Thursday, June 13, 2013

Blind Item #7

This A list celebrity was out of the spotlight for three days because of an incident at home. It seems as if she was passed an unauthorized cell phone and was using it to make contact with someone who has been out of her life for a few years now. That person is now shopping stories to the tabloids about what she told him. If you believe the guy, it is crazy stuff. Our celebrity was basically grounded.


  1. britney and the paparazzi guy.

    1. Adnan... (said like Newman on Seinfeld)

  2. And she just proved to her handlers why she still needs the conservatorship. Poor Britney.

    1. Who passed her the PHONE?? Major security breach...

  3. This is too easy and too sad...poor Britney

  4. Is he going to smuggle Britney's pink wig back to her?
    That should be the new code for crazy: bringing out the pink wig.

  5. Britney and k-fed.

  6. Aw, poor Britney. She makes me sad.

  7. Britney and that guy with the middle eastern name. K-Fed wouldn't do this to her...he's basically a decent guy, I think.

  8. Anonymous11:46 AM

    I never want to see Brit go back to loonboonville

  9. This should be labeled easy easy. Britney.

  10. Yeah its not Kevin--Jamie signs the child support checks.

  11. Not to be horrible, but brit maybe mentally challenged? Like maybe I Q of 85?

  12. Sounds like Brit, but the other guy isn't K-Fed. They attend their kids ball games together every so often.

  13. No, not.Lufti. I think.his first name is Anad.or something like that

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  15. canopener: don't you have anything better to do than to link to vague stupid blogs from over a year ago? Get a life already.

  16. Why not Lufti? I think that makes a lot of sense, if you believe the blind. He WOULD sell his story mostly because of how much crap he received for partaking in Brits trip to crazytown.

  17. It shouldn't matter what Britney's IQ may be, or what mental health issues she may have. She's never hurt anyone except herself, she's well over twenty-one, and she has every right to live her life however she wants even if that might include pissing all of her money away. Her father's so-called "conservatorship" has never been anything more than a legalized ploy to allow him and the rest of her parasitic family to steal her money and her life from her. The judge who agreed to it should be disbarred. The a$$hole probably got a big payoff from Brit's father for having done so.

  18. Poor thing, I think it was the first husband. The big cowpoke from her hometown who always seems to get a pass. But he MUST have seen she was breaking with reality during that 72 hour marriage.

  19. "She's never hurt anyone except herself"

    Which in and of itself is a problem, but remember at the time of her breakdown, she had very young children in her care and likely posed a real threat to them.

    We may never know the extend of Britney's mental health issues, but it seems to me they're very serious to warrant such a pervasive conservatorship. The saddest part to me is that she continues to perform and there's no telling if that's what she really wants or if that's what her people are pushing her to do.

  20. Canopener's point is a good one but everyone's ignoring it just because it's a year old. Canopener, have you also seen this one from TechCrunch?

    This is a made-up BI based on the story the other day about how Britney's computer, phone and Internet access are heavily monitored so she doesn't see bad news about herself and have a freakout.

  21. Yeah, poor Britney and Adnan.

  22. @MadamChef ahhahaha

  23. Adnan. I think she was kinda addicted to him.

  24. @auntliddy I think that's been obvious for years and I have no idea why people tend to flip out when it's mentioned. Unless someone means it in a "Ha ha, Britney's a retard" way, I don't see it as derogatory. No one can help their IQ and it's not Britney's fault hers is likely lower than average.

  25. Although I agree with Robert having kids around changes things. I've read elsewhere her parents pimped her out so her sister could get work. Her parents are quite an inspiration for PMK. If Amanda Bynes had kids she might be forced to get help. I don't think Brit is vey smart at all, which is why she will loose her fortune. K-Well-Fed is not the good guy in any of this. He's nothing more than a leech like the rest of them.

  26. Whose phone number would Britney bother to memorize to the point where she would still know it two years later?

    I feel like one day she's gonna go to the beach and an overhead pap shot will reveal that she's spelled out "HEPL" in the sand. [yes, typo is on purpose]

  27. Canopener's point isn't such a good one because the source for the Post's "expose" on Enty was Enty himself.

    The "Hollywood Street King" claims that Enty claimed that Gawker offered him millions for his site. Funny, all that Enty told the Post was that Gawker offered to buy it. No dollar amounts were mentioned. Guess that makes the Hollywood Street King a liar and a fraud.

