Thursday, June 06, 2013

Joe Giudice Has Another Affair - Teresa Says It's All A Misunderstanding

Teresa Giudice tends to keep her family issues locked in a very safe place inside her head. I guess they will stay there until the day something happens to that lock box inside her head and Joe Giudice ends up dead. Oh yeah, I don't think it would be a divorce. I think one day Teresa is going to snap and kill the guy. It might not be for 20 years, but at some point she will stop taking it and will explode in one violent incident. In the mean time, we can discuss how everyone has seen or heard about Joe Giudice sleeping with someone, and how most of the other NJ Housewives have mentioned it publicly, yet Teresa insists everything is just a misunderstanding. In Life & Style this week, they confirm that Joe was having sex with the teen nanny they hored who also later became his secretary. Everyone kind of knew this, but this was just the first time someone went out on a limb in print. Probably one of the other Housewives was the source. One who needs money. A lot of money. Teresa says that the nanny/secretary is one of the family's best friends and that is why Joe was with her the other day. As for the women he has been with every other week, well, if you ask teresa I'm sure she will tell you they are one of the kid's teachers or the nun from church or their accountant.


  1. Enty, I love how you wrote "the nanny they 'hored'" instead of 'hired'. Hilarious! Freudian slip?

  2. So who sold the story? Melissa or Jacqueline? Both are broke.

  3. Anonymous6:58 AM

    I'll say they hored her!If I had to guess what was going on with Teresa, I'd say that she's stuck in a pattern of promoting their brand and denying the affairs, whether it's five or fifty. To admit to and face one would bring down her whole life. Infidelity is such utter bull,so hurtful, I feel for anyone who's gone through that.

  4. She is more afraid of being alone than she is concerned about a cheating husband. She tolerates his cheating and knows full well he does but figures the lesser of two evils is cheating over her being alone. Who would want to be with that ugly big mouth and her unattractive family.

  5. Oompa Loompa doompadee doo
    I've got another puzzle for you
    Oompa Loompa doompadah dee
    If you are wise you'll listen to me

    What do you get from a glut of TV?
    A pain in the neck and an IQ of three
    Why don't you try simply reading a book?
    Or could you just not bear to look?

    You'll get no
    You'll get no
    You'll get no
    You'll get no
    You'll get no commercials

    Oompa Loompa Doompadee Dah
    If you're not greedy you will go far
    You will live in happiness too
    Like the Oompa
    Oompa Loompa doompadee do

    1. @Count Jerkula. Right now, I seriously sparkly heart you!

  6. I gotta say, he doesnt really look like a hot item, so i dont know how hes getting these women.

    1. @Liddy. Money and fame. Same way Sean Penn gets 'em.

  7. Hey Teresa, I'm sure your daughters are going to love reading this garbage in a few years!!

    Although her oldest daughter already looks like she's completely disgusted by both of them.

  8. Her forehead scares me - and who sticks up for this slimy looking prick? I'd say she could do better - but after the prostitution whore-ah comment, I'm not sure...

  9. Gorillas aren't monogamous. Big whoop.

  10. Why are women sleeping with this grunting Neanderthal? Yuck.

  11. Unfortunate misspelling of "hired' there. He's such a Neanderthal and you know he's prolly got a teeny weeny with a hair trigger to boot. That's the only good thing. It's over fast.


  12. I think Joe has to go to trial for that fake ID charge in July--and I think the perfect strategy for Teresa would be if he gets some time to let him go to jail, while he's in, cut him loose and then she can sell the story of her struggling on to support her 4 kids as a single mom against all odds.

    Teresa is very good at planning how to keep herself in the public eye--and that would give her lots of stuff to sell to the tabloids.

  13. Thank you Gayeld. I figured the TV one was especially appropriate.

  14. I get that she turns a blind eye to all of the cheating and wants everyone to think all is well, and that it makes for good drama to keep her name in the tabs. But damn girl have a little self respect!

  15. Teresa has to wait until the show dies. At that point, to keep herself relevant, she will divorce him and we will get daily updates on the proceedings.

  16. I think she's she's growing her empire/image she wants to look like the good Italian wife/mom. Getting divorced isn't part of that- and if Joe goes down she can then rebuild and rake in $$ as said above as the struggling single mom.

  17. Good one Count! Seems the current group think for sheeple is to think cheating is the norm. Just like animals!

  18. I think they lead separate lives, sleep in separate beds, and Teresa's doesn't care who or what he does. It's all for show or all for THE show. I bet she's got her own thing going on.

  19. Great typo! I'm sure these women are hoping they will be the one to get signed up for the "Teresa confronts Joe's mistress" episode and get instant fame.

  20. I like Teresa. Wacky, I know, but I do. I honestly think that a lot of her thinking regarding Joe comes from that old-school mentality of Staying Together No Matter What. I think she truly thinks that THAT'S more important than whatever he's up to. The money/show angle might be there, too, but I swear her upbringing -- and that it seems like her parents really do have a happy old-school marriage -- is the main reason.

  21. Their children all look like, sound like, and act like monsters, a reflection of the parents.

  22. Joe's cheating aside (and really, what kind of woman would sleep with that ignorant goomba?), it's shameful the way T and Juicy talk about other people in front of their children.

    ON this season's opening ep Teresa was taking Melania to a play date with her cousin Antonia and Melissa, and Joe said (on speaker phone of course so we in TV land could hear), "So you're going to see HORSE FACE?" And of course Melania immediately repeated it.

    Melania and Antonia had a joyful-- but very short-- reunion and they very obviously love each other but Teresa and Joe are going to smother their affection with their poisonous talk in front of their children.

  23. I don't even know how this would be sold, Jaquline said it on the reunion show last season, where she said "remember when you told me you walked in on him banging his secretary over a desk?"
