Sunday, June 16, 2013

Kim Kardashian Gives Birth To A Girl Named Yeezus J-Hova West

Depending on who you ask, Kim Kardashian's delivery of a baby girl was either three weeks early and a planned C-Section to avoid weight gain and competing against Kate Middleton for tabloid space or five weeks early via natural delivery because Kanye gave Kim two possible days when she could have the baby and he was not going to be in Paris with his friend which caused Kim to go into labor and why, despite the baby being five weeks early, Kanye was there for the whole thing. Hmmmm. The baby does appear to be in an incubator so no doubt the headline in some tabloid paying a lot of money will be the baby is fighting for life and it will turn into a very special episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians. I am leaning more towards that she wanted the headlines to herself for a few weeks. I know you are saying to yourself that seems wrong, but then think about what family you are talking about here.


  1. To clarify: Kanye left event he was at to be at her side. Baby is incubator as precaution, but ok. It was a natural birth. I think we all glad baby healthy. ok, continue gossiping, lol

    1. Don't all babies born in a hospital get an incubator? When they're not with their mom.

    2. Usually only if they are in distress of some sort.

    3. I think I get your confusion @Diggerdog. All babies get those little boxes but those are "cribs". Incubators are closed with all sorts of medical equipment attached and isolated

  2. Mayans were a couple months off.. Jk. Glad the baby is healthy but secretly hope she never gets her figure back. High time she either shows a talent or fades away.

  3. Dear Lord, if she did this purely for the publicity and that poor baby is in a incubator, then I hope Hell's wrath comes down on her.

    sorry, but I had my daughter born five weeks early and in one of those incubators for weeks, and it's absolutely heartbreaking not being able to hold your child and watching them fight to breathe.

    1. How exactly would she have created medical complications in order to justify a medically necessary emergency c-section?

    2. Here in LA you can schedule C-Sec like a manicure, or hair appt. Not hard to schedule that far in advanced. Unfortunate, but true.

    3. Actually, whocares I can give two examples I've seen in the ER just off the top of my head, drinking three bottles of tonic water to which she added two cups of salt, and 20 potassium tablets (yeah, that got her the psych ward) and castor oil which actually evacuated a lot of things, not the baby, but she did weigh less.
      People are very very out there when they get an idea in their heads.

  4. I hate to be cynical, but I don't know what to believe. I'm sure all of these leaks are coming from PMK and she is definitely going to spin them to get the most attention for Kim. With PMK anything goes...

  5. There are no pictures of the kid in an incubator. She lied about her due date, and had a planned c section.

  6. They are both gross. May this baby have some sense of normal and caring in its life.

  7. They are both gross. May this baby have some sense of normal and caring in its life.

  8. When I heard the news last night, my first thought was she had a c-section to get a head start on Kate Middleton. If that's true (and we don't know that it is), putting your child in danger by choosing to deliver 5 weeks early is, IMO, child endangerment. If it's true, the physician who agreed to it should be investigated.

    If there is such a thing as maternal instinct, I hope Kim has it and stops all this crap for the sake of raising a healthy child. I am not hopeful.

  9. I'm giving the Kimye birth the side eye. I have a really hard time believing that she didn't plan on delivering yesterday.

  10. I always thought she lied about her due date. I think the kid was always due in June, and this was a planned c-section. There is no talk of the baby being in an incubator.

  11. Right after I saw this "NEWS FLASH" On E yesterday i thought they also announced the Beyonce confirmed the 2nd pregnancy--did anyone else see that or was I halucinating?

    Anyway when I saw that (supposedly) I figured Kris found out and convinced Crane to section her to crush Beyonce's announcement.

    Ok so maybe it didn't happen. But it absolutely would have.

  12. Also I want to clarify--if E! wants to interrupt their own programming (which cooincidently was KUWTK anyway) more power to them. But if CNN or a network show had been interrupted for it, RIOT!!!!

  13. If she did this to top Kate it was pretty stupid-by the time the royal baby is born this will be old news/forgotten.

  14. i heard long ago that she lied about due date

  15. I would guess she did this early to grab headlines cause once Kate gives birth, ain't nobody gon pay attention to this bitch.

  16. Kimye was more prefer than she claimed. She was married to kris. PMK was ready for it happen according to pics the last couple of days. Planned c-section. Yeah, I know everything :)

  17. OMG on Yahoo had the audacity to call this America's Royal Baby. Either they are kissing some major Kris Jenner butt or they are totally clueless to the real feelings of the masses when it comes to this family.

