Sunday, June 09, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

December 26, 2012

Considering this happened not that long ago, you would think people would have heard about it. The thing is, it was right before everything was covered 24/7. It involves three of the biggest stars on the planet, and another who is not that far behind. Our A+ list #1) all movie actor was probably a B- actor back then. He was in the middle of a long term relationship with an A+ list (#2)all movie actress who has not dropped at all from that perch. He said that the actress had got boring and that he thought she would break when they would have their very rare sex. So, when this A list (#3) all movie actress who was a B- lister back then walked into his life, they had a torrid affair. I mean a month or two of the hottest do it anywhere sex imaginable. They were crazy for each other. The one tiny problem is that the girlfriend (#2)  found out about it and went off the rails. Screaming and yelling at the actor and showing up unannounced at #3's apartment to yell at her. The even crazier thing is though that #2 didn't break up with our actor. Nope. She said they could work it out and insisted on them going to therapy everyday to work it out. Meanwhile, #3 said enough was enough and went and found herself an A list all movie actor at the time and now a B lister. #1 finally got tired of the therapy and #2 and left her.

#1 - Ben Affleck
#2 - Gwyneth Paltrow
#3 - Salma Hayek
#4 - Edward Norton


  1. Saucy! I had almost forgotten Goop and Ben were together.

  2. Wow...Salma and Ben?! Were they in any movies together?

  3. Wow...Salma and Ben?! Were they in any movies together?

  4. Dogma was the movie.

  5. @bella: they did Dogma together, not sure if any others though.

    1. Thanks! I totally forgot about that one. Pretty good flick. I would've never guessed they hooked up

  6. Dogma was the movie.

  7. Well, aren't we all on the same page....

  8. Thank you enty , this is HOTTTT

  9. Salma Hayek/Ben Affleck affair is a rumor or known since always

  10. I thought Salma was a known bitch. I picture her punching GOOPy in the face if she had shown up on her door. Is it wrong I'm not bothered by that image?

  11. Wow!! Now that's a reveal!! :-)

  12. Ok. My definition of not that long ago is 1 year or less. This blind was posted December 2012. Dogma came out in 1999. 14 years ago, which was...a long time ago not recently.

  13. Gwinnie is A+ list??
    Salma is A list? in what world??
    and it's Gwinnie who broke with Ben

  14. @FlirtyChick74:
    it's true! 14 years ago is not recent ,it's a long time ago!

  15. Exactly how I picture dating Gwenyth would be. She seems like she would find sex icky and undignified. Zzzzzzzz.

  16. Exactly how I picture dating Gwenyth would be. She seems like she would find sex icky and undignified. Zzzzzzzz.

  17. Anonymous9:27 AM

    me too, I had forgotten they were a thing to.

  18. Dogma was on TV last night. Wonder if that's what prompted this reveal.

  19. Well, in the context of "before everything was covered 24/7", it had to indicate something that happened in the 90s. It's still relevant - they were all fairly young at the time.

    It's interesting that I still read that Ben Affleck and Matt D were reputed to be lovers. Ben seems to bed a lot of hot women for someone who's into men.

    I actually believe this BI, purely b/c who else but Goop would deal with a cheating BF by insisting on therapy (and every day!).

  20. If Goop doesn't like sex why waste time with her she has nothing to offer? Chris is never around so she must be ecstatic.

  21. @FrenchGirl: I agree with the question on the ratings. Neither Goop nor Hayek could possibly open a movie by themselves, which I thought was the definition.

    However, I can think of very few woman who can. So maybe the standard for A+ for women is different, more to do with celebrity than box office prowess.

    I think Goop is more like AW+.

    1. What is AW+?

      I really get bored with all the disputes about standings though I realize it sometimes helps figure out which celeb to hone in on. But I have not seen AW as a category. Enlighten me please.

      You are our only hope Obi Wan Kenobi...

  22. Not that long ago? Ben and the Goopster's broke up almost 14 years ago.

  23. There is some good gossip.

    That Goop is a kook. If ya stay proactive with a chick like that, and never let het get a solid footing, you could prolly do whatever you want.

