Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Paris Jackson Attempts Suicide

Paris Jackson was rushed to the hospital this morning after apparently attempting suicide. After being told she could not attend a Marilyn Manson concert, Paris attempted suicide. Reports circulating say this is not the first time Paris has tried to kill herself, but this was her most serious attempt. I hope she gets help and I hope her mom stops blabbing like crazy to Entertainment Tonight every five seconds. It feels like she is on retainer with them.


  1. That poor child.

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  3. I genuinely feel for her. After Frances Bean's self important tirade on the Jenner girl, I thought that yet again she was just another spoiled, completely unaware teen. I feel like Paris has a good head on her shoulders, and is doing the best she can with her circumstances. I hope she gets the help she needs.

  4. I cannot snark on this. This poor girl (and her brothers, too) didn't ask for fame or to be used as human ATM's for their greedy relatives. I hope she finds peace and gets the therapy/treatment she needs to work through this.

  5. This breaks my heart cus I actually like the kid and really wish her well. After you hear about all the other kids of Hollywood I really had hopes for her. May she get the help she needs.

  6. Oh Paris... I really hope you are not the girl from the Blind yesterday.

    There is so much pressure on the Jackson kids, I think I would have tried the same.

  7. The teen years suck, been there and survived it. Hopefully someone out there is listening to her and not blaming it on missing some stupid concert

  8. Being a teenager is difficult enough. I can't imagine dealing with a greedy & whacko family and cameras everywhere. I sincerely hope she can find peace and balance and support in her life.

  9. I agree with an earlier post. She does seem to have a good head on her shoulders. And this isn't the first time? *sigh* Get the girl some help. They can't say they can't afford it.

  10. It can't be easy losing a father and then being stuck with the manipulatively dysfunctional family he tried to shield them from. This is Michael's worst fears realized. Wish her the best.

  11. @Freya, I'm scared it'll turn into a Britney-esque situation where her handlers just want more money and fame, regardless what it does to Paris.

  12. Really wish the best for her and her siblings. VERY disappointed Debbie Rowe talked to ET; I had hopes she might be a safe harbor from the Jackson cray cray.

  13. over a concert? obviously its over the accusations of her dad diddling children----whether he did it (which I believe) or not ----thats gotta be rough cafeteria talk at school

    1. While I agree with you about the root cause here, my neighbours grand child committed suicide when she was 14 because she wasn't allowed to do something. It broke all our hearts.

    2. While I agree with you about the root cause here, my neighbours grand child committed suicide when she was 14 because she wasn't allowed to do something. It broke all our hearts.

  14. Manson's music sucks now. This isn't 1996. & whoever the f is trying to pass off her suicide attempt because of not being able to go to his show, is full of shit. That family's crazy. There's waaaaaay deeper issues going on w/ her that we could prob never imagine.

    1. ^^^THIS^^^ No teenager from a healthy enough home/family attempts suicide because they were told no and I hope whomever concocted this silly lie to make this poor kid look spoiled or like a "typical crazed Manson fan" gets smacked in the back of the head.

  15. Poor thing. She must have some terrible issues she's trying to deal with. I disagree though that she must have a good head on her shoulders. Multiple suicide attempts does not a good head make.

  16. @Svetlana I immediately thought of Britney.

    Is it strange I feel more sorry for her than Amanda and Lindsay? All of them are sad cases but this one stings a little more.

  17. and another thing----alot of readers here believe blind items about child molesters and assume under false pretenses that people like dan schnieder(?) (that Nickelodeon guy)...molest his young stars but when it comes to MJ whos been in court SEVERAL times over accusations of molestation is as saint----get real people

  18. Or maybe it is bs claims by family to gain a conservatorship when she's no longer a minor...establishing a pattern now...

    1. I certainly wouldn't put it past some of those greedy assholes. :\ awful, just awful.

  19. Oh how sad....& after that BI everyone guessed as her w/ the gross uncle....sounds like there's a lot more to it than a concert. Poor kid :(

  20. As someone who dealt with issues as a teen, and attempted suicide multiples times as well, I can't imagine what she's going through with so much more pressure than I could have dreamed of. I really hope she finds her strength because it gets so much better. Good luck, and lots of love to Paris.

  21. @Freya, I think it's because she has been trying to make the best of a bad situation for her whole life, while Amanda and Lindsay had the world in the palm of their hands but they blew it. They have had every chance to succeed and every opportunity to better themselves, and they haven't.

    @Reno, I respectfully disagree. I can see how it looks from the outside, but she has a whole family to look after and who all expect her to carry the team. She has done her best, and if she didn't have a good head on her shoulders, she would be a train wreck ala Lindsay or Amanda. As far as we know, she doesn't have any substance abuse problems, and I think that self harm is in a different category. I believe (perhaps alone in this) that you can self harm, but still have a good head on your shoulders. Some of us make bad decisions like getting too drunk or overeating when stressed, some of us self harm.

