Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Blind Item #6

This A list celebrity has laid down the law and told her boyfriend he is not going to get anything more than just his salary from her and that anything else she chooses to get him is at her option and that he can always go get another job if he wants. He won't of course because she pays for everything. She just gets tired of him always wanting more.


  1. Is Jlo finally wising up?

  2. I thought Heidi, but JLo is better.
    We've heard Klum doesn't like to wear the pants like this behind closed doors, unfortunately.

  3. I'll bet they had the "All I do is give and give and give, and all you do is take, take take" fight.

  4. My first thought was Jessica Simpson.

  5. I'm so happy he's making her life miserable. She deserves it and so much more for being such a horrible person.

    1. Oh and my guess is jlo.

    2. Yes!!! ^^THIS^^
      I cant even understand at this point why the freak shes even famous anymore.

  6. I was thinking either Britney or Jessica. Jlo fits too. Also could be Tori or Leanne. So many to choose from.

  7. Hate to stick up for Jlo or any other drama queen...but its hard being in an "economically diverse" relationship...when one person gets used to hearing yes all the time in the beginning, hearing no is a stun as well as a possibility they're on their way out.

  8. Jessica Simpsons, Heidi Klum, Britney, J-Lo. Take your pick. Could be any of them!

  9. @megan: I don't think you're talking about an "economically diverse relationship" so much as you're talking about a sugar daddy/mama situation. In an actual relationship with mutual respect and caring things don't play out quite like that scenario. If you're being supported by a high roller simply to be arm/eye candy then yes, I suppose it does suck but you should've seen it coming and banked some of the "gifts" for when your novelty wears off.

  10. OK now that looks like it was written in German and put through Google Translate. The person writing these can't be a native English speaker.

  11. I just don't get it. If you're the customer and you're paying top dollar for a good or service, wouldn't you insist on 100% satisfaction? If I were paying JLo money for an accessory, or "boy-bauble" in this case, I would demand he at least APPEAR to be a grown heterosexual male during the course of his employment. This one's not even trying.

    Are we sure she's not involved in some kind of "She's All That" type of bet with one of her friends? That would make more sense. Something like "I bet I can take the GAYEST dancer on my tour and make America believe he loves my vag"? (BTW, she's losing the bet.)

  12. I want to say JLo, but how is she currently A list? No way.

  13. Why would JLo hire such an ugly little gay troll to be her rent-a-boy? Are there a lot of hot straight gigolos who would love to be paid to carry the twins with Daddy issues around, and service her at night?

  14. Maybe XTina and her male escort. Just to throw out someone else. You all are probably right about Jlo and ghost boy.

  15. Britney doesn't control the purse strings, I vote JLo. Jessica seems too dumb to say no

  16. I think it's Christina just because usually Enty's hatred of JLo is pretty apparent when he writes about her.

  17. If this is JLo, she has some serious insecurity issues. The fact she has to pay for a "boyfriend" when she is one of the most desirable women in the world is sad more than anything else. It's like she doesn't believe she's deserving of love.

    It's either that or she's a lesbian. She was one of Janet's backup dancers. I wouldn't be surprised.

  18. I immediately thought Jessica Simpson too. And, I didn't have the slightest problem understanding the blind as written.

  19. JLo. Britney's people/father would be the one doing the threatening, Jessica's in too deep with the kids, and her she doesn't "employ" her guy. Christina's guy seems more go-with-flow to me.

  20. This is totally Jennifer Lopez.

  21. totally agree with tyger lily. how bad does your self-esteem have to be that you hire a bf who behaves badly? NEXT!!

  22. Wasn't there a report of Klum and her boyfriend having a huge fight on their holiday??

  23. So JLo! That sassy trick.

  24. It does sound like JLo. I'm neutral on her-anyone care to share the Cliff's Notes on why she is disliked?

  25. Jessica is not that stupid..the wedding was all planned until he started stalling on prenup and wedding..3yrs later..after nick took her money once she is not giving it away again.
    she has 1 girl 1 boy,soon,
    she can string him along, she calls shots and she knows it

  26. Anonymous12:11 PM

    J lo
