Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Random Photos Part Four

January Jones, bone thin and looking a little worse for wear out with her mom and son.
Jennifer Lopez would like you to know how important she is, hence the rolled down window while she is on the phone.
Jeremy Piven doing press for his show in Monte Carlo.
Ke$ha forgot her pants. Well, probably didn't forget.
Kevin Federline contemplates his next 3,000 calorie meal.
Long time no see in the photos for Kate Gosselin.
Three lovely ladies. Liza Minelli, Eklaine Stritch and Bernadette Peters.
Alec Baldwin
James McAvoy with Jennifer Lawrence and Nicholas Hoult.


  1. *Elaine* Stritch.
    Funny he screwed up the easy part.

    That trio should be on top.

  2. Three people who I wish would never be photo'd again are Kate gosselin, jho and January Jones the serial mistress.

  3. jj does not look "bone thin", she looks normal.

    thank goodness kesha hired a true hairstylist

    are jennifer and nicholas back together?

  4. I agree with Libby, those 3 are all amazing. Elaine Stritch was supposed to be Dorothy on Golden Girls until Bea Arthur read for the part and got it instead. That's my trivia contribution for the day.

    I don't know much about or care much about January Jones but she does look mighty thin in that picture. When your pelvis looks like it belongs to a pre-pubescent child, it's time to lay off the laxatives and adderrall.

    I wonder if anyone ever calls out Piven's toupee. When you've been filmed bald/balding for years and then have a full head of hair, it's not like you can deny it. I freakin ADORE Joel McHale, but he's in the same boat with the Pivert in that respect. And that's the ONLY time they'll be in the same boat. Forgive me Joel!!

    1. They're hair plugs...piven admitted one to them years ago in a chicago.paper...mchales are 3.0 versions and I think look natural if u didnt remember his presurgery shave down..no one admits anything as a general rule, id expect nothing less from the dudes

  5. Go away Kate and your eight.

    So does that mean January Jones is not pregnant or too early to show?

    I really hope JLaw is not hooked on drugs.

    I'm certain Bernadette Peters' fountain of youth is somewhere in her hair.

    Love Liza but she looks like Elaine is keeping her standing. Like the minute she lets go, she will fall down.

    KFed and Rob Kardashian could have a reality show together about the two of them losing weight. No one would watch it but...oh well.

    One thing you can say about KFed, he's pretty low profile. Never hear about him not paying child support on his other children, no drunken rants, no ridiculousness, etc.

  6. Hi Ja'mie. Stritch is that weird kind of half-famous...you either don't know her or you worship her. I'm a huge Sondheim fan so, you know.

    I'm wondering, considering that huge 'food baby' pic of JJ from last week, maybe she's got morning sickness....? Or trimming down to hide it longer....? 'Til MM S6 is done filming...? squeeeek...
    (*crossing fingers*)

  7. Amazing Liza and the other two allegedly great ladies and then inmediately awful alec baldwin? That's a sucker punch. At least it is somewhat healed by J. Lawrence.

  8. J-Law


    Ho wit baby behind K-Fat

  9. Ew, Piv is nasty.

    Another one for the guys. :/ I'll pretend to bat for the other team part-time.


  10. Why are Kevin's ankles so tiny...?

  11. JJ thin as to say she's not the pregnant blind.

  12. JJ is looking thin

    I've only seen Elaine Stritch on 30 Rock and an episode of The Cosby Show and I think she's marvellous.

    Alec looks good.

    1. Ms. Stritch had her own show on Broadway eons ago. I had no idea she was still kickin'. She is legendary for being a bawdy broad with a taste for the hard stuff, and a constitution & will of iron, not to mention the mouth of a sailor. She is totally awesome.

      Bernadette Peters apparently has been sleeping inaide an amber locket, perfectly preserved and only allowed exposure to the air on performance days. What bargain has she made and where do I sign? She is light filled and dusted with fairy gold.

      Anyone who does not recognize her or Elaine Stritch instantly reveals their utter lack of sophistication. To be expected... in cettain arenas. It is MY GREAT PLEASURE to have had the honor of worshipping at the feet of these great ladies of the stage. Growing up in New York had definite advantages.

  13. I really need some gossip on Jennifer and Nicholas. I'm surprised how few gossip sites even have anything about the fact that they are together constantly.