  18. Watch what happens by tomorrow afternoon when nobody is talking about it much anymore, the bloat hasn't gone away yet, and the baby won't stop crying.

    1. @ Brenda. Yep. Exactly. Plus that milk just dropped; her body must seem like an alien nation to her right now. You can see the ppd coming...

  19. No not all babies born in hospitals are put in incubators,only premies and distressed babies.

    That's why I'm calling hogwash on this idea of the baby being a premie.

  20. NO reputable doctor @ Cedars is going to induce labor or perform a C-section early no matter the reason or who the parents are. If the baby was premature or in some type of other danger you can bet that info would have been leaked (sold) by now - this is the spawn of Kimye... I'm sure there's a $1M bounty from every tabloid for ANY info. I'm guessing they simply lied about the due date to throw off the paps.

  21. I think they all lie about due date for privacy. look at halle berry- shes more than 5 months! But thats ok with me, its their business. My son was 5 weeks early, and he was just fine. I have no idea why he came early- babies come whenever they feel like it. If she did it on purpose, which I doubt any dr wld do that, but if so she took a terrible chance. I worked for 8 ob/gyns for 10 years. I cant tell you how many women wld go in to their visit saying, "oh Im telling dr this is it, he has to deliver me tomorrow, Ive had it" and when they came out, I wld say how did that work out? and they wld say, it didnt and not gonna happen, lol

  22. TMZ is reporting she had the baby naturally. I'm thinking her doctor may have induced her.
    I hope the baby is healthy!

    1. Or like a lot of posters are speculating...she lied about the due date.

  23. I thought the baby was due around this time anyway? Or did I read wrong? At first, they were saying June...

  24. Poor kid is going to hang herself soon as she figures out how to make a slip knot. That name, them "parents", it's a fucking losing situation. Certainly aint making it through middle school.

    1. I don't think they actually named her is just being least I think he is.
      Last time I checked the baby's name hasn't been released.

  25. They're saying Kim had pre-eclampsia and had to be induced. Bull. My sister in law had pre-eclampsia and spent 3 weeks on bedrest before they induced at 37 weeks. Doc said no way before 37 weeks. They totally lied about due date. I hope baby is healthy and makes it through the next 18 years with her sanity.

    1. Madam, from the pictures i was thinking preeclampsia- which can kill mother and baby if far enough along. Glad your sister okay.

    2. I had to have an emergency c-section at 33 wks due to pre-e. Her face, her swelling...that actually could be legit. And I feel dirty for even kind of standing up for this bitch.

    3. I had to have an emergency c-section at 33 wks due to pre-e. Her face, her swelling...that actually could be legit. And I feel dirty for even kind of standing up for this bitch.

    4. Have a friend who they delivered at 30 weeks with pre-E. Baby is tiny but she will be fine. Mama was threatening kidney failure. They were taking no chances.

  26. True story: my mother's step sister decided she was "over" being pregnant and forced her doctor to deliver her 1st daughter a month early. It can and has been done. She also lives in L.A.

    Dollars to donuts this is what happened here. I've never seen person less into being pregnant than Kim Kardashian.

    And my twins were born by scheduled C-Section at 38 weeks (as all twins are) and were never in an incubator.

    1. Just because it happened to you or someone you know does not mean that's the way it always is. Ugh.

    2. I was just saying it can and has happened. UGH

  27. Anonymous10:10 AM

    a talent.. ha! good one Peter... a talent! all that I know, is that, as Judge Marilyn Milian would say, I wouldn't believe them if their tongues came notarized. I don't care what they have to say about it, Im not believing one word that any of them ever say, that goes ditto for Seacrest. Did anyone see that ridiculous planted blind about him being seen with some hot blonde? It also said that at a club he went in to the dj booth and dj'd!? Girl, come on, we know you aren't straight, and youre certainly not a DJ!

  28. Risking a preemie birth and putting a baby's health at risk all for publicity, to not risk competition and to avoid weight gain? How selfish and stupid can someone possibly BE? I'd hate to think what kind of mother she'll be. I feel sorry for the kid,and with a name like that,too.

  29. @GossipMarmalade
    I don't know where you're getting your info, but not "all twins" are born at 38 weeks. Mine were born at 41 weeks. They were late, but I went the natural route.

