Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Chris Brown Charged With Hit And Run

Yesterday was a good day for people who would like to see Chris Brown having a chance to do possible jail time. I'm almost 100% sure he won't do jail time even if he has his probation revoked, but there is always that minuscule chance that the sun will come out and shine on all of us and give him a little jail time. The District Attorney has decided to go forward and charge Chris with hit and run from that minor car accident he had last month. Chris was driving without a valid license and gave the other driver fake insurance information. The only thing missing was a good beating, but he probably saved that for his girlfriend for later. Chris said the charges are ridiculous and that there was no damage to either car so it doesn't matter what he did. See, that is the thing. He thinks nothing matters and he is above it all. That is why he forged his community service and does everything else. He thinks nothing will ever happen to him.


  1. FAKE insurance info? From a known celebrity?! Sorry, but that move is pure TRASH.

    No matter how much money you make, nothing can make you a decent fucking citizen.

    1. What an asshole. Why doesn't he just chill out somewhere for would e easier to look past some of his crap if he wasn't so consistently DOUCHETASTIC....have several seats Chris.

  2. Love to see his ass in jail. Just so public gets a break from him. He shld hook up with bieber, and they shld hv an asshole contest. Oooo, who wld win? And piven for judge because of course it takes one to know one, lol

  3. I'm sure if I gave fake insurance information that I would have a litany of charges leveled at me especially if I used someone else's name. But then I'm just a nobody

  4. No wonder Justin Beiber keeps acting a fool on the road, everyone is waiting for Chris to fuck up.

  5. The whitegirl in the pic has no ass.

  6. Oh look, Chris Brown acts like an entitled douche. In other news, water is wet. I really don't get all the outrage, Enty. It's almost as tiresome as reading about CB is getting to be.

  7. ......and too much fucking hair on her head.

  8. Aint there any other pics of that broads ass? This is the 3rd time you use this one. I had the ass memorized after the first time.

    1. Look closer. The inly ass in that picture is chris brown.

  9. That's my neck o' the woods...too bad I didn't see him. Ha!

  10. But he was only recklessly driving with a non-valid license and fake insurance card, and could even have killed someone. What's the big deal? Doesn't the law know it's Chris Brown and he's above the law, cause he's famous? Also, he only beat up 2 women and started only one bar fight. Seriously...this guy is practically an upstanding citizen. A slap on the wrist is even too harsh. Let's leave Chris alone. Everyone needs to stop picking on him.

    1. You're damn right . Now that Paula Deen bitch, I would pay to see Chris beat her ass.

  11. @just curious, someone's a little bitter.

  12. Chris Brown is a fucking thug, who deserves to be in jail. Just like when it happened to OJ, I don't care about the reason he gets busted, as long as he winds up in jail.

    1. Your language is a bit harsh because he is NOT a thug. He's a wannabe, which is even worse. He is not about that life!

  13. Eh he's a sad case. He's done so much wrong that even when bitches lie to the police he's the asshole. It's sad but I don't feel sorry for him. Karma sucks.

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  16. @JC - Paula's about to take a bigger beating: Her Fortune.

    1. Oh please, that bitch has a following. She's an old bitch. Therefore. She won't live long enough to spend all of her money.

      But an ass whipping. That will leave a shit stain on your ego. You won't recover from that . Like an abused child , you'll be scarred for life.

      Chris brown need to direct his energies to positive things like beating racist bitches like Paula , Paltrow,Lisa Lamp, etc.