  14. My god, Liza is completely unrecognizable. I'm horrified.

  15. I guess KFed has given up and dancing aspirations...

  16. @libby, I caught part of a documentary on Oscar Hammerstein last night and Sondheim talked about their relationship and it was pretty interesting, he was definitely ahead of his time regarding race (Showboat, South Pacific) and gave money to the Negro Congress and the Hollywood 10 when McCarthy was on his witch hunt. I'm not a huge musical fan but I don't have cable so I end up watching a lot of docs on PBS, which are 10x better than any Housewives anyway IMO. I'm sure you could easily find it, Sondheim is interviewed and featured heavily throughout.

  17. Why do so many girls go for Piven? I don't understand any sort of attraction.

  18. Please, KFed is sitting on top of Britney's money. He ain't worried about a thang.

  19. Hoult and Lawerence are probably shooting the X-men movie together. I do wonder why Mcavoy has such long hair. That's not really Prof. X-y, unless he went through a hippydippy phase.

  20. Some newly pregnant women lose weight at first and get real skinny ala Dutchess Kate.

    1. Morning sickness made me SKINNY

  21. Elaine Stritch as Jack Donaghey's mom was hilarious. She could punch his buttons. Loved them together on 30 Rock.

    1. She was AMAZING! I second this.

  22. I was just coming in to say that, Cant! They were awesomeness together. Actually, what I was going to say was:

    Eklaine Stritch played AB's mommy on 30 Rock! Oh, wait, that was ELAINE. *L*

  23. Kshit tries soooo hard to be edgy. It's not working...

  24. @Kristina, you're not seeing much about it in most places because they're shooting the X-Men sequel in Montreal together and anywhere they've gone like the Grand Prix, the other cast members have been with them, like McAvoy and Fassbender were also at the Canadian Grand Prix. They also went to a boxing match with McAvoy and a Rolling Stones concert with Jennifer's publicist, I think it was and out to lunch with Jennifer's family who Nick is friends with. So unless they're dating with supervision, I don't think anyone has any proof they're back together just yet.

  25. I find K$hit so nasty. Not sure why. Not a fan of Liza either but lurve Bernadette P and Elaine. Two classic talented dames of Broadway.

    And how wonderful has it been that we HAVEN'T seen Kate Gosselin? Another reality "star" whose 15 minutes is finally up. Now Go The Hell Away Forever.

  26. @librariantobe It seems odd to me that even if it's nothing, tabloids aren't jumping all over it. I mean, a couple of weeks back, one tabloid photoshopped a picture of Jennifer and Liam Hemsworth for their cover. Even the few gossip sites I've seen have nothing outside of pictures. Just seems odd.

  27. Love Elaine Stritch. My boyfriend took acting classes with her, and I was able to go to a few of them. She was hysterical, with the mouth of a truck driver. Every other word out of her mouth was the F bomb...or something else. She even shared a great story about Judy Garland... Judy was about to perform on stage, and tripped and hurt her ankle so badly, because she was drunk. Her ankle swelled and she was in agony, screaming at everyone. The 2nd the curtain opened, she went on stage and performed, as if nothing had happened. Walked around the stage with grace and elegance. The 2nd the curtain closed, she collapsed in agony, screaming in pain.

    Elaine said that Judy was always a professional, no matter what.

    Now-a-days, a performer would cry like a baby and would refuse to go on...like a Justin Beiber.

  28. Madonna with the Yoko Ono shades. What the what?!

    Who's the guy with the greenish track suit thing in the MacAvoy/Lawrence/Hoult pic? Just some... guy? Or am I the only one who can see him? ;)

  29. Has anyone ever seen K-Fed in any other outfit? Not a good look, makes him look like a total dork (which may not be that far from reality).

  30. I cannot STAND JHo's hair like that. Why would she let it whoosh forward like that? It looks so dorky. She has a stylist and gets itvright some of the time. But that middle part with the foo foo forward effect is just so AWFUL!!! my eyes cannot bear it!

  31. @Kristina, because it's pretty clear that they have nothing to go on except a bunch of pictures showing that they're hanging out with the rest of the X-Men cast and crew, which isn't enough to speculate anything about if they're back together or not. Unless they get caught photographed kissing or holding hands or leaving each other's hotel rooms or something like that, there's nothing new to report. Tabloids are different because they have no problems making stuff up, like the Liam story. I don't think they're get back together personally. If the reason they broke up was because the long distance relationship wasn't working out, I don't know why they'd bother giving it another try now but who knows? They are still very good friends.

  32. Second time I've seen Bernadette in these parts. And I want more. Love her to bits.
