Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Random Photos Part Four

So, what are the going to call the next Ethan Hawke/Julie Delpy movie? The Day Is Over?
This is Eddie Murphy's girlfriend.
These are Eddie Murphy's daughters. All Maxim models and within a decade of each other's ages. Nice.
Emma Roberts loves recreating Pretty Woman.
Yeah, like Anne Hathaway is really playing that guitar in the movie.
Halle Berry and Olivier Martinez in France.
Hilary Duff takes Luca out for lunch.
Isabella Cruise has found a new guy.
Meanwhile, Connor Cruise goes shopping.
Jessica Alba looks like she might have to act in this movie. I smell bomb.


  1. Connor cruise the douche. Tommy boy pulled in the reigns on Connor's partying ways and boy did he gain weight. Was he sent to some Scientology camp for misbehaving and all they fed him was food.

    1. Nah, they don't feed you at Scientology Camp.

    2. No. They do, but it's table scraps and they make you eat it out of a bucket. True story. Still, I doubt any celeb's kid would be sent to the RPF.

  2. I can't be the only one who thought that was Breckin Meyer in the photo with Isabella Cruise.

    1. No. The boy in the photo is MUCH prettier than Breckin and has an actual sparkle to him. I want one just like him. I like 'em purdy.

  3. Connor Cruise really resembles Tom Cruise...I personally think he is really Tom's blood son.

    1. @Diana G. Ditto.

    2. Too lazy to check but aren't they adopted? ps hate paps of celeb spawns.. DGAF about cruise, jolie or Willis kids.. next

    3. @Peter - Yes, Connor was adopted by Tom & Nicole but, I think he really is Tom's biological son.

  4. Who hired Jessica Alba?

  5. Im always rooting for bella. She seems like the forgotten one.

    1. @Liddy. She needs to call her mother.

  6. Halle is definitely showing now.

    Speaking of pregnancy, Kim K has been pregnant forever. Was she only about a month when Kanye announced the news at the concert? Like she had the pee stick with her in tow.

    Other celebs have announced the news and gave birth already.

    Just a mini rant.

    One of Eddie Murphy's daughters were to college with a friend of mine's daughter. She left early to pursue her modeling career. Worked in her favor.

    Not sure what movie Alba is in but I'm not interested. Go back to selling hemp diapers.

  7. @Diane G - Or as the saying goes: "Feed him long enough and he'll start to look like you."

  8. So Emma Roberts is a whore now? That didn't take long.

  9. Oh. My. God. Halle Barry got papped in France? *clutching pearls* How is that possible? We all know, because she told us repeatedly, that France is the only place celebrities are safe from photographers. There must be some kind of mistake.

    No idea what movie Alba is in, but I love the outfit.

    1. It even looks like she's cracking a smile @ the paps!!! @_@

    2. Not if they take the pics you want and when you want.. ps nice jeans, oliver. I had the same pair of lucky jeans in 1997.

  10. Why do most females want to be "pretty woman"? She was a hooker, damn it.

    I have just seen E.Murphy's daughter somewhere else and I thought she was hot. I hope she is another one not pictured there, because I may feel as a BBC anchor, Elmo, or American teacher in China. And that's not right.

    It's cool that J.Delpy/Hawke have some publicity in Greek behind them, so most people can realize that Eurocrisis is better than normal life in BRICS, or other parts of the world with better image to the public because they grow more thanks to statistical issues.

  11. That's right ! Completely forgot about the pap law.

    Or maybe they can't pap children. But since Halle is "with child"...

    Ugh. This is so confusing.

  12. Olivier wears the worst jeans

  13. Emma has been busy trying to look as much like Aunt Julia as possible, someone had been talking about a Pretty Woman remake so Emma fancies herself the obvious lead.
    Her hair went from dingy blonde to auburn, and she wore the costume for Halloween and continues to do budget shots on Instagram, but she lacks any of the charisma or charm needed to make a hooker lovable.

  14. It looks like Alba is filming a movie that's supposed to be from another era. Someone needs to tell her that people didn't do that stupid leg pose until only recently.

  15. Eddie Murphy's daughter. I'm guessing the one in white is the 24 year old. Well, hoping anyway.



  16. A remake of Pretty Woman would be terrible. Don't make it worse by throwing her niece in there.

    Halle really popped, hey?

  17. @jessie: a remake would be interesting if it was remotely realistic, unlike the original one.

  18. Count - by "realistic" do you mean that the Julia Roberts character would be played by some railed-out crack whore with most of her teeth missing and the Richard Gere character would offer to buy her a $10 rock for a beej in the front seat of his rusted-out '91 Silverado but just punch her in the face, push her out, and drive off when he's done instead?

  19. Olivier looks like Kurt Russell there.

  20. Do Duff even have a career anymore?

  21. Murphy's girlfriend looks like Heidi Klum

  22. @TygerLilly: No, we are talking rich guy in the movie. More like 8ball party girl doing incalls at a Sheraton to cover credit card and car payments. He's a mark into sport fucking, she is into the money and stability. The movie would be dealing with the bliss of the hooker/john relationship then the turmoil that ensues when it progresses past sex for cash and into a LTR.

    Many different ways you could take it, both in storyline and platform. Could be a 1hr drama for a season, then change the whore and the trick for the next season. That way no one becomes bigger than the show and asks for a ton of dough. Keep the minimum wage churn going to maximize profits. Outlining a 13 episode arc wouldn't take long. I could think up 5 different pairing dynamics to get us to syndication in a matter of minutes, but I would prefer to work in premium cable, for the sake of the sex scenes.

    My concept is date and time stamped here. Any use of it with out my expressed written consent will be met with litigation. My email is available via my profile if anyone would like to begin negotiations.

  23. @Count: Wow. You've really put some thought into this... I was just messing around!

    I think your idea would work out great for a movie, maybe not for the 1hr drama. Switching characters/actors at the end of each season to try to retain control of your project sounds plausible in theory, but I think it might be much more difficult in practice. A good portion of your demographic is going to be women and in order to make this idea work you're going to have to provide characters (and actors) they can become emotionally invested in. Finding that "sweet spot" for one season would be difficult enough, but additional seasons? You'd probably be better off just using the production dollars for soft-core porn & pick up the late-night Skinamax viewers.

    Who knows, though? I could be wrong (and probably am!). If I knew what I was doing in this field I would be making $$ in Hollywood, not just blogging @ it!

  24. Eh, took longer to type it out than think it up.

  25. Sunrise/Sunset. Starring Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawk Coming Spring 2022

  26. Anonymous12:04 PM

    their chemistry was what made it a special movie, put an alba and phillipe in there and it would flop. she was the young inexperienced, lost, tough but needy, unprotected girl, and he was the wealthy, stable, emotionally stunted father figure, rescuer. finding love and companionship, kindred souls, in each other. That never gets old. Plus the rags to riches thing is always fun, and makes for great montages. everyone likes to play with money. My fair lady, lady and the tramp, the king and I, any rags to riches love story, basically. When a good hearted person from a simple background meets someone who's heart needs work from a more upscale background, it makes for great romance and comedy. and we all live happily every after....

  27. They were shooting that scene on my street yesterday... As soon as I found out things were shut down for a movie... Really hoped it was Ryan Gosling. Wish denied. :(

  28. Am I the only one who thought that one of the girls in the pic of Eddie's daughters looked like her who-ha was hanging out of her suit? It looks like you know...her rug. Ok. I know that was a gross observation, but it startled me.
