Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Blind Item #4

This former almost A list mostly movie actress is still a mostly movie actress and still has almost A list name recognition but she is down to a B- now because of the roles she has been able to snag. She is also creating some waves because she has threatened to go public with why she has missed some recent events. It turns out that at a previous event she was promoting, this almost A list mostly movie actor kept putting his arm around her and groping her and suggesting they go smoke some pot together. He would just not leave her alone until she cried. She has refused to do anything else with him.


  1. Waves made me think Kate Bosworth. But my first instinct was Carey Mulligan b/c her movies haven't done as well as hoped, that I can remember.

  2. I suck at blinds though. Fire away, smarty-pants-es!!!

  3. Replies
    1. Jonah Hill is like a teddy bear you want to throw away.

  4. @VIP, she'd be okay with the groping if he'd groped Jessica Alba first.

  5. Can't be Bradley Cooper! He's gay, remember! With Jeremy Renner!

    Oh wait, today's Tuesday, he's bi. :)

    1. I dont think groping is a sex thing; i think its a dominance thing- look what i can do to u and u cant do anything. Sleaze whoever it is. Hope his dick falls off.

  6. IMO there's no way Amy's B- in terms of roles especially with Man of Steel coming out. But in Enty's eyes she could be.

    The Emma Stone is a good guess.

  7. Someone explain to me how an actress' ranking DROPS from the roles she HAS snagged.....Is that a typo? Is it supposed to be b/c she missed out on something, or is it NOT a typo and Enty means she lays box office bombs?

    Chloe Sevingy in "Brown Bunny" is the only role I can imagine would make a lady drop...but she's tv too.

  8. Oops. I meant Emma Watson and Jonah hill for 'this is the end' promo tour.

    1. I think it is Emma W. I think Franco freaked her out on the set and he has probably not backed down. Douchebag.

  9. I was thinking perhaps Anna Kendrick...though I don't know what the project would be.

  10. Replies
    1. Salma??!! She cut off his hands and feed them to his mother, lol. She diesnt take any guff!!

  11. not Amy Adams:she knows Cooper(they just finish a movie together) and she's A list and he's A+ list according to every Enty BI on him

    @Kristin: i like your guess on Emma Waston but i will say Watson/James Franco because of their notorious discord on the set

    1. I didn't know they didn't get along on set. Interesting... I was just going on sheer barf factor. Science, kids.

  12. @crila16: Salma Hayek has too big balls to be afraid of a guy

  13. @kristin:

  14. @French Girl...It actually did occur to me after I posted. Rumor has it she's a bit cray cray.

  15. Cameron Diaz and Leonardo DiCaprio? She looks high a lot, and he seems like a stoner. They just did a watch promo together. Maybe she was high already & paranoid, so he freaked her out.

  16. Hermoine and Jonah Hill

  17. But Emma hasn't done TV or theatre. she's all movie.

    And I agree, this blind makes no sense, A down to B because of the roles she's snagged?

    1. Since HP she has only done small roles or indy stuff. She is taking it slowly. She needs to prove she can act or at least bring in an audience. Would not say her career is on fire, hence the slippage in her rating.

  18. +1 French Girl. In that unbearable interview Jonah Hill just did he stated he "doesn't even smoke pot." Which by the sound of his interviews as of late, he probably should to loosen the f up.

    1. Hi douchery was unbelievable in Rolling Stone. I actually wrote a letter.

  19. @libby, @msgirl--I took "former almost A list mostly movie actress ... down to a B- now because of the roles she has been able to snag" to mean she's taken some stinker roles lately (and took them because it was all she has been offered).

    No guesses though. :-/

  20. I would get awfully gropy in close quarters with Amy Adams also. Some things are worth a kick in the balls.

    I don't hink it is her and B-Coop though. Her star is still climbing.