  30. You don't need a doctor to induce labor, just castor oil. Truth.

  31. There is no way she didn't have a C-Section...with those STD's please it would put the baby in danger no doctor would take that chance.
    And the way Kimeeee has been complaining if was def an early birth because she was uncomfortable.

  32. In hospitals that cater to rich clients, scheduled C sections and inductions are often done due to "maternal psychological stress related to pregnancy." Using amniocentesis, they can determine if the fetus has mature lungs. If the lungs are mature, you can get the induction or C section as early as 35 wks.

  33. In hospitals that cater to rich clients, scheduled C sections and inductions are often done due to "maternal psychological stress related to pregnancy." Using amniocentesis, they can determine if the fetus has mature lungs. If the lungs are mature, you can get the induction or C section as early as 35 wks.

  34. VIPBlonde/Enty, that was just mean! Now I have maternal psychological stress related to Kim's pregnancy! Water twerking!

  35. I'm really going to miss those hilarious Kim pregnancy photos.

  36. It was an emergency c-section 5-6 early at 1am. The baby was under 5 pounds and is in the NICNU probably for under developed lungs. Say all you want about Kim and Kanye being douchbags, but this baby is going to have a tough couple of weeks.

  37. I hope that baby is healthy, because it is sure doomed in every other way, except financially.

  38. I think they initially fudged the date due to her divorce and Kris dragging his feet on it.
    Once that was past, no need--if that had still been going on we might have had a Suri Cruise situation with a huge newborn being debuted.

    Hope the baby's ok--that's the most important thing. Kim looked "done" for sure-those pics of her swollen legs and feet looked like she was pretty uncomfortable.

  39. My friend had a premature baby that weighed 10lbs...born 7 months after "lucky".

  40. My daughter was 5wks early & I gave birth naturally. She was also under 5lbs, so that's not true that all preemies are in incubaters & in the NICU. We'll see when Kimye gets outta the hospital. 2 days, means she did go the natural route, 3 days or more, means C-section plus the tummy tuck she will be getting, or something is really wrong w/ the baby.

  41. @Jeneral: Don't you remember? Kim wants lots of kids. At least that's what I remember.

  42. Best wishes to the baby. I hope she is strong enough to withstand her crazy family.

  43. Krap. I really thought this kow was faking it. I feel sorry for baby Kartier.

  44. I still don't get all the hate, perhaps because I have only seen her in her sextape (twice) and in photos here.
    I was about to think she is as hateable as most of you think when I believed that she had christened her daughter with a name worse than Goopy's kids.
    Luckily, wikipedia has taken me out of my mistake and I will keep her in my mind as a great ass until she does something deserving hate or stuff.

  45. When I write that I remember her as a great ass, I mean the rear, butt or whatever name you give that part of the anatomy.

  46. Say something nice....
    I truthfully hope this little one has the brains of her grandmother (no PMK, Dr. Donda West, not you, you headcase) and the personality of a bull terrier with the fortitude of an Amazon. That way she can withstand all the bullshit and be her own person.
    Also, that Yeezus Walks right out the damn door with her and never looks back.

  47. I cracked up to see Michael from D Listed noting that the birthday broken down numerically is 666.
    6th month, 1+5=6, 2+0+1+3=6.

    I hope this child gets a chance at a normal life, but with these two for parents it is at best a crapshoot.

  48. In the brief announcement they said the baby looks "just like Kim" is that because Kanye isn't that father ;-)

    1. Like Kat-faced Kim or Kim pre- plastic?

  49. Don't trust TMZ with any reporting about the Kardashians. All TMZ will report in regard to the Kardashians is the spin the Karadashians want; TMZ is their mouthpiece.

  50. I just think that this pregnancy thing is going to blow in Kim´s face. Kim is a fame whore and she has been damaging her reputation sooooo bad that the break up with Kanye is going to backlash her family. I feel bad for the baby though having a Famewhore mother and a Gayfish dad!

    Happy Fathers day in Mexico everyone!

  51. @ Amy I just think many celebrities have arrangements with several magazines and gossip sites

  52. TMZ is under PMK's thumb, of course they're saying it was natural. This kid is doomed. Kourtney's kids are adorable, but we all know the boy will grow up to be a douchebag like his father, and the girl will be a famewhore like her mother. Kimye's child is going to be the same way. The poor thing has the two biggest egotistical assholes for parents. She has no chance.

  53. I only regret the fact that Ms. Kartrashian apparently didn't die from this. Some obstetrician could've done the whole human race a big favor if he or she'd just let the knife slip a bit.

