Thursday, June 20, 2013

Kathryn Fiore Almost Dies

Mission Impossible III and Wedding Band actress, Kathryn Fiore almost died during the birth of her daughter, Alice. During the birth, Kathryn suffered complete organ failure as her daughter was born via emergency C-Section. Kathryn lost two liters of blood and went into septic shock and is in the process of learning to walk and talk again. As you can imagine, this has put a huge drain on her financial resources and her family is having all kinds of fundraisers to help. If you would like to help, you can click here to learn more about Kathryn's situation and how she is starting to show signs of improvement, including learning to walk again.


  1. Don't know how young she is but she's in the right demographic : white female , someone will give her a check.

    1. Come on. Be nice. That's the truth but be nice.

      We think this can't happen to us so I am actually glad its a white female because this will bring much awareness to the issue of how hard it is for A LOT of women to give birth. It's often overlooked cause we're a developed country- but we have some of the worst rates of maternal mortality in the developed world.

    2. Anonymous1:15 PM

      Scathing but true!

  2. People forget that having a kid can kill you. And one out of four pregnancies ends in miscarriage or fetal death.

    1. Anonymous1:16 PM

      Jesus! Cheers for that!

  3. Isn't she a member of SAG? I thought they're supposed to have good health insurance.

  4. What Susan said.. I'm also surprised that past co stars haven't rallied around her here.

    Child birth caries with it very real risk which is why I'm honestly perplexed why some are so staunchly against having babies in a medical facility. If you want natural childbirth go for it! But why not in a birthing centre with medical access if need be?

  5. She's pregnant in the pic but is that her cup of beer beside her? Wonder if that had anything to do with medical issues during childbirth? If so, she shouldn't get receive a dime.

  6. Actually Just Curious...she's not the right demographic to receive a check, because she's white.

    As for the beer. The odds of her being a righty is higher and the beer is to her left. I would assume it's the person who took the pics beer.

    1. If she wasn't in the right demo, the Entity wouldn't said anything about family fundraisers and a link to those wanting to "help"

  7. @crila16 you're right, there's no evidence that the beer was hers and the 'right demographic' nonsense is just ridiculous, but Just Curious gets so much pleasure from being a vicious, bitter racist troll that it seems a shame to try to educate her. It's one of her few pleasures in life.

    1. How do you know she didn't place that beer in the cup holder to take a pic of her pointing to her belly.the heffa looks suspect.

      Bitch would prolly try to sue the doctor/ hospital. Trifling ass.

  8. @Just Curious, you are so dull.

    1. I can 't be too dull, I got your attention.

  9. huh - I thought just curious was a guy.

    1. I am a dude. It's just when I criticise white women......I'm called a white girl kinda like reverse psychology.

      I think a lot if my posts on white women and their subtle racism hints a nerve with the whitewomen on the board because they see themselves there and know I never lie.
      Either that or I'm a better writer than I thought .

      Slam racist whitefolk, I'm a racist black man or militant.
      Criticise the Gay Propaganda and I'm closeted.

      Slam women who hide behind their pussy, I' m misogynist or some dude hard on women.

      I kinda like the fact folks think I a whitegirl , it means I 'm not too much of an angry black male stereotype

    2. I get where you are coming from but there is a time and a place. This was not the place to say what you said. Period.

    3. I assure you come next week, there will be another whitegirl in distress and folks will have forgotten all about this woman.

  10. They just released a study saying children of mothers who drank while they were pregnant (obviously not a lot-one glass of wine a day) are actually SMARTER on average then kids whose mothers didnt. Remember, in ireland they still prescribe guiness to mothers who have low iron. America is so completely full of overly neurotic windbags. (And I am American). It's the same with the sushi thing-as long as you aren't eating high mercury fish- is fine-since you know, the japanese have been doing it for CENTURIES. Honestly, with our food supply and GMO's, we should be more worried about the average dinner mothers to be have then a glass of booze now and again.

    1. I know some bars won't serve visibly pregnant women even iif they order water because the whole image of a pregnant woman at a bar just looks bad.