  21. @Crila16: she's prudish (THE BLING RING releases in France this week and she gave some interviews and she says in an interview "i know i'm prudish and inhibited but i try ...i try")

  22. This sounds like Brad and Jen except for the almost A List category for the actor.

  23. Emma Watson could have gone from almost A list to B list because of the end of harry potter.

  24. The Mechanics Behind the A-List Machine

  25. I assume its promoting a film because otherwise there is no reason for the same two people to have to repeatedly appear at the same promotional events. Emma W and James F work for me.

  26. You wrong VIP this sound like Watson and Franco. If it was coop he would probably asked to have sex.

  27. I'm sure the guy is Sean Peen. Sounds like something he'd do anyway.

  28. Is Bryce Dallas Howard doing anything?

  29. Yes VIP fellow CDANers, this must be the end of the world or something because I also think this makes more sense if it's Watson and Franco!

  30. Aniston and Cooper (although she isn't known to turn down the wacky greens!)

  31. I love how Franco suggests (even though he wasn't there) that Watson was the "problem" (or "difficult" or "cray-cray") because she refused to put up with men acting like total pigs around her.

    I know, I know - men in Hollywood ARE pigs and comport themselves as such, and if she can't stand the heat she should get out of the kitchen, etc. etc. It's still disgusting that these men think she's being "unprofessional" and "a drag" just because she doesn't enjoy having Channing Tatum's junk being waved in her face on set (or being groped by some other actor).

    That would make me want to throw up/run far, far away, too.

  32. No, I'm sure its that snore-prude Emma Watson.

  33. This has to be someone young and phisically weak (Salma Hayek once said that she didn't have a boyfriend because she hadn't found any guy with more "cojones" than her; I think you use the word "cojones" as well, but it means something as strength, courage... in this context).

    I'm afraid this is Ms. Watson (whom I love) or, as I was thinking while reading the BI, if she were promoting something (I don't know what she is doing lately), the adorable Dakota Fanning.

  34. I am thinking Katie Holmes and someone...

  35. I'm a bit horrified that a girl who doesn't want to get groped by a jerk is referred to here by some as a prude. "Loosen up honey. You'll enjoy it more." Is that the mentality? I wish Emma would publicly give him a kick in the balls if it is she and Franco. Girls don't need to "loosen up." Guys need to grow up.

  36. If this is Emma--whoever it is, actually--I hope she does come forward and publicly slam the pig who did this to her. What an ass. Hermione should have shoved her wand up his ass.

  37. It could be Emma but both Jonah and James Franco claimed that they don't smoke pot in the Rolling Stone interview. I'm kinda inclined to believe that they don't do it (anymore), what with Franco and all of his pursuits, when would he have the time? Maybe Seth Rogen or Danny McBride?!?

  38. Anna Kendrick is in a crappy looking movie called Rapture-palooza with Craig Robinson(who I think is awesome in every movie) and John Francis Daley (Sweets, from Bones)
    Pretty sure quite a bit of marijuana was smoked writing/making this BS.

  39. I can tell both James Franco and Jonah hill smoke pot just by looking at them. Saying otherwise in an interview almost makes it more obvious.

  40. Sandy and sarah.estell, I agree! Thank you. I hate it when a female is maligned for not "playing along" when a male is being inappropriate. "Oh, you're no fun;" "Oh, she's a prude," "Lighten up!" Shaking my head....

  41. If this is Emma, I'm kind of on her side. She grew up in film and, I think, was probably shielded from a lot of bad behavior being a kid. Also, from what I see, UK actors are a lot less likely to misbehave on set. Not that there aren't exceptions, but most Brit actors seem to have their career and fame in perspective as compared to our US celebs. Even Watson once commented on the difference in how she's treated by UK fans as opposed to US fans (a pat on the back vs. screaming). So I could see her having a hard time adjusting to by jerks like Hill or Franco and their assy antics and not wanting to be part of it. Even the article quoted by Frenchgirl above seemed imply it wasn't the material so much as the vibe that was getting to her.
