Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Blind Item #2

It only happened once. That is what this A list mostly movie actress is saying about her fling with her maybe attached to a celebrity co-star who told the actress he was single, but then after they had sex told her they should keep it a secret. Well, she told plenty of people, so they guy is screwed if he is still dating that celebrity.


  1. someone with Liam

  2. J-Law or amber hear with Liam

  3. This makes me think of Jennifer Lawrence and Liam, but is Jennifer Lawrence the type to go around telling everybody? I don't know, maybe she is.

  4. I think that the JLaw/Liam train was ridden way back when if it was at all. Don't think it's just now happened. They worked together on the first movie a couple of years ago. With that, I don't have a guess yet though, sorry!

  5. Wouldn't JLaw's costar be her ex Nicholas because they're filming X-Men?

  6. I would have never thought of Jen Lawrence as a slut. Wow, so sad

  7. I would have never thought of Jen Lawrence as a slut. Wow, so sad

  8. I would have never thought of Jen Lawrence as a slut. Wow, so sad

  9. I would have never thought of Jen Lawrence as a slut. Wow, so sad

  10. I would have never thought of Jen Lawrence as a slut. Wow, so sad

  11. I think it's JLaw and Hoult. They've been broken up and now they're apprently back together....

  12. I'm not saying it's not J Law, but here's the giant Hunger Games Blind, which seems to disprove it or Enty is fudging facts

  13. Jas - if he told her he was single, why is she a slut??? This goes for whoever it's about.

  14. My money's on Cameron Diaz and Taylor Kinney (Lady Gaga's boyfriend)

  15. @Jas - Really? Your take on this story is that the woman involved is a slut? Not the man who is cheating, but the woman who thought he was single? Shameful. Just truly shameful misogyny.

  16. I'm not sure sleeping with someone -who you thought was single and slept with once- means you exploded out of the slut closet.

  17. Just for the record, I am not "Jas."

  18. ??? and Michael Douglas

  19. Kristin---No doubt! LMAO....Love the way you worded that.

    Who here HAS NOT been conned into a fake relationship just so a guy could get in your pants? Even if they're single, they WILL sometimes also pretend to truly love you, that is until they want new ass. It happens.
    I empathize, that's all I'm saying. Men and their brainless dicks.

  20. Libby's right - we've all been conned at one time or another. We can just hope that karma bites them in the ass someday.

  21. Damn Blondie..You're good. I can see Cam telling everyone. AND no one knowing he was dating Lady Gaga.

  22. Liam/Miley...and I don't know, but it could be Jennifer Lawrence.

  23. is Jennifer Lawrence a slut? Do you know her personally? If you're going based off on the stuff you've been hearing, then how is Liam not a bigger slut? He was engaged to Miley, possibly sleeping with JLaw, hooking up with the blond chick from X-men...and hitting on Emma Watson. At least JLaw wasn't engaged, like the slut Liam.

  24. Wasn't January Or Emma hooking up with Liam when he was supposedly was split from Miley?

  25. god, grow some balls liam..

  26. I got to go with Liam, wasn't it break up rumors about him and Miley last week and later on in the week they said they were fine. I never heard about lady gaga and Taylor breaking up and on daily mail it say Cameron is kissing lady gaga boyfriend in "other women". So Jennifer and Liam ftw.

  27. If JLaw and Liam ever slept together they do a great job of hiding it because they virtually ignore each other at red carpets and HG events. She and Josh Hutcherson talk up a storm so much that Liam is always the fifth wheel there. And I don't think she'd go around blabbing about it, either if she did. If at all this was a blind about the HG stars, I'd say it was actually about JLaw, Hutcherson, and his then girlfriend/celebrity Vanessa Hudgens but no one cares about them as much as Liam/Miley, so I doubt it's any of them. Especially since Hutcherson broke up with Hudgens months ago.

    1. Except that Josh Hutcherson is gay...

  28. I agree with VIP. Dammit VIP!

  29. I'm pretty sure being thought of as a slut for enjoying sex stops about junior year in high school. That's when everybody realizes that they all enjoy sex. Jennifer Lawrence finished high school a long time ago.

  30. Just want to add I'm not "Jas" either.

  31. I feel like Jas is one of those lunatic Twilight fans. When JLaw exploded onto the scene those people were RABID about how KS was SO much prettier, cooler, more talented, etc. It was amusing but bizarre to read a bunch of them tripping all over themselves to deny Jennifer Lawrence's talent. That post read like those ones.

  32. Goddammit. I knew VIP would somehow get the right answer again. :)

  33. Laughing my ass off at "exploding out of the slut closet"

  34. Dear Libby and SusanB,

    If you're that pissed off about guys having sex with you and not calling you again, maybe you should worry about your bedroom skills and not.

    Don't go after all men because you're easy to get into bed and a shit lay.
