Friday, June 14, 2013

Blind Item #6

This former B list mostly television actress has made it perfectly clear to her A list mostly movie actor husband that this A list mostly movie actress is not allowed to be in his life. She is willing to do anything that he has asked, but she refuses to be in his life if the actress is in his life. Apparently she is really jealous, even when the actor has explained that the actress is way more into women than men.


  1. Reynolds, lively, don't know about the 3rd?

  2. B lister is Blake
    A lister Ryan Reynolds
    Other gal is Sandra Bullock.
    I suck at these this is my best try

    1. @F281561 yes! I change my guess to Sandy too

  3. Blake/Ryan...not sure who the chick is though.

  4. love your Sandra guess... makes sense to me

  5. Lotta nailed it.

    Sad though because a woman won't be able to fully utilize ScarJo's wonderful hindquarters and DSLs.

    1. @Count - There's a lot of things i nail ;) but this wasn't one of them. Sandra makes more sense.

  6. Oh yeah...definitely Sandy. I would see why she would be threatened by her. Everyone loves Sandy...even I love Sandy.

  7. Oooh Great! guess on Blake/Ryan/Sandra!

  8. Oooh Great! guess on Blake/Ryan/Sandra!

  9. i agree with everyone else that this sounds like Blake, Ryan, and Sandy...but how is Ryan A list???

  10. Canopener/Kympossible/Robin Sparkles? That's my guess.

    1. @sugar- bahahaha! I heart you

    2. Oh sugar. I can personally confirm that Robin Sparkles is NOT behind this


      If they don't mention the mall, it ain't Robin.

    3. Robin is not this "canopener/kympossible" person. Do the math!

  11. Lotta! My love knows no bounds.

  12. A big ol' HA to Sugar and Robin Sparkles. I was just telling someone about Geddy Lee's cameo on HIMYM for the Under the Music (isn't that what they called it?) episode when Robin went all goth.

  13. OMG can opener shut up already who fucking cares?!

  14. Did Jesse James really screw up Sandy B or do you think she was into the ladies before him? I don't know why, I just have a hard time picturing her with women (unless it's Charlize, and that's my dream chick sandwich) and tend to think she's more asexual right now than anything else.

  15. I think you all got this right, Blake, Ryan and Sandy. Everyone does love Sandy, why not Blake?

  16. I hope it is Blake if only it shows she has some power in the relationship other than being the perfect Stepford baking wife

  17. What is the Sandy/Ryan connection, or is it just random hate outta Blake? Was Sandy one of the ones Ryan banged to climb the ladder?

    I always thought of Sandy as asexual, and thought the JJ thing was just for press.

  18. After thinking about this, it would be the perfect excuse for Blake to get out of the house and back to having a life that isn't run by Ryan.

    The blind is written to sound like she is threatening to leave if he doesn't break off his relationship with the other person, who we believe is Sandy.

    Ryan is so gorgeous, is he that hard to live with?

  19. I'm going to go out on a limb and say Jennifer Garner, Ben Affleck...and don't know who the actress would be...maybe Bullock would still work for this!

    1. I was thinking Gwen and Ben too but can't figure out who the other woman would be. But the Blake/Ryan/Sandy guess makes a lot of sense too

  20. Maybe if it was Jen and Ben the kids would have been mentioned as a hint in the post? Now I'm second guessing myself.

  21. Anonymous11:33 AM

    blake ryan sandra

  22. @ Count: Sandra & Ryan were in that fun little movie The Proposal together and are apparently fast friends. Not sure sex transpired, but their onscreen chemistry surely points towards a good relationship, so the blind makes sense from that standpoint. But right, I just can't get past Sandra being disinterested in sex, generally (the poor dear).

  23. I was thinking Ben and Jen too. And Sandra could still fit in there. She did that movie with Ben years ago and given her history, is probably still friends with him, like she is with Ryan. Who knew Sandy was such a hussy?

  24. Yeah! Sometimes my brain does land on something. Like a roulette wheel, the odds aren't great but sometimes it will hit.

  25. Charlize likes the ladies, so I'm guessing her as the shunned A list movie actress.

    Is Sandy a "mostly movie actress"? Has she done any TV?

    Personally, I would be much more jealous of my man hanging with Charlize because she seems so sexy. A Ginger compared to Mary Ann, so to speak.

