. Don't involve my shia in this blind . He would never wear chaps.

  25. Taylor Lautner is filming a movie currently. Travolta doesn't have trouble finding work. I'm going with Hayden.

  26. @O'Really - "Jesus H. Christ, you're not even a competent writer. A vest is sleeveless. Sleeveless vest is like legless skirt. If you're going to be a humorless bitch at least be a grammatically correct humorless bitch."

    Legless skirt? I'm sorry, am I missing something, because whenever I wear a skirt, I like to wear my legs, seeing that they are attached and everything. Not quite sure that you made the point you were trying to make. A more apt simile to use in your insult would have been 'pants-less skirt.'

    Also, "vest is like legless skirt" is not grammatically correct. You might want to put an 'a' between legless and skirt and to edit your comments when you are trying to insult someone else regarding their use of grammar. ;)

    1. It isnt't complicated. Pants have legs. Even shorts have legs. Skirts do not have legs. Just like vests don't have sleeves. Also, I seriously question your placement of an "a". Legless a skirt makes no sense at all.

  27. I heart you @Count! I just can't help myself!! We should be best friends :-).

  28. I heart you @Count! I just can't help myself!! We should be best friends :-).

  29. @Desiree: OH NO! You aint friend zonin me, Honey.

    Strict rules here: If I listen to the yappin, sumpin fun gots to happen. Only exceptions is if I'm in a relationship or if you dated a friend of mine. I don't follow friends. Of course, if you aint into dudes, we could go out chasing skirts together.


    P.S. Which of my comments elicited your praise? I would like to now for my market research.

  30. LOL!

    Well you're off the hook since I live down south and I'm a man.

    It's not ONE specific comment...I just appreciate your your brash crudeness mixed with a little perv. It makes me giggle :-)

  31. Well thank you Desiree. Although we will be forever stuck at acquaintances, I am glad you find giggles in my remarks.

  32. As much as I despise Tom Cruise I would love this to be about Steven Seagal. LOVE.

  33. Hayden, Keanu, Shia all working according to IMDB. I would love to see it be Mel Gibson!! (Road Warrior franchise) Would explain a lot.

  34. Also, along the lines of a sleeveless vest, can we once and for all agree that ALL CHAPS ARE ASSLESS!!!! Otherwise they are pants!!!!!! I'm sorry but that just bugs the shit out of me. Chaps are always described as "assless" that's like saying someone is wearing an assless shirt.
    Ok, rant over (until someone does that shit again)

  35. Mmmmmm. Chaps. I love when a hottie is on a motorcycle w/ the tight jeans and chaps on. Chaps frame the butt like it is a work of art, and many are.

  36. There, their, they're, grammar nazis, it'll be ok.

  37. Hayden was my first thought but I really have a hard time wrapping my head around the picture of him all leathered up.

  38. What about Brendan Fraser? - Mummy Movies franchise?

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. This blind is about a guy in a place wearing things.

  41. Either Hayden or Orlando Bloom whose career hasn't been that great since he was done with LOTR and the Pirates movies.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Oh you people need to get over this Dan Radcliffe is gay thing. For heaven's sake. EVERYBODY who knows him will tell you he's into women. Not one squealin' queen has ever even hinted that he is gay. Sheesh!

  44. Oh you people need to get over this Dan Radcliffe is gay thing. For heaven's sake. EVERYBODY who knows him will tell you he's into women. Not one squealin' queen has ever even hinted that he is gay. Sheesh!

  45. The bar was the Blue Oyster, and the actor heard they were casting there for "Police Academy 7."
