Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Random Photos Part Two ***WARNING*** Old Man Naked Wrinkly Butt

“Let's just say I haven't heard from him since he texted me saying he was divorcing me December 31, 2011." - Katy Perry in Vogue this month.
Kristen Stewart gets her chicken wings on at Hooters.
Kate Upton is tough to recognize when she is wearing clothes.
Not wearing very many clothes is Mariah Carey while shooting her new music video in Italy.
Mila Kunis walking the streets of London. Makes me want to sing Clash songs.

Then of course there is the whole Queen thing where she and her son and grandson put on their Hogwarts robes.
You know what happens when you are a really rich old dude like Roberto Cavalli? You get your 20 something year old model girlfriend to wash your back and
your peen.


  1. Katy is so salty. She is gonna fall right off. Russell Brand ALL DAY.

    Kristen is making classic lez face right there. And I like it. Love it really. Perhaps she should play a mysterious hot 16 year old boy in her next film. I'm not joking either. She actually looks tolerable here.

  2. Mariah looks great!

    Roberto Cavalli does not.

  3. He is working that speedo.

  4. He is sexy bunny man!

  5. I was trying to scroll past those last 2 pics but my stupid phone froze! Grosssss

    Mariah, you have a nice body but its time to start wearing clothes.

    Heyyyy where are Kate Upton's boobs? They look very small here

  6. Mariah Carey > Roberto Cavalli
    any day of the week.

  7. I would have thrown up if I were that young girl. I wouldn't be able to stop it. Yuck.

  8. Lol Hogwarts robes. Old geezer dude gross put your clothes back on

  9. This is clearly a case of true love and nothing else :)

  10. Let that cavalli photo be a lesson to women everywhere. You might be a leased piece to someone like that if you don't study and make something of yourself. Where is ms Utah? She'd be perfect for him

  11. What Enty? You didn't want to show the picture where she's rinsing his crack? Looks likeall the pics today are from the DM. At least there are readers pictures in the random photos to make it inneresting.

  12. Damn Roberto Cavalli. That pic is going to make me have nightmares, or puke, or both.

  13. That photo made me want to cry. I'd rather see Henry Cavill than Roberto Cavalli!

  14. Oh, sweet Jesus! I was eating!

  15. Regarding Cavalli, that's not his girlfriend that has to be his nurse/caretaker LOL

  16. Notice how Katy Perry said she hasn't heard from him since the divorce text but never said she hasn't seen him or spoken to him.

  17. I hope that old dude puts her through the motions. I hate to think gold diggers have it easy with crusty old dudes.




  18. Mariah has never known how to dress. not sure why. would be interesting to see how she looks in clothes that are her size.

  19. I'm straight, but for the chance of inheriting a tenth of that guy's estate, I'd tongue him clean.

  20. Oh Katy, for the love of god, pls STFU!
    So immature and annoying, go hug John Mayer and stop whining about Russell.

  21. Mariah, I know Tommy Mottolla was a controlling asshole, but maybe he had some things right!! At any rate, I thought you would eventually get this need to look like a skank out of your system, but I'm losing hope...

  22. After watching the Katy perry documentary, it really gave me the sads. She really gave her all, to her tour, to him and to her fans. Flying across the globe to see him even for just 1 day and him not making the same effort. And then watching her cry before a show after talking to him and still forcing herself to go on stage. My friend met her a few years ago at warped your and said she is the sweetest and funniest person to ever meet. I think she was sold a dream, and it just didn't pan out that way.

  23. Yea, Kristen Stewart is SO not gay. She just got through telling them all of the things that also taste like chicken.

    Fun fact: Mila Kunis is Ukranian for Miniature €unt.

    Laugh all you want, but I'm sure Roberto Cavalli gets more Kunis in a week than most guys get in a lifetime. I'd do him for whatever cash he's carrying in that speedo, it's probably more than most people make all year.

    1. Tyger Lilly, she was hoping they'd taste like tuna.

    2. Slow clap for Tiger Lily. Spot on to it all!

  24. I'm more horrified by Mariah Carey's swimwear than Cavalli's bum. Plus I would love to rock a Cavalli dress.

  25. Mariah would look great if she wore clothes that fit her. Or just clothes in general- that thing looks like a child's art project gone awry.

    Katy Perry erases all sympathy points by willingly hanging out with John Mayer.

  26. Kristen Stewart and Johnny depp should date. They both wear the same shit all the time and use it as a gimmick.

  27. Oh dear god. Not enough money in the WORLD (those last two pics).

    Answer: KStew. Riddle: Find the Lesbian. Hint: She's the one "hiding" in the closet with the glass walls.

    Katy Perry's documentary was carefully edited to benefit her and manipulate her stans. I think I'm going with Russell's side of the story, sight unseen. He's a helluva lot more honest than she is.

  28. Kate Upton is not pretty in the face. But I guess everyone is too distracted by her big ol' boobies to notice.
    I couldn't gone my entire life without seeing Roberto in a swimsuit and getting his winky washed and lived a long healthy and very happy life. I think those pics took about 5 years off the life of my eyes. AUGGGGGHHHHH!

  29. Mariah looks super awesome! I'm glad that she lost all of that weight. I know how hard that is. If I had that body I would be walking around near naked too - every day. Yeah some of her clothes are somewhat raunchy but I have always liked her. I could share a bottle of champagne with her. :-)

  30. That man is old enough to was his own peepee, seriously! Ew!
    I've eaten hot wings at Hooter's, and I'm not, gay or bi. Them's some good wings. I don't get my pic taken with the girls, but I'm not Kristen Stewart, with a pack of Twitlight fans who could spit upon my food if I said no either. I still don't like her.

    Russell's chivalry makes Katy look a liiiitttle bitchy and childish. I'm thinking he plans it this way, which makes me like him even more.

  31. My eyes! MY EYES!!

    On an unrelated topic: is that the Biebs behind Queen Elizabeth?

  32. Seeing the girl with R.C. is why I lose respect for women and don't feel bad for fuckin and chuckin you throughout my teens and 20's. Why is she with him? Money right?! So I treated them like purchases. Until you ladies all get it together, this will continue to happen.

  33. Put some cawk to em right and it will mess their head up enough they will forget you are broke.