    Not that men didn't want to bone Mary Ann, however.

  26. @Count Sandy used to 'bang' Ryan Gosling not Reynolds.

  27. Sandy and Ryan have been good friends for a long time. This totally stinks! I had a very close guy friend in college who's girlfriend tried to make him cut me out of his life because she was so insecure. There was never anything romantic between us, and I was even dating one of his good friends at the time.

  28. Sandy's been rumored to be with both Ryans. She's BFFs with Reynolds, dated Gosling (jealous!).

    I like the Charlize guess. She is smoking hot and I'd bet very intimidating in person. Mushy Mouth Lively couldn't hold a candle to Charlize.


    RDJ At The Academy Awards, Enty Not Invited

    Enty was most likely the imposter. Pretending to have inside stories provided by more than 1 person, adding up to Himmmm. The proof that Robert Downey, Jr was "a source" member of Himmm was giving out the phone number of someone else. "Natalie Wagner" available in an internet white pages search apparently.

    RDJ doesn't read CDAN. No one in Hollywood reads it, seriously. All major stars have press agents, their office takes care of reading press, CDAN isn't on the list. It became a problem when CDAN kept going on & on with exclusive info right from RDJ. Jezebel/Gawker then got on it, as RDJ has major drug/alcohol problems, could he be like drunk dialing or something (internet equivalent)?Answer is no, asked point-blank whether the anonymous commenter is in fact Downey, the star’s publicist, Alan Nierob, told The Daily Beast, “Of course it’s not.”

    Got that, his publicist responded because that is what you pay your publicist to do. No one bothers to sue CDAN because it isn't read in Hollywood. Major stars don't have time to sit thru ads & banners to read about themselves. Filming starts very early in the morning, lingers on into the night. That is why Major Stars have agents, personal managers, personal assistants, Gavin de Becker, bodyguards, personal trainers, nannies, stylists, publicists & if they are single faux-mances with co-stars to promote current projects.

    1. Anonymous2:41 PM

      @canopener- maybe you are "M" the 'ol nut bag formercriminalprosecuter that use to post here?! You were off your rocker then, and it's apparent to anyone who ever read your blog too. I think you just outed your own identity by posting above comment, hah!

    2. Anonymous2:48 PM

      @canopener- maybe you are "M" the 'ol nut bag formercriminalprosecuter that use to post here?! You were off your rocker then, and it's apparent to anyone who ever read your blog too. I think you just outed your own identity by posting above comment, hah!

  30. Jennifer Garner
    Ben ben Affleck
    Gwynnie Paltrow

  31. Fuck off, yeah?

  32. I'm on board with the Blake/Ryan/Sandra guess because I actually thought of them when I read it and I usually can't come up with anyone.

  33. It really IS sad that the wife is jealous of a friendship. I mean I know it happens but being clingy won't endear yourself to any man. If you love them set them free. if they stray let their ass go. They simply don't deserve you.

  34. My husband's been friends with a woman since college. When we married, she told him she wouldn't call him anymore so as to not cause probs between him and me (she's very very nice). . He told me this, and I was upset. Hell, she's the one he talks to about comics, and superhero movies/TV shows. I called and told her this wasn't 8th grade, girls and boys can be friends. They've been friends for like 20 yrs, imagine me stopping that!! Imagine me, listening to his supergeek prattle! Aaaaagh!

    Maybe the woman in this blind should get some outside interests of her own.

  35. Oh @canopener... Can you get over it now and go have a nice weekend?

    Through a strange set of circumstances, I'm aware that there are many folks in Hollywood who read CDaN - but like most of us? They take it about as seriously as The Onion. It's amusing. It's entertaining. It's fun to read the comments section.

    Give it up already. All of us have read the exposes and proof. Anyone who has been coming here for any length of time knows that the current Enty/Enties is not the same as the original. We also know that having 6-7 numbered blinds a day, written in a totally different voice is a big clue that this is no longer a 1-person site anymore.

    So shhhhhh now! You're tilting at windmills.

  36. @Feed Watcher: Sandy waaay back in 1990 was in the TV show "Working Girl." Also, per IMDB, she also apparently guested on "George Lopez" for 3 eps in the early 2000s. So the "mostly-movie" tag does fit.