  24. I liked this reveal juicy .., its got it all sex, liea and theraphy lol

    I dont care if it was 100 years ago its still good.

  25. That was an awesome reveal! I love it. Silly goop.

  26. Juicy!!!! I remember the blind reveal about goop just moved in w/ Ben by just leaving her crapat his house. & every time he broke up w/ her she would just pretend he didn't. Then would show up on movie sets or wherever he was.

    Back at the time of this blind, Gwen had just won an Oscar for Shakespeare in that would've made her A back then...

  27. Great reveal! I feel like I remember Chris Rock inferring about shenanigans between Salma and Ben during the filming of Dogma. Anyone else recall this?

  28. If you do a google images search w keywords dogma ben salma Linda you get a photo of them doing press and some photographer took a pic of them from behind and Ben has got his hands on both Salma and Linda Fiorentino's butts. Salma is craning her neck to see where Ben's other hand is. In another pic, it looks like he's actually lifting Linda's skirt. I'm sure it was all in jest, but based on this evidence I'm guessing he was probably doing Linda as well. ;)

  29. The real question is: Why did he go into the therapy sessions rather than call it quits? He and Paltrow weren't engaged, they weren't married and they didn't have children together, and the relationship was not of years-long duration with memories of many good years to make it worth working through the sexual incompatibility with therapy?

  30. Nice! Ben and Salma - now there's a hot couple! The only hotter couple would be Ben and Matt. Good Lord, Matt Damon makes me nuts for some reason.

    Poor GOOP, though. She doesn't fair too well in Enty's blinds. I'm sure her publicist spun the "GOOP broke up with Ben" bit.

  31. Well, at that time being with Paltrow would have boosted his image more than any attention he would have gotten on his own. I can see him sticking it out for a while.

    1. @Cee Kay: I totally forgot about that. Good point. Too bad Matt wasn't enough to boost his profile.

  32. Wow, oh Ben, Ben, Ben. He strikes me as the type that put up with stuff for as long as possible and then bolts. Like the let minute canceling of his wedding to Jlo. Speaking of Jlo, I remember when she and Ben first hooked up, Gwen was quoted as saying that they were both (I think the word she used was) trash, and they deserved each other.

    1. @Me: I do remember that interview. I think it was on the Today show or something like that. I remember being surprised.

  33. Count is absolutely right. Gwyneth is the kid of girl who would let her guy get away with anything, as long as he plays his cards right with her in front of the cameras. Guys wind up leaving her because she is so high maintenance.

  34. Ah, remember when blinds had numbers so we could keep all the players straight?

  35. I like this blind and reveal! Thanks Enty!

  36. I think a Salma/Ben sex tape would forever be the Cadillac of celebrity sex tapes. Only the public gets screwed when hot celebrities of at least average intelligence fuck and realize they shouldn't record it.

  37. Juicy reveal! Thanks, Enty.

  38. I would literally pay cold hard cash for that sex tape.

  39. What's with Ben's thing for bitchy, high maintenance divas? Jen Garner seems like a breath of fresh air in comparison.

  40. What's with Ben's thing for bitchy, high maintenance divas? Jen Garner seems like a breath of fresh air in comparison.

  41. Anonymous1:29 PM

    I have a feeling Jen Garner is not any less high maintenance and bitchy - she just conceals it under her all-American soccer mom facade. But what do I know?

    I do know that 1999 does not seem that long ago to us old farts who are around the age of those involved in the blind. =)

    1. Exactly @Frivolity!! Doesn't Seem Long Ago To Me At All! ;-P

  42. @Anna, what Cee Kay said. Gwyneth was his first relationship post his big break and so at the time he needed to foster the image that he was a committed partner, not a cheating horndog which is the reputation he's pretty much got going now.