    2. So I just had to create an account so I could counter this mis-information. Katie Cunningham, I don't know what study you say was released (I bet funded by the liquor industry), but there are more studies showing the harmful effects of prenatal exposure to alcohol than saying it does any good. September 9th is the annual None for Nine day. There is no research that supports what is a safe amount to drink. You can be prenatally exposed to alcohol and still have a high IQ. It is called Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). Spectrum meaning the effects can include from very low functioning cognitive impairment (previously called mental fact, prenatal exposure to alcohol is the number one cause for cognitive impairment) to high functioning with maybe slight concerns with ADHD, social skills, autism-like characteristics. The thing FASD is most known for are the behaviors. Extreme behaviors. Making poor choices, making the same mistake over and over again, difficulty holding a job. Canada did a study that found around 60% of their prison inmates were prenatally exposed to alcohol. It is fascinating. I wonder if celebs like Britney & Lindsay may have been prenatally exposed to alcohol. It would explain a lot. Individuals with FASD typically have diagnoses such as bipolar, ADHD, autism, sensory processing disorders, learning disorders. It is crazy all research that is out there on FASD, and still it is not all over the news. Think of all the murders & sexual assaults alone we can prevent by eliminating FASD, or at least get those individuals experiencing it the intervention & services they need. OK, stepping off my soap box. How about that celeb gossip?

    3. Alaska, if you look at baby boomers, I d bet 60% of them (or a similarly large proportion) will also have been exposed to alcohol while in the womb. And smoking even ... Mad Men Era babies. They re not all in prison.

      Drinking in excess is definitely hurtful for babies, but a glass now and then only poses a small risk, doctors and research are still struggling to define exactly when and how it might be safe or detrimental for the baby s health. And list of symptoms/affections you re describing seems way to wide to be of any use right now.

  11. I don't care if she is in the green eyed monster demographic, what has happened to her is heartbreaking. My thoughts and prayers are with her and her family. I can't imagine the extent of the heartache. I hope she gets to hold her little girl soon.

  12. Hah - I was right about just curious!

    Actually, while I certainly sympathize with this woman, if I were to donate money, it would be to someone without insurance and without any other financial means. It sucks to be totally hopeless.

  13. @SusanB - I thought Just Crazy was a girl because the whiny repetitive posts are more like an uneducated 13 year old little girl who just likes trolling.

    If s/he claims to be a man then that's ever sadder. Grown ups know when and how to make their point, not just drag anything and everything into their little fantasy agenda. I still suspect Just Crazy is neither a man nor black.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Me a girl? Whining ? Repetitive?

      I'm glad you said this and not a dude. Otherwise, you'll be accused of labeling and stereotyping and shit.

      Of course being a female , someone will call you a bitch, fat , say you look like a man.

  14. Heartbreaking that even with the advances of medical science, childbirth can still be a death sentence.

  15. Y'all need to stop addressing me as "JC", every time I read that,I think of Jesus Christ. There's this white guy I work with who refers to Jesus as JC so not to offend anyone. Real sad story on how that came about.

  16. SAG does have good insurance but it may not cover everything of this magnitude.

  17. It's disgusting that someone goes thru this and can't afford the medical bills even with insurance. And someone without just dies.

  18. It's disgusting that someone goes thru this and can't afford the medical bills even with insurance. And someone without just dies.

  19. Note that even GOOD insurance often doesn't pay for blood transfusions and of course copays

  20. Time to stop feeding the trolls. Starve them and they will eventually go away.

    1. I recall you calling me all types of lazy and uneducated and ungrateful in a post once so please shut up. We all troll at some point.

  21. Kels: I know you're not a troll.(nor lazy or uneducated) You had a strong opinion but it certainly wasn't just to piss people off. It was what you had experienced. At least I believe most felt that way. AND you were sincere in thanking someone for being willing agree to disagree.

    In the immortal words of Rodney King..Can't we all just get along?

  22. @HazelDazel...I completely agree. I have excellent insurance, but it doesn't pay for squat.

  23. I believe you have to pass a certain income level from acting each year to be eligible for SAG health insurance, which is only good for that one year. It's possible she didn't have any insurance at all, at least from SAG.

  24. Can someone from the US answer this for me - if you get cancer, or septicaemia in this case, and have no insurance/savings/collateral etc, do you just have to die?

    A neighbour died of septicaemia after having twins, it was a horrible way to die and left her husband and other child devastated. It looks like she's on the way to recovery and I hope she manages it.

  25. @Abob...see the link below. It will explain. I know that hospitals are not allowed to turn anyone away, with or without insurance. Also, when I was younger and didn't have insurance, I got really sick and a clinic treated me for dirt cheap, and didn't charge me a single dime for medication.

  26. No we don't Kels. Some of us abhor the whole 'trolling' thing. We are above that.


  27. @katie cunningham - YES. everyone gets so upset when a preg eats some raw fish, but doesn't bat an eye if she consumes medicine/antibiotic- and hormone-filled, genetically modified dead animal flesh, refined/modified carbs, fried foods, junk food, salt, etc.

    a little fermented grape juice is apparently going to hurt the child. really?

    idk anything about pregnancy but in general, we are all a little mixed up about what is good and healthy, vs what is toxic.