  54. @Robert
    and then the K-Klan would have a martyr

  55. Wow, I didn't realize how many OB-GYNs read this site.

    Can't stand Kim but can we cease with the amateur medical analysis?

    1. @DewieTheBear I hope you don't seriously think that will stop anyone.

  56. If there was something wrong, it would be all over the news- at least the Huffington Post. They are certainly on Pimp Mama Kris's payroll.

    I am shocked that there is someone on this site who finds Kim's lumpy, disgusting, out of proportion ass to be sexy.

  57. And my twins were born by scheduled C-Section at 38 weeks (as all twins are) and were never in an incubator.

    Is that true? My sister's twins were delivered naturally (and over term, they were fucking huge). we're not in america though

  58. That baby's fine. In recent pics of Kim, the baby had totally dropped so they absolutely lied about the due date. I guess to compare Kim to duchess Kate. They rolled an incubater

    1. Yes hazel, i noticed the dropping in pic too. And yes, when first said she was preg, the due date was june.

  59. Oh my gosh, okay, the Kardashians are fame whores but some of the comments are so rude. She's still a human being, there are worse people in the world.

    I hope the baby is okay and fair enough if they fudged the date.

  60. Completely OT,because its a holiday there was a family fight. All ok now, but f*ck holidays! Hows everyone else doing?

    1. Sorry to hear that, auntliddy. It's awful when everyone gets together and things don't go well at all. I'm happy to say my godson and I had a drama free day of rose planting; not very exciting, but we had fun.
      Everything okay now?

    2. Ahh thank u mari, all us well now. Sometimes u swallow so much it just pops up, lol. All tamped diwn now. Gardening sounds wonderful.

    3. I think sometimes it's inevitable, if everyone has been biting their tongues when the blow ups happen it's not even about the topic at hand. I'm glad things are a bit calmer. In my Mum's family we always say 'It's not a holiday if the police aren't called!'

      Honestly I wish I could say we were always joking! However, my Godson & I are sending good vibes to you.

  61. My daughter was three weeks (almost four) early and our hospital stay was about two weeks. Miss M was in an incubator for most of the time for jaundice.

  62. Who cares? Kim K is a whore & her mom is a pimp. I could care less about her & her illegitimate baby.

  63. You'll notice theyre doing this in "how to get the most attention" stages.
    Stage one, announce birth, everyone is doing great.
    Stage two leaked names and blurry pictures.
    Stage three, the actual name.
    Stage four pictures sold to the highest bidder.

  64. I can see a Hollywood OBGYN delivering her baby early, if she's paying for it. They do all sorts of crazy stuff in Hollywood, because they are usually dealing with nutzos. I mean you would think a doctor would've told her to stop wearing those ridiculous spiked stilettos while she is pregnant and to stop getting plastic surgery when she started looking like a cat version of her ugly mother...but no. They didn't.

  65. I have to admit, KK looked bad, and I dont mean she looked fat, that bugged the heck out of me. I mean she looked like pregnancy did not agree with her at all. She had tree trunks for ankles and cows for calves. She probably had pre-e and either went into early labor on her own or was forced due to complications. Im also sure every bit of it was filmed and will be played during sweeps week.

  66. Kim's early delivery/birth was an emergency; for press < the future monarch of England, and to avoid more weight gain. The baby is one of them. I won't speak ill of the baby until its 18 (or defects to the US from kartrashiana), but neither will I forget it IS one of them. Never forget that. NEVER.

  67. I think its obvious that she was far more pregnant then she admitted to-which was talked about in the gossip mags I believe- and she had the baby at a normal gestation. I hate her, I hate him, and I don't even care about the kid since you know its going to end up just as disgusting as it's parents.

  68. Why do I have the odd feeling that Kanye will take custody of this child, one way or another. I think he has been stacking this allies into his corner to make his next move to remove his daughter from PMK's influence.

    1. Well i hope not, because he is just as narcassistic t as her, and crazy too. I just happened to read an interview with him, and his relationship with reality is dicey at best.

  69. Hey, for name, how about kankarsian?

  70. Anonymous7:47 AM

    If that was a natural birth, I bet that baby strolled out twirling a cane. I hope it had hooks on its way out.

  71. There've been stories here in the NY area (in NY Magazine, for example) for maybe 20 years about yuppie couples who schedule 8-month deliveries for calendar reasons and also because it's easier for the mother to regain her figure if baby is earlier than full-term.
