Thursday, June 06, 2013

Paris Jackson Used A Meat Cleaver On Herself - Didn't Want To Die

In the aftermath of the attempted suicide, it seems to me that TMZ is being a little callous in their reporting. As much as they adore every Kardashian and want to spoon feed them love for the rest of their lives, while Harvey Levin tries to climb out of Kris Jenner's ass on a daily basis, it seems they might have it in for Paris Jackson. In a story posted early this morning, the site says that Paris never wanted to die and police are just forced to say that because she used a meat cleaver on herself requiring tons of stitches and took lots of Motrin. They say it was just a call for attention and then TMZ says that Paris just likes the drama. To me, that is an awful thing to say. She is a teen. A young teen. There is a wrongful death trial going on everyday where some really horrible, but probably true things are being said about her dad and she goes to school everyday and probably hears thing no kid should have to hear and then has to live with the people that made Michael Jackson who he was.


  1. Who among us hasn't been seriously depressed in our teens? This kid is relatively a private citizen as opposed to a spotlight seeking celebrity. Leave Paris alone!

  2. Poor kid. May she get the help she needs and a good support system.

  3. Enty is right. Thats a rotten, dismissive thing to say about Paris. Its clearly a cry for help, or a notice me cry. What, is tmz critiquing her method of self destruction?! Shameful.

    1. I guess the Jackson's don't pay them like kartrashian klan. what a shitty thing to say about a 15 yr old!!!!!! Poor girl. Teen yrs suck, but to deal w/ it in the spotlight?!? Awful.

  4. Poor kid. I hope now she gets the help she needs.

  5. I am a devoted reader to CDAN and first time poster. I have been seeing the tweets from TMZ on this all night and it is sickening. She is a child. Nothing should be posted on this in any form. Let her be and let her heal. She needs love and support not this crap that Radar and TMZ is posting.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. It isn't really TMZ making that judgement. The story posted is quoting a source involved with the investigation, and TMZ is reporting their (the L.A. County Sheriff's Dept.) opinion on the situation.

    Though I think posting that story right now is in poor taste, and very insensitive to Paris.

  8. good grief, poor kid...something is very very wrong.

  9. I was shocked to learn she has done this before.

  10. @SusanB, I think your point about Paris being a private citizen is a very good one. If an (adult) Kardashian or Lohan was in the same circumstances, that would be different - live by the sword, die by the sword. But Paris has not actively sought fame, and she is still a minor.

  11. I totally agree with Enty. TMZ will no longer receive "clicks" from me.

  12. I agree SusanB and Nutty---IF she wants to talk about her struggles someday, it should be her choice.
    How low will they stoop, seriously? She is not a celebrity in her own right, she's just a kid. Jebus.

  13. I wish I could give her a big hug.

  14. She's a beautiful young girl with so much to live for. I hope she is given the love, support and space she needs to heal.

  15. I feel for Paris. I had 2 unsuccessfull attempts at the age of 21 (now going on 40). At the time, I was 100% serious and felt like even more of a failure by failing in my attempts. If TMZ wanted to push this girl over the edge, minimizing her attempt as an attention getting act is a good first step.

  16. A meat cleaver? What she tryina do, cut her hand off?

  17. I feel really bad for her that this whole thing is being publicized, but I do believe that it was a cry for help, rather than her actually wanting to die. After she cut herself, she called a suicide hotline; if she really wanted to die, she wouldn't have done that. Regardless, she has a lot of demons and I feel bad for all the shit she has to deal with.

    She's a super smart girl and there's a part of me that hopes this was a well-devised plan to get herself taken out of the Jackson home to live a (more) normal life with her mother.

    1. Some people make choices then decide they made a mistake when the damage has been done. Some people also don't think clearly in times of distress. Whatever demons she is fighting, I really hope things look up for her soon.

      I read the TMZ article earlier and between that and publicizing that Conrad Murray reached out to her - I am just over that site. Tacky people reporting "headlines" over there.

