Tuesday, June 04, 2013

SEAL Team Six Member Is Now A Woman

Chris Beck served for 20 years in the US Navy before retiring. Most of those years were spent as a Navy SEAL. Chris retired shortly before the raid on Osama Bin Laden. Now Chris is Kristen and has released a book about living in the Navy as a man when she wanted to be a woman. The book is called Warrior Princess. This is amazing to me. First, that she managed to keep it a secret for most of those years in such a close knit unit, and second, how much she loved her country that she was willing to live like a man for 20 years before coming out as transgender.


  1. The better question is what other seal team members was he boinking in the mean time.

  2. Whatever makes her happy.

  3. For the purposes of being accurate, "SEAL Team Six" is associated in popular vernacular, with being the unit that took out OBL. Very few people side of Navy/SEAL families would know the unit name otherwise.

    Kristen was not a part of that history, and this story is a non-starter aside from the headline grabbing attempt to make it so. Good for her in moving forward with her life, but the headline is utterly disingenuous.

  4. Good for her! I can't wait to read this.

  5. @skimpymist: I believe she's indicated that she was celibate during that period, and IIRC that kind of fraternization would not be allowed anyway, particularly not in groups such as the SEALS.

  6. Hmmm, enty did you read the entire book and the person stated that she stayed a man for love or country? I ask because there are plenty of civilians who stay the gender they are born with for even longer for personal reasons like denial.

  7. Dude looks like a lady.

  8. In addition to @Robin's points, why do you automatically assume she is sexually attracted to men, @skimpy? (I haven't read the book, so I have no idea one way or the other)

  9. This is America and is a free country. As a man he served his country honorably and now wants to live his life as a woman.

    I say thanks for your service and have a nice life.

  10. Michael, I'm assuming she waited until she was out of the military to do this because she probably would not be allowed to return to her job as a SEAL. She wanted to finish out her job, which meant doing so as a man.

  11. @JimmyPX I agree.

  12. There is a new "baddest bitch on the block".

  13. Shes gotta be one hell of a chick!!!! I wanna be her friend!!!!!!

  14. So this is one of the guys (ladies) who fucked (not literally) obl.
    Great for him/her/whatever. Congratulations, thank you, and be happy for the rest of your life.

  15. @Pip: I was simply trying to clarify if that was the reason stated or a reason that the blogger just wrote on assumption because there are plenty of people who wait years and years to transition for personal reasons and not "love of country." It's a process.

  16. The percentages of gay transgendered/cd id the same as non cd/transgendered. They sometimes change over & remain with their original, opposite sex partner.

    Kudos to her, she seems to have been born a brave warrior!

  17. Perfectly put, @JimmyPX.

  18. See, woman can do anything :)

  19. All kidding aside, I find this REMARKABLE and am in awe of her. What incredible discipline, strength and courage she showed before AND after her sex change. Bravo!

  20. Good for her, but I dont want to date a girl who can k*ck my ass and f*ck my ass.

  21. At least he/she's still alive considering the rest of the seal team six members

  22. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Good for her, I can't imagine what she's been through in her life, keeping all that in, hiding, feeling shame. Out and proud! More power to her.