  28. anyways. hope that she gets the care she needs so that she can regain her health and enjoy being a mother and nurturing her family.

  29. I hope Cruise will step up to the plate and any other celebrity for that matter.

    1. Cruise, why should Cruise step up to the plate and care for this woman????

      Where's her husband ? Boyfriend? Or did she choose to be a single parent?

      No man is obligated to take care of another woman that's not related by blood or marriage.

  30. @crila16 Thanks for the link, there still seems to be people who slip through the net. I've never lived in a country where it wasn't free at point of use so it's hard for me to understand how it all works.

    In Italy it's recommended to have the odd small glass of red but putting on a lot of weight is a massive no-no. A half of decent stout will probably do more help than harm too.

  31. Just Curious, you are a fucking asshole.

    1. Every now and then you need to be an asshole. Sometimes you gotta tell folks no. You don't have to show everyone your heart. Better to be perceived as an asshole than look upon as a pushover .

  32. Just Curious is a guy?

    Pic please or it's not true. You can email it to me and I'll verify to everyone here.

    1. This is fucked up . This is post is about a whitegirl in need of medical ,well the bitch needs money and folks are giving attention to my black ass.

      The only time I can remember a black man eclipsing a white woman in a popularity contest was when Farrah died the same dead as Michael Jackson, no one really cared. A few tributes here and there but her end was exoected. Jackson's on the otherhand came outta nowhere.

  33. Still waitin' on your pic, hon!

    1. Wait til Jesus comes, if you still believe .

  34. HAY JC- people are giving you attention because you keep commenting on nearly every post on this thread.

    For the record- i think you are a white girl. And since you mentioned you don't like being referred to as 'JC' that's pretty much the only thing i'll call you.

    1. I'm not annoyed that you think I'm a whitegirl. Whitewomen have suffered more than Gay men and Black people combined.

      JC doesn't annoy me, it's just funny to read.

  35. I feel bad for her, but there are risks in getting pregnant. I know my doctor went through everything with me when I was pregnant, and I was considered a "high risk" pregnancy. She's young probably figured she would be fine. The odds were in her favor that she would be, but that is not always the case.

  36. LOL!

    JC sent me a photo of Billy Dee Williams!

    Um, I've seen "The Empire Strikes Back". I know that isn't you.

  37. JC ?????
    Well the Bible tells us Jesus was Black. Don't know if he looked like The spokesman for Colt 45 but at least he's isn't blonde blue eyed one that whitefolks sold the world on.

  38. Hahaha Mango - I admit that's pretty funny -

  39. I'm starting to wonder if JC is Kanye.

    White, black or purple, she almost died. Whether or not she had a beer had nothing to do with that. Check out the statistics on pulmonary embolisms post cesarean.

  40. I'm starting to wonder if JC is Kanye.

    White, black or purple, she almost died. Whether or not she had a beer had nothing to do with that. Check out the statistics on pulmonary embolisms post cesarean.

    1. I am having a Kanye moment . This post was suppose to generate funding for some Yt girl who underwent a difficult childbirth because she loves her apple martinis more than bringing a healthy chid into world. But instead I jumped onstage grabbed the mic and voice my opinion leaving the heffa standing in the background like she just lost her cherry but don't remember where.

    2. Kanye is a whiny little bitch, so if the bib fits, you wear it, girl!

    3. Ye is a strong minded brother. He was the best career move Taylor Swift ever had. The dude cries onstage when talking about his mom but walks ahead of every other woman especially in the case of Taylor and Kim. The guy knows his self worth . The brother won't play 2nd fiddle to anyone. He needs to cut down on the coon shit but I like that he's vocal.

    4. The problem with your 'Imma let you finish' is that you're implying she was negligent. Women die or become seriously ill after childbirth and they've done nothing but follow doctors orders.

      I get that it's incendiary shtick but at somepoint you need to take some responsibility and stop implying that there was wrong doing simply because she's young and white.

    5. I don't stop implying anything, it's a gossip blog . You wanna educate the masses about women's health , take it to a medical journal or blog dealing with women's health.
      No one can say they learn anything about pregnancy complications from a gossip blog that post blind items about celebs and do-gooder stories about women beaters like Sheen,Baldwin and Penn. There's no street cred there.
      Btw, not all pregnant females follow doctor's order . A lot of women who smoke/drink socially , continue to do so when their pregnant. That's why there are a lotta birth defects among newborns and the children born addicted to crack because their "mom" was smoking....smh

      You don't need to research this , just trust the word if a whitegirl .

      **whitegirl hairflip***

  41. Wow, that's really scary. Best of luck to her.
    Even with great medical insurance, there are other expenses, and it doesn't sound like she will be able to work for some time.
    If friends, family, and strangers choose to donate, that's kind of them. I hope they raise enough to help.