  18. Anonymous7:05 AM

    I agree with your sentiments Enty. The things that she hears and goes through daily none of us can probably imagine. I'm sure she hears it all. Plus, getting through being a teenager is tough enough. TMZ and Harvey Levin should get some kind of repurcussions for saying such horrible things about this poor kid.

  19. A child that would cut herself with a meat cleaver will switch to a razor blade when problems become even more stressful later in life. I hope TMZ offices burn down or fall into a sinkhole. Fuck those people.

  20. As someone who struggled with serious depression and self mutilation in my teens, I really feel for her. She seems like a sweet, free spirited kid. I truly hope she gets proper psychologic help. I did, and I have not cut myself since my early twenties and aside from post partum depression after my daughter was born a few months ago, I am doing well. Poor kid, there is so much more life to live and it's gets so much better!

  21. It can't be easy living with her uncles or dealing with her aunts and grandmother who view Paris and her brothers as nothing more than an ATM. Sure I love you honey--but show me the money first.

  22. This situation is so sad. And judging by her recent YouTube stuff something is really wrong here. Heaven knows
    what is going on in her life. The gossip here is very destructive to a child. It does need to stop.

  23. Even Piers Morgan covered the story last night. Which really bothered me. He was dissecting the story with an entertainment reporter as if Paris she wasn't even a person. It was really in poor taste the way they talked about her. This isn't news it's a side show carnival and shame on reputable news sources for covering it.

  24. Most suicidal people don't want to die. In the film The Bridge, someone who survived the jump said that the second they leapt, they regretted it.

    They're seeking compassion. I hope Paris gets it from somewhere outside of those leeches around her.

    Where's Diana? I thought Michael made it clear he only trusted her to take care of his children.

    1. @Dewie, Um, I kinda believe that the one's who put a bullet through their face really do wanna die. That's prob a 99.9% success. Just ask my daughter's uncle. Oh, wait...

  25. I stopped looking at TMZ a long time ago. They suck.

  26. Wow. Okay this is what is going to finally get me to stop clicking on TMZ. That is despicable. How dare they. Paris never chose this life and it is painfully obvious to anybody who pays the slightest bit of attention that Michael's poor children are being put through the ringer and who knows what their life was like before Michael even died. So sad, TMZ needs to stop.

  27. Her dead father was a drug addicted pedophile who *purchased* three children. Her biological mom sold her to the drug addicted pedophile, and is now on TV talking about the child's suicide attempt. Paris is left with a greedy, abusive, dysfunctional family - all trying to steal her inheritance. Of course she wants to die. What a savage, fucked up world she was born into! Perhaps the hospital social workers/care givers will intervene, get her and the older brother emancipated from this abusive, freak show life and get the youngest out of the "home" too. Let them go live in anonymity somewhere with people who will finally protect them and their money. My heart breaks for all three of those kids - we do not choose our family and theirs is just the worst - fucked from the get go with those people.

  28. Am I the only one who's really uncomfortable with the media coverage on this story?

    I'm not even talking about the tabs/gossip bloggers. I'm taking about the mainstream news. A young kid tried to take her own life, or at the very least, she's battling some pretty heavy demons. Exploiting that just feels like a whole new level of scummy. This level of media attention can only do damage.

  29. I believe most posters here are very cool and don't need to watch this film to understand what suicidal tendencies are like, but we all know people who think, "Ohhhhhhhhh, they wanted attention!"

    So please, share this.

    The Bridge

  30. @Ware, I saw your comment after my most recent post and I am truly sorry for your loss. Really. I won't say any more, because what I want to think can't congeal with your experience.

    I'm a very, very sorry.

    1. Thanks @Dewie. I completely get what your saying. There are the ones who "dabble" w suicide, like in Paris' case I believe. Taking Motrin & cutting up your wrists isn't gonna get you far. Then there's the one's who show zero signs of anything being wrong & then one day their gone. Nobody will ever have the answers to why they do what they did. Just the deceased will know.

  31. Anybody with half a brain would want out of her situation. Maybe media could report on political corruption or maybe a banking scandal?? I'm sure there is plenty of corruption in government to amuse people.

