Sunday, June 02, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

December 20, 2012

This former B list tweener and now sometime singer and sometime television star has been doing her best everyday to tell her co-star that she should leave the show they are both on. She takes every opportunity she gets and tries to work it into every conversation. Our former B list tweener thinks it is the only way she will get to keep her job. She wants the job. She needs the job.

Demi Lovato to Britney Spears


  1. Well damn Demi...that's not very nice. Britney kind of needed it too. It certainly helped see B in a new light, away from the all the chaos in her past. Ppl are always shitty to Brit...cant like it. Just do ur job Demi, & shut it.

  2. Good for Britney to leave/get fired. That show was crap anyways.

  3. Britney can't make any legal decisions for herself only her father can.

    Nonetheless BitBit was fired but no one told her that only the spin story they used.

  4. Humm IDK l thought brit brit handlers didnt let her talk to anyone ever in that show only when the cameras where on because they were afraid of her being recorded or photograph?

  5. In Demi's defense, she's only responsible for herself, AND Britney probably should be on permanent vacay.

  6. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Me, who is that in your picture?

    1. That would be josie from a series of big brother in the uk. now a lot skinnier aka has a lolli pop head

  7. It seems mean and insecure of Demi to tell Britney something that.

  8. Does anyone else remember all the promo pics of Britney for the X Factor? She looked tense and miserable and big grimace-y smiles of fucking torture.

    There were also blinds about Brit & Demi discussing their meds & treatment, etc.

    Frankly, Britney DOESN'T need the job and it was making her absolutely miserable. It's not the worst thing that someone would encourage her to leave, even if it was just out of self interest.

  9. I think when the blind was first posted common thought was Brit said this to Demi. Glad it was the other way around.

  10. Demi Lovato is a spoiled brat. Not at all surprised by this one.

  11. How in the world do I put an avatar on CDAN? I have one on my Google that I sign in with, Facebook, Yahoo, etc., but none show up on here. Hate being a blank space.

    1. I just figured this out myself. You have to view the site in desktop. Once you are there in the top right corner it says dashboard. Click that and it should say account settings. From there go to user profile and there is an option to add image about half way down the page.

  12. I thought it was pretty well-known that Demi is a mean girl who is always looking out for herself, despite how she insists bullying is bad and everyone should be nice to each other (i.e. good PR for Demi).

    Bottom line though, it doesn't matter what Demi tells Brit to do since Brit is not allowed to make her own decisions.

  13. @tonfoilhat, no idea. Saw it ( if I remember correctly) on the daily mail. Was when everyone was posting awful Lindsay lohan pictures. Couldnt find lindsay picture that hadnt bedn used, that was suitably awful. But this was kind of funny and horrible at the same time.

  14. I liked Demi before I heard this. I thought it was strange the first season when the girl she "connected" with who was bullied in school and had a beautiful voice, got axed by Demi so that she could keep CiCi on. CiCi was self absorbed and her voice was terrible. To me it always seemed like Demi over exaggerated her issues to gain more sympathy and fans.

  15. Oh I finally got one right away. That almost never happens. I remember thinking this was Demi Lovato at the time. There's always been something about her I don't like. She's just always seemed mean and sneaky to me.And i don't think she is clean and sober either.

  16. Anonymous5:44 PM

    It's just business. U r supposed to look out 4 your own interests. U can either swim with the sharks or float with the guppies. Just ask Winona.


  17. The only thing Demi needs to do is get rid of her grimey boyfriend, Handy Manny...I mean, Wilmer.

  18. Demi is a complete druggie and cuntbag of a human being. She is such a nasty foul whore she makes Lohan look like a princess. And she likes much older married men in Colleyville Texas. Ask my moms neighbor. No ask his ex wife. And she is not sober. High as a kite daily. Eating disorder? Only if it's eating cock. And she's been drugging and sucking since 12 years old.

  19. Anonymous2:45 PM

    OH MY GOD, Seriously, 'Young Carrie Bradshaw'? I'm a fan of Demi, but if this is true... I want to know more... Do you have twitter? Please, reply me @thiagauns and let's talk about her :D
