Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Penelope Cruz Is The Next Bond Girl - Maybe

Shortly after Penelope Cruz gives birth she will somehow have to lose all the baby weight and get herself into shape very quickly because she is set to be the next Bond girl. Penelope will also be the oldest Bond girl ever. It is because of the timing of the whole thing that I don't know if she will do it. That is a big challenge to take on right after you give birth. Granted, it would be a great incentive to lose weight and get in shape fast, but it is also why when you see reports that she is not going to be the next Bond girl, those might be right too.


  1. I really hope not, I just can't like her. She has a really smug look.

  2. Geez, way to make it sound like she's grandma-aged. Who cares if she would be the oldest?

  3. Why would they take the chance of casting someone who is pregnant?

  4. Why would she want to be a bond girl? Is she gonna get all the fat sucked out of her via lipo?

  5. Daniel Craig loves his brunette co-stars, literally. He better watch his balls and hide the scissors from Rachel AND Javier!

    She looks like she's smuggling only a basketball, so I think her weight will not be an issue.

  6. Penelope Cruz is so beautiful that she could do it even carrying the baby weight.

    Daniel Craig will forever be hast because of the shots of him shirtless in the Bond movies. But man, from the wrong angle he looks like a baboon.

  7. hawt, not hast. !@#$ fat fingers!

  8. Getting a chance to be a walking sex toy in a movie series aimed at 12 year old boys would be worth all the effort. What little girl doesn't want to grow up to be one?

  9. I find her attractive if I don't see her mouth. I just don't get all of the love. Boring.

  10. Or her nose. Hell I don't know what it is, I just don't find her attractive

  11. Weren't Bond girls supposed to be glamourous and hot? Pene is barely a pretty horse, and a shouting/screaming hick/bumpkin.

    I hope she isn't in any Bond movie, ever.

  12. Never liked her since she was "with" TC.

  13. i agree, they could've cast better.... amber heard would be a very pretty addition to the bond female collection.

  14. I love her and I think she'd be great!

  15. So the point of this article is that she may or may not be a Bond girl. Thanks for the clarity.

  16. There's always speculation over the next actress and the production company responsible for Bond takes advantage of it to keep the franchise in the news.
    Basically any actress can ask to make some tests and they oblige. Usually, the PR for the actress contacts the press, it boosts her profile... and makes us talk about Bond.

  17. I hope she can do it, she'd make one helluva Bond girl. But I can see why she might opt out, with a new baby and all.

  18. Hate to be ageist but I think she's a little long in the tooth to be a Bond Girl.

  19. I care not one whit about Bond or his girls. Having said that, Penelope Cruz is gorgeous (if a bit snotty-looking) and even if she IS carrying an extra five pounds on her at the time of filming, she will still make a great Bond girl.

  20. i don't believe they cast a pregnant actress for a movie who will film in 9 months

  21. I think she's a good choice. My favorite in Bond films will always be Grace Jones!

  22. What is this smug look people always talk about? Penelope is absolutely stunning to me, not to mention classy. She seems like she'd be nice.

  23. I think shes gorgeous and wld do a great job.

  24. I hope YESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!