  22. So we can move that blind from yesterday to probable.

    I actually am surprised it took so long for this. Think how weird these kids lives have been. A crazy,junkie,pedophile,con-man with no sense of reality decided he wanted kids. SO he bought some. And treated them like toys. He never gave them any sembelence of a real life. He dragged them around the world, anywhere he could leach money from someone. Then he finally O.D.'s, and leaves them with the same people that turned him into a freak.

    1. Totally agree- boughten surrogate children and the buyer is dead....

    2. Its sad but you are right bc no agency would have let him adopt a baby so he "married" Debbie Rowe had her inseminated and then had her sign over her parental rights to her two children. Debbie was so enamored by MJ she would have done anything for him. I am glad though that Paris has Debbie in her life. I wish Paris a speedy recovery and the help she so needs. I also believe this is going to be the beginning of a lot of secrets that will be.coming out

  23. I find myself really caring for her, but who is out there for her, that's what's so sad, nobody sincerely trying to help this poor child. That family ugh and she's still years from emancipation. I hope she finds a good therapist.

  24. Does anybody ever successfully off themselves by slashing their wrists? This was a "somethings got to give" plea, rather than a legitimate attempt to die. Regardless, hope it works out for her.

  25. Well regardless, I wish her well. My ex husband was bipolar and attempted suicide. I wouldn't wish any type of mental illness on my worst enemy.

  26. @Reno, I'm sorry, that must have been awful. The worst part about it being a spouse/friend is that you're both choosing to be in each other's lives, so you feel even worse about it. My mom is bipolar...but I would not say she has a good head on her shoulders, as I've never heard a rational thought come out of her mouth.

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  28. Poor girl. I feel for her and hope she gets better.

  29. Lisa marie pressley needs to come in and adopt these children and hide them on a garden estate in london until theu are bright oxford students. This is how i vote this should end.

    1. @ClaptonsLayla. I vote for this. Let's get the same CPS case workers on this that are looking after Bob and Max Sheen.

  30. This makes me sad. I can imagine her life has never been what we would call "normal" but it was normal for them. Regardless of what allegations are there about MJ I believe he loved his kids. His loss would still affect them. Add on some team years and you have a Molotov cocktail of emotions.

  31. I too think sean nailed it. I feel terrble for this girl. Peace and light honey, peace and light.

    1. Oh, and her so-called mother shld STFU

    2. I'm really surprised about her mother going on ET. I really thought she was good for her and still believe that. I'm disappointed in Debbie she should know better. I hope she shuts up for her daughter's sake.

  32. I'll bet my hair she was molested by someone as a child.

  33. Sean- hit the nail on the head. Perfectly.

    ClaptonsLayla- I vote for that curtain!

  34. Would it have hurt to send a chaperon with her? It seems like she's a mature teenager, I would have compromised.
    As for the attempts, this kid is crying out for help. She's got that freak show Jackson clan on her tails and that's got to add stress.
    My brother committed suicide 16 sobbing years ago, its taught me to watch people around me.
    Its also taught me to share with people who are too afraid to say they need help

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. @rocky, that's all you can do. Try to start the conversation with people who are too afraid to start it themselves.

  36. Her tweets last night were kind of strange

    "Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson 20h

    you say i need therapy , well , my darling , so do you . don't need for you to tell me what is wrong in all i say or do"

    1. She often posts song lyrics. I just saw the make up tips video she made a few days ago. It was cute and she seemed great. I hope that there's no permanent damage from taking all that Motrin. Poor girl.

  37. This just breaks my heart. Her world has been blown apart, and then blown apart again, and dealing with that family.. Gee wonder where wonder aunt Janet is? (snark, major snark)

    I hope she is okay, and I hope someone trusting comes to help her.

  38. I didn't think there were many black chicks that into Marilyn Manson. Shows how little I know.

    1. That is beyond the most ignorant comment are you really that dense?

  39. I don't think these kids have one single person in their lives who is there just for them and not for other benefits.

    I wish Diana Ross or someone from outside would step in and be there for them--this family is nuts and not the place for a child with problems. I hoped that her mother would step up--I did not see her interviewed but this is not the time for her to be speaking out publicly about her children--she has not earned that.

    I hope whoever legally oversees the kids looks into whatever is really behind this --it does sound like a cry for help and they can't just send her back to the same situation.

