Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Blind Item #3

This former reality star turned C+ mostly television actress continues to want people to believe she is married. Even her current affair has no idea why she wants to continue to play that game. She cheats with men and her husband cheats with men so why not just end the whole thing and everyone can be with who they want. At least she has started taking off her ring when she meets her boyfriend.


  1. Replies
    1. Nene and Greg haven't remarried yet so I don't think it's them

  2. Rachel Zoe? Is she still married to that guy?

    I am terrible at the reality blinds, I don't gotta clue who half of these heifers are.

  3. I like the Rachel Zoe guess. Her husband gives off a gay vibe to me.

  4. Rachel Zoe isn't a former reality star or current television actress. She doesn't fit.

  5. I vote Katherine too. For some reason I think her husband is much older than her.