    @Raving Badger, Garner is no less bitchy or diva-ish, she's just very good at hiding it. There are stories about her yelling and throwing stuff at costume people and tearing up fan pictures she's asked to autograph. And I still think the real reason they got married at all is because she got pregnant with Violet and it would've damaged his rep too much if he hadn't, not because it's the 1950's, but because he's always wanted to go into politics and this would've haunted him if he didn't marry her and become a family man.

  43. Now THAT is a good reveal!

  44. Sigh, I was bored and went in the Archives, as far back as I could go...Damn, I had forgotten how truly solid that Enty was. Erudite and kind, he viewed us (his readers) as family. Miss that. Miss Him.
    Makes this barely literate Enty seem... sad.

  45. The only thing I recall hearing about with those two was that he tried breaking up with her 6/7 times before she got it and he apparantly had to move.

    I agree that THIS is a reveal that is worth it. I don't care about housewives and reality "celebs".

  46. Why therapy? Well, Gwyneth was scheduled to film Duets with her Dad directing and Ben as her co-star. She had a very good reason to try and work out the relationship. She spoke publicly about how hard that was at the time.

    Ben's cheating and general philandering couldn't have been a total shock (not that that makes it okay) - he had a reputation already. I can't help but wonder what Ben's definition of "very rare sex" is. Twice a week? For him, that would fit. Perhaps that's his way of justifying his behavior to himself? Huh.

    What's wrong with G going to S's door "unannounced"? Why imply this is crazy, Enty? If I was in a LTR and my BF cheated, I'd probably confront the other woman "unannounced" as well. I sure as hell wouldn't call ahead.

  47. BTW? everyone keeps saying "This isn't Enty" back then too, lol

  48. Wait ... what does "#4 Edward Norton" have to do with any of this? There isn't a #4 in the blind. Unless I am.

  49. Very juicy. Thanks.

  50. Good blind but - Edward Norton is B list? Never!!!

  51. thanks so much enty!

  52. Love Edward Norton. Such talent. Why is he not A+++ now? Is it his choice? Or did he fuk up and i just didnt hear about it? Does anyone have insight into this? That scene in primal fear still haunts the hell outta me... my gawd!

    1. He developed a rep of being difficult, demanding, and inflexible. Unwilling to folliw the Director's instructions. Despite his amazing talent I think he burned everyone out eventually.

      Hollywood is a brown-nosing town. UNLESS you have undeniable box office results you don't get to run the ship yourself. Too much money at stake and union workers standing around is a constant money burn.

  53. Back then, Gwenyth and Winona Ryder were good friends and Winona was dating Matt, so the four of them would hang out together. Public interest in the foursome was crazy...they got lots and lots of attention for it. Young, hot, Oscar winners..they could sneeze and get on the cover of a tabloid.

    Ben was wild back then. I remember all of the Ted C chatter about all of the coke and girls in and out of his bachelor pad. Ted C made it sound like Ben was starting to look like a lost cause. His career was in trouble and I don't think he started cleaning up his image until he moved to the south somewhere. Savannah or one of the Carolinas, I think. I know everyone on CDAN likes to talk about him being a horndog, but he really did turn his life around.

    I remember thinking that Matt and Winona seemed much more serious about each other than Ben and Gwen ever did, and certainly more private with their relationship.

    I love Ben and Matt. I'm proud of both of them.

    And where could Gwenyth go after that? After Brad Pitt and Ben Affleck her prospects can only go down as far ss the public eye goes.

  54. Salma Hayek is not all-movie. She did telenovelas in Mexico before coming to Hollyweird.

  55. Gwen & Ben made some soet of movie together. It wasn't Duets. Not a crap movie, not a great one...

  56. Hollywood is so... incestuous.

  57. But this BV is deceiving. Gwyn isn't an all movie actress. She's dabbled in TV and TV made for movies.

  58. The bit about Fishsticks not dumbing Affleck...not surprised. I've read she is a stage 5 clinger.

  59. And now that Salma is married to a billionaire, elitist Goop has conveniently forgotten all slights. Or is grinding her teeth in her sleep. Either scenario works for me. :D

  60. I love this reveal.