  40. Poor kid. I hope the best for her.

  41. @countjerkula sorry, but black people dont need to be into "black things". i know you're trying to be funny but it just makes you sound really ignorant

  42. Christine! I second your motion and raise it x 2million!!

  43. People need to drag her mother!

  44. More good thoughts for her. I wish her nothing but happiness and peace. I hope she finds it soon.

  45. Count- yep,yep... glad to see you're realizing that:)

  46. The fact that Michael Jackson was her father (god only knows what has happened to her or what she witnessed) coupled by fame and a sycophant family, I truly hope this poor girl pulls through this difficult time, and I hope maybe her mother can step up to the plate.

    Very sad, and I feel bad that she even has to have this publicized. I wish this had stayed private for her sake.

  47. Poor little rich girl. Proof that money doesn't buy happiness. I doubt it's just over a concert though(that would be over reacting) I'm sure there's deeper issues going on here.

  48. Sad, she turns to her biological mother to get away from the crazy Jacksons and even she is selling her out for a price. You can say poor little rich girl, but rich or not, who has she to turn to that will not trade her out for a paycheck. Money and privilege can hug and hold you.

    1. TMZ is reporting that it was Debbie's lawyer that issued a statement. I actually haven't seen Debbie say anything. Often, the family will have their lawyers, agents, whatever issue a statement on their behalf so the media gets their quote and leaves them alone. When it says Debbie confirmed, it was through her lawyer and the lawyer spoke on her behalf. I'm not a Debbie fan or sticking up for her, I just don't know that Debbie was whoring out the situation in a Michael lohan fashion in this instance.

  49. I'm sure there's much more to it than some concert. And, it's lame/irresponsible to suggest as much.

  50. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Gawd being a teenager is horrifying! I don't know what I would do if I had to repeat that phase. Money doesn't buy happiness, but I still feel for her pain.

  51. Thank you @Svetlana. I'm sorry for your mom having it too. I also have never heard a rational thought out of my ex's mouth! :)

  52. Just last night Entertainment Tonight or a similar show had a YouTube clip on of Paris showing her makeup tips and the girl is D E S P E R A T E for attention. She was making weird noises and singing in squeaky voices and was entertaining in a way that only 11 year old girls would find amusing.

  53. Oh, this poor girl and her brothers. They need to just...I don't know...move to the Midwest and eat hot dogs at baseball games and go to Sonic for cherry limeades and play "Tom Sawyer" in the band when the football team comes out at pep rallies. They need Boring Normal SO badly. :-(

    Hugs and love to everyone dealing with MI, whether it's themselves or loved ones.

    1. ^Yes! The poor girl needs to live far, far away from the world she lives in now. Normal & boring would be so good for her, and I'll bet there are kids out there who have no clue who she is, but would genuinely take her in as a friend and do all those gloriously banal things. I'd love to hear later that she was able to have a quasi-normal life.
      And we can say or believe what we will about MJ, but he WAS her father and the circumstances surrounding his death were bizarre at best. The anniversary of his death is nearing, and no matter what, losing a parent is tough. Especially when she was practically never seen in public and after he died, she was sort of thrust in front of the world as the "strong one" for her siblings. I can't imagine how that would affect a child's mental and emotional states.
      Imagine it all in a non-Hollywood context: a neighborhood kid's dad is found dead from an apparent OD, he was a suspected sex offender, went to court for it, his own children's paternity is questioned, and on and on... I'm sure she has heard people talk, been asked rude questions by other kids. At some point, I'd think she would have a meltdown, or just want it all to stop. It looks like she has hit that wall, in a way.
      I hope she is able to find some restoration and peace.

  54. @The D: I know. I have come across many black people who aren't into stereotypical "black things". It's just none of those things have been Marilyn Manson, much less suicidal over not going to his concert.

    After checking some stats, Teen Suicide is also something pretty unusual for black people:

    "According to Child Trends Databank, among males, suicide rates in 2003 were highest among the following:

    Native American (24.7 per 100,000)
    Non-Hispanic whites (13.3 per 100,000)
    Hispanics at 9.2 per 100,000
    Asians at 6.7 per 100,000
    Blacks at 6.6 per 100,000.

    Among females:

    Native Americans had the highest rate of suicide at 9.0 per 100,000
    Non-Hispanic whites at 3.0 per 100,000
    Asians at 2.5 per 100,000
    Blacks at 0.9 per 100,000 "


    Oh, and one clarification on those stats: They say the Male rates are so much higher than Female rates because boys tend to use guns, which makes them successful more often than females, who gravitate more to pills.

    I couldn't find Suicide Attempt #'s, but they would be skewed anyway by cover ups so kids don't get labeled. Better to have everyone know a kid ODd, then got clean and sober, than that they were trying to hurt themselves.

  55. Anonymous1:57 PM

    i think she wants attention

  56. I hope she doesn't read CDAN. If she does after the blind yesterday Enty has some splainin' to do.

  57. Are we really considering Paris black? That girl's whiter than me.

    1. She's white. Her mom is white and Michael is clearly not her bio dad. Regardless of what he did to his skin or whatever he said happened, he has black parents and will have the DNA to have a black child or at least a biracial child.