  32. I submitted complaints to TMZ and the LA Sheriff's Dept, and suggest others do the same. Regardless of her intentions, she's in the hospital and took a cleaver to her arm, so there's issues. Police should be there to assist in emergency situations, not sell their shitty opinions to a shitty website. Completely disgusting imo.

    1. Great idea! I am sending one as well.

    2. Right on Onyx!
      This is why Suicide Hotlines exist, and it WORKED! Kids shouldn't think "Oh I better not call for help, more people will come down on me if I do."

  33. I think it's a stunningly stupid comment to suggest taking an ibuprofin overdose and whacking yourself with a meat cleaver is for dramatic purposes, and not a "good" (I think he meant "effective" way to kill oneself. Firstly, she's a child, not an adult with access to other means. In my ER experience, there are often several "attempts" which, without successful medical intervention, become successful. I certainly hope she doesn't suffer permanent damage, either to her nerves or tendons from the blade, or her internal organs from the Motrin. She needs medical help to address her hopelessness and lack of self determination/seeing herself as a beautiful valuable life. It's very important to get to the root causes and sort them. There are obviously some very seriously screwed up things in that family. How many persons growing up into stable, self actualized adults can be found amongst the immediate family?
    Not too damn many. I sincerely hope TJ gets Paris all the available help. I cannot see Katherine suddenly doing a better job. Her attention is all on the AEG lawsuit.
    Sorry for the rant. Kids need support and help, not this rubbish.

  34. It is obvious that she didn't want to die because no one is stupid enough to think that a meat cleaver and motrin are good ways to kill yourself. I highly doubt she is mentally retarded. That being said NONE of this is anyones business but her family's, and I truly wish this could have stayed private. Her father was a deranged child toucher and his family is disgusting. I hope she finds normalcy, I am sure that is the only thing any of those kids want.

  35. It is obvious that she didn't want to die because no one is stupid enough to think that a meat cleaver and motrin are good ways to kill yourself. I highly doubt she is mentally retarded. That being said NONE of this is anyones business but her family's, and I truly wish this could have stayed private. Her father was a deranged child toucher and his family is disgusting. I hope she finds normalcy, I am sure that is the only thing any of those kids want.

  36. I think it's irrelevant whether she really wanted to kill herself or not. She's clearly desperately unhappy. If she was just another fame whore looking for attention, she'd have gone the usual route and posted provocative selfies. In a way it's a good thing she did it this way, because now she will get professional help, unlike Amanda Bynes who there is nothing anyone can do to help.

  37. I wish they'd stop giving details of what this poor girl did to herself. This is very private, and should be kept that way.

  38. TMZ was definitely out of line. As if you damage yourself that badly just because you like the drama? Yeah, right.

    @blondegossip. Your kind of comments is what she gets on her twitter (and probably at school) every single day. Whatever else he was (and there's no proof either way) he was her father, and SHE thought he was a good guy, and she loved him. How would it feel if someone said that about someone you love?

    I hope she gets a chance to heal. Paris and her brothers are a bully's dream come true. In a world where you can get bullied for wearing the wrong brand of trousers, imagine what a bully could do with five minute's worth of googling about her family. Weeks worth of torture.

  39. That poor kid...sweetie, come on out to Boston and live with me, OK? I may be unemployed and brokeass, and you'll have to sleep on the couch in my crappy apartment, but you won't have your awful relatives around, you can go to the local public high school, and you can play with my cat when she's not being her cranky elderly self.

    Really, I just wish I could give her a big hug and tell her to hang in there... *sigh*

  40. For all of you saying Diana Ross shld get involved, shes a self absorbed alcoholic. Not gonna happen.

  41. TMZ is a cesspool. In what world are the Kardashians international treasures and Paris Jackson is an attention-seeker?

    Leave the girl alone, for pity's sake!

  42. Motrin is a mild blood thinner, as well. She probably hoped that it would knock her out and she would bleed to death quickly in her sleep. So sad. That "family rep" should be fired. No one should know this. She's a minor with a lot going on in her life, she needs peace.

  43. Ugh. Many blessings and positive energy to this child and her brothers. They truly seem like such sweet kids and they don't deserve any of the sick circus crap that they were born into. Tragic.