    It is worth noting that for at least two years, CDAN was *the* go-to site for Gawker's weekly gossip/BI column. So there was some sort of relationship between Gawker and CDAN at one time. It may be that Enty exaggerated Gawker's interest, or it may be that by the time the Post queried them, the relationship had cooled and they weren't interested in confirming anything about it.

    Who knows. Who cares, really? Only people who fell for a publicity stunt masquerading as an expose.

  28. @canopener: Does Jacky have any stories about Amber Tamlyn?

  29. "Nearly everything Enty says, in fact, doesn’t check out. That package Tamblyn sent? That receipt, dated December 2007, came from an LA-based recording studio called Michael Turner Productions; sole employee Michael Turner says Tamblyn has never been through there: “What does she do?” he asks.

    Gawker Media, says founder and CEO Nick Denton, never offered to buy CDaN."

  30. Adnan Ghalib.

    And Robert, Britney has kids. Young kids. It is therefore NOT just herself she's hurting.

  31. canopener, aka Walking Tall (anonymous Facebook account)

    Just about everyone here is familiar with the Post story, that was published on April 1st, 2011 (or was it '12?). Enty tweeted about it in advance of the story, tongue firmly in cheek. You don't need to spam this site or the FB page, most of the people who come here takes this site with a huge grain of salt, regardless of the person or people who write it. Well, they should anyway.

  32. Britney and Adnan was my first guess.

    And I could not care less who Enty is. He could be Ron Paul in drag and I would not give two flying shits. I love this site.

  33. Britney is incredibly abused by those who are claiming to be "helping" her. I'm sure anyone would have gone crazy if they had to live with that sort of treatment for so many years. I feel awful for that woman.

    1. Jessica I truly think her father is trying his best to help her. She might seem "trapped " but she's trapped in a gilded cage. Were it not for him she could be totally homeless due to her mental issues. Is it right they make her work? That because of that so many benefit? Who can say but she seems cared for and I think Brit likes performing. But then that's only my feeling. Neither you nor I really know for sure do we?

  34. I don't think Britney has a low IQ. I think she had a lot of untreated mental issues that were thrust into the limelight when she had her meltdown a few years back.

    That being said: I don't think she called K-Fed. It was probably Adnan. Dude totally brainwashed her and wanted to bleed her dry. I'm glad her father took actions in court to protect her. She wouldn't have made her "comeback" without the intervention. Lets be honest. She's probably be dead.

  35. So I got the impression that there was some good in Adnan and that he really cared about least he was certainly a better person than Sam Lufti, although I know that's not saying much.

  36. Never mind, I just googled Adnan and he's pretty much cut from the same cloth as Lutfi...even testified to support Lutfi's case.

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  38. t would be interesting if scientists could do non-invasive MRI or scans of the brains of child performers over time. These could be compared with brain scans of 'average' kids. Would these reveal that rigorous rehearsal and performance schedules, with numerous appearances, interviews and photo shoots, change how the stressed brain of a child processes thoughts, or if adrenalin permanently alters body chemicals/stress hormones affecting all else? Or is it everything else except that changes them?

  39. Brit Brit leave the cray cray where it is.

  40. @Canopener, but what if there was and actual entertainment lawyer, quite senior and well-placed, who just happened to have worked for a major record label before going into private practice (matching MV blind item), who has clashed with COS (matching CDAN's anti-COS jihad) and who might have a way to get huge troves of inside information on the reality show biz in recent years (matching the blog's shift in emphasis to that sector of the biz)? How unlikely a coincidence would it be for all those things to be true?

    Very, very, very unlikely.

    Of course most of the numbered BI's are made up. Doesn't mean there wasn't an authentic Enty behind CDAN at one point.

    1. Welcome back B!

      I've been telling these folks that the numbered blinds are fraudulent, thanks for backing me up!

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