    2. Thank you ppl seem to forget basic biology.

    3. I dont think debbie is her mother either. She was the surrogate, yes, bio mom no. Michael left quite a mess in many respects, but this mostt distessing for children, not knowing who they are or who their parents are.

    4. They are the legal parents, but not bio.

    5. I'm mixed race and the same colouring as Paris so he could have been the bio dad.

      I also heard that the reason that Paris wasn't allowed to the Manson concert was because of Catherine's beliefs which Paris doesn't agree with

  58. Where's Denise Richards when you need her?

  59. Its no.wonder this poor girl is crying out for help. Her family are money grabbing whores. Her father is being accused of being a child molester AGAIN after he's dead by someone she probably grew up with. Her mother gave up custody of her and her brother, she doesn't know who her biological father is, her uncles tried to kidnap her grandmother, and these are just the things we know.about. I'd be suicidal too if at 15the I already had this much with and the ENTIRE world was watching every move I made. I hope Paris gets some well needed help and rest

  60. This is tragic. It seems if they really wanted to keep this quiet they really could have. For her sake, I mean, but sadly it all seems to be very little about her sake.

  61. This is really sad, especially since Paris seemed to be the answer to this week's blind about a girl whose disgusting uncle has been molesting her.

  62. Long long time reader ( since the MV days )
    Occasional poster.

    I feel like since she's a minor and her medical information should be private. This is a child who is famous because of her father. Doesn't she have enough to deal with without her private personal demons being aired and debated by the news & gossip networks alike ? The teenage years are hard enough to navigate without all of social media discussing your darkest hours.

    Ok I'll step off my soapbox. This is a touchy subject for me since at around the same age I tried something similar. Depression is a b*tch.

  63. The "because she couldn't go to see Manson" was probably just what tore the sheet, or topped the cotton. I'm sure she was fed up, got angry and upset,and figured WTF is the point? I can remember feeling that way at her age. It made me do reckless, stupid things. Add that in with the regular mix of teen hormones, and it's a dangerous cocktail.

    I hope Paris finds strength to outlive those parasitic weirdos and gets some peace of mind in the meantime.

  64. I hope she feels better soon. :(

  65. And THIS is why you don't pay someone who works for you to have your child. It doesn't help that she was birthed for pay without any connection to a biological parent into a family that is absofuckinglutely insane, including her pedo-"dad". I hope she gets help, but I doubt the Jacksons give a fuck. Paging Carrie Fisher...

  66. I was somehow under the impression that she was on a healthy path with a good head in her shoulders. I guess I was wrong. Poor kid. I'm not willing to crucify Debbie in any way. She has never been a mother and it seems line Paris initiated a relationship with her and Debbie was and is trying to do the right thing as best as she knows how. Inheriting a teenager so to speak cannot be easy.

  67. Enty- Prince Jackson WORKS for Entertainment Tonight. Although, I am sure the Jacksons will find some way to spin this to make it her Mom's "fault". They still love the blame game.

  68. I guess the guesses from the blind yesterday were right. I was really hoping they weren't. This child has been through enough without that too. While I think Michael Jackson was batshit crazy I do think he really loved his children and tried to be a good father to them.I'm sure they blamed it on being told no about the MM concert to make her look like a spoiled little brat and keep people from digging into it further and finding out the real reasons. I hope she gets a great therapist and makes a full recovery and can go on and have a happy healthy life out of the spotlight. And cut all of those money hungry leeches out of her life.

  69. Some of you are absolutely ridiculous. Youre disappointed that Debbie Rowe is blabbing her kids stuff to the tabloids? Debbie Was "enamoured" of Michael Jackson? PUHLEEEEZE! First of all, the only thing Debbie Rowes ever been enamoured of is money, and MJ paid her good to rent her womb. Second of alll, what is the freak with this shiz that birthing a child proves you "love" the child? Debbie Rowe doesnt give a damn about her kids any more than the Jacksons do, and only as long as she can get money off of them. I just cant understand how anyone can be so shocked over Debbie Rowes actions. Even cockroaches can reproduce--it does not make them capable of love. This whole story is a good example of what happens when people have kids for the wrong damn reasons--for money, for publicity, as the latest fad. Kids know when theyre loved and when theyre just being used.
    BTW, Paris seeming so mature and like she had a good head on her shoulders--in psychology thats called "pseudo-maturity" and its a defense mechanism children adopt to shield themselves from.further trauma. Anyone with knowledge of child psychology would have saw this coming.

  70. and obviously kitty, you do not have any of this knowledge. lol.