  44. Aspirin is what the wrestlers always used to use to thin the blood and "get good color" when blading. They say Bruiser Brody died of blood loss, after being stabbed in the locker room, because he consumed 5 aspirin in preparation for his match that night.

    I don't know how much Motrin she took, but I always heard a full bottle of Tylenol would get the job done (20-50pills). No clue if that is true or rumor.

  45. Motrin is ibuprofen and can cause kidney failure when you take too much. Tylenol is nastier, it is acetaminophen, which will cause your liver to fail if taken in excess. Death takes long to arrive (from days to months) and it is very painful.

  46. She can change her name and come live with me for FREE until she is an adult. She needs a normal childhood.

  47. I hate TMZ... bastids. This is a kid, leave her alone. She, especially, has got a lot of crap to deal with

  48. Blondegossip:

    I completely agree with everything you just said.

  49. TMZ is the trashiest site on the interweb. It's by dirtbags for dirtbags.

  50. I think TMZ and most media in general are being reckless with this story that really should be a private issue. she's a kid not a star. she's going through the hormonal teen stage without a mother and she's doing it all in public with people having wildly different opinions about a man she just saw as her father. her life completely changed when he died, not just a change of scenery, it was a monumental change. And now she is truly a part of the Jackson madness. Oh yeah, and there's the impending trial where I know she wants to defend her father but the subject matter of the case is just too much for any offspring let alone a young one. even if it were a cry for help her cries are now worldwide instead of in her inner circle.

    And to think we all though hiding the kids was crazy and wrong. Im left kind of wondering if what we saw as crazy back then was MJ being a truly great parent.

  51. Guilty or not, Mj apparently knew what effect his life would have on his kids. its truly sad when the prospect of blanketing your kids could possibly be better than the public knowing who they are.

  52. I hate to say this but I always thought Paris dug the attention she got at the funeral and other things she has done since that time has made me think this one is going to seek the limelight ruh roh. I mean Entertainment Tonight seems to feature her or her brother on a pretty regular basis. Her brother is pushing into show biz as fast as he can.

    I think if my father even if he was a surrogate father was Michael Jackson and I saw what the limelight and show biz did to him and his family I would run in the other direction.

    I have to admit my first thought was oh she looking for some attention.

    If she has some serious issues going on hopefully it is a real cry for help but we live in the age of reality TV where it seems anything is legit to get attention and some people crave it so badly they will do anything. Which is a sickness in and of itself.

    It might have been MJ's fault for making those kids live such secluded weird lives in the first place.

  53. Instead of blanketing his kids he did not have to live in LA or even the US for that matter. With the money he had he could have found a place in the world where they were safe from paparazzi and could have lived a normal life. He would have been far away from his family as well but he also would have been far away from the accommodating doctors that fed his various addictions. Which brings one back to just how good a job can a parent do when they are hyped up on so many meds. Kids are not toys or pets. Well thank god for the nannies.

    1. You're absolutely right, Mj was too addicted to the meds, among other things to leave the limelight but maybe it was the best he could hazily come up w/? And clearly those around enabled and could care less about the kids hell even Mjs nannies served up their own kids 2 him so who knows what they were doing w/ his kids.This whole situation is a cluster of crazy and just goes to show that not everyone should be able to "procreate".

  54. I don't think there's anywhere in the workd Michael H
    Jackson could live without being known. He was famous worldwide, bigger in places like Japan than here, actually. I feel for those kids. I wish that her private medical info hadn't been released. How awful and embarrassing for her.

  55. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Is this not a huge HIPPA violation on all levels?

  56. I think TMZ pull their "sources" out their asses most of the time. Perfect example of throwing stones while hiding their hands. They want to be able to say shit like that--shit they know most ppl won't agree with--so that when somebody calls them out, they can be like "we didn't say it, our sources did." that site is full of shit.

  57. Screw TMZ. The Nostalgia Critic was right in his diatribe about their skanky operation.

    As for Paris, I really feel for her. For them to say she was just doing it for attention is so low. Hell, she was all over the tabs before this for every move she made. What do you think drove her to this? Poor kid.