  42. I'm often surprised to read this board, because so many posters find a way to make the post about them. To all you victims: get therapy. This site is for dirty, ugly gossip. You'll feel better (maybe even put down that bag of hate you've been carrying around.

    Enty: PLEASE carry through on your threat to monitor comments.

  43. Actually, let me clarify and explain the Guinness/Pregnant Woman issue...

    It's not that Doctors prescribe Guinness to expectant mothers (in this day and age) to counteract low iron levels/anemia. What many Doctors DO recommend these days is, ONCE THE BABY IS ALREADY BORN, for moms to drink a pint of Guinness, Stout, IPA or full-bodied beer as soon as they are taken out of the recovery room and BEFORE they breastfeed their newborn for the first time, in order for the breast-milk/colostrum to "let down" faster and more abundantly.

    Please note I said a PINT of beer. Not an entire six-pack, lol.

    Something in the beer promotes milk production and it's recommended especially for first time mothers that may or may not have issues with low milk supply. It also promotes "relaxation" for some new moms that may have anxiety with breastfeeding for the first time or with stress that may come with the baby not latching-on properly to the nipple to feed. Sometimes the stress produces way too much adrenalin that it ends up being released into the milk and can give newborns diarrhea.

    Although this really isn't common in the USA (outside of some ethnic/immigrant/hippie-crunchy mom populations) it's heavily promoted and encouraged in some areas of Europe, Asia and in Latin America. Some moms swear by it.

  44. That was a test comment. So I just had to create an account so I could counter this mis-information. Katie Cunningham, I don't know what study you say was released (I bet funded by the liquor industry), but there are more studies showing the harmful effects of prenatal exposure to alcohol than saying it does any good. September 9th is the annual None for Nine day. There is no research that supports what is a safe amount to drink. You can be prenatally exposed to alcohol and still have a high IQ. It is called Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). Spectrum meaning the effects can include from very low functioning cognitive impairment (previously called mental fact, prenatal exposure to alcohol is the number one cause for cognitive impairment) to high functioning with maybe slight concerns with ADHD, social skills, autism-like characteristics. The thing FASD is most known for are the behaviors. Extreme behaviors. Making poor choices, making the same mistake over and over again, difficulty holding a job. Canada did a study that found around 60% of their prison inmates were prenatally exposed to alcohol. It is fascinating. I wonder if celebs like Britney & Lindsay may have been prenatally exposed to alcohol. It would explain a lot. Individuals with FASD typically have diagnoses such as bipolar, ADHD, autism, sensory processing disorders, learning disorders. It is crazy all research that is out there on FASD, and still it is not all over the news. Think of all the murders & sexual assaults alone we can prevent by eliminating FASD, or at least get those individuals experiencing it the intervention & services they need. OK, stepping off my soap box. How about that celeb gossip?

  45. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Wow Alaska, nice info! We're starting to talk about getting pregnant and it's nice to know there's no safe amount of alcohol when pregnant. Not that it's my thing anyways, but still nice to know.

  46. Anonymous9:26 AM

    And guys, I can't hate on Just Curious, yes the " at least it's not about a black guy" or " she has it easy cause she's a white woman" stuff gets old, but I still can't imagine what it would be like to be a black man in this country. Would you like to be a black man in america? In any state? It reminds me how women have to fight against their male counterparts getting more raises, better positions, etc. while women have to work harder, better, longer, ( and still create, birth, raise, cook and clean up after children up until adulthood, all while staying sexy, charming, pleasant, horny, and m)and still put up with being called " the bitch" just because they're tough, but if a woman's too nice then she's overlooked and pushed aside. I know these are big overgeneralizations but I have faith you get what I mean.


    ALSO-do you think every single person up until say, the mid-1900s was walking around with prenatal alcohol syndrome? Since thats about when they started telling women they couldnt drink.

    Binge drinking is not ok-however, it happens to millions of women before they even know they are pregnant. which can be more then a month. Doctors in the US say you can safely have a few drinks a week, and doctors in europe say you can have 8-10 or so. You clearly have ZERO idea what you are talking about. No one here is recommending you sit around binge drinking for 9 months. Get yourself informed-you are a very typical, overly neurotic american with no sense of moderation. And, to put it simply-you are just wrong.


  48. Another British study released in April showed no link between light maternal drinking (one to two drinks per week) and increased risk for mental defects among children by the time they reached age 7.

    thats just a quote, so yes, there HAVE BEEN NUMEROUS STUDIES. Do you understand how to use google to find actual information Alaska?